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VETS News Release: [08/01/2005]
Contact Name: Dirk Fillpot or Mike Biddle
Phone Number: 202-693-4676 or x5052
Release Number: 05-1467-NAT

Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and Training Confirmed

Combat Veteran Brings Wealth of Experience to Job

WASHINGTON—Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao announced today that the United States Senate has confirmed Charles S. (Chick) Ciccolella to be assistant secretary of labor for the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS).

“I am very pleased that the Senate has confirmed Chick Ciccolella for assistant secretary of labor for the Veterans' Employment and Training Service,” said Chao. “Chick brings to this position the insight of a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, demonstrated leadership skills, great integrity and an abiding respect and affection for the servicemen and women VETS serves. America's soldiers have an outstanding advocate in Chick.”

As assistant secretary, Ciccolella is the principal advisor to the secretary of labor for all employment and training issues relating to veterans. VETS is the agency responsible for helping veterans secure employment and protecting their rights and benefits through a variety of programs, including USERRA, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act that protects veterans, reservists and National Guard members. Last year, under Chao and Ciccolella, the Department of Labor initiated the Recovery and Employment Assistance Lifelines, or REALifelines program, that ensures wounded and injured service members and their families get the support they need to be successful and competitive as they return to the homes and lives they left in service to the country and the cause of freedom.

Prior to his confirmation, Ciccolella served as deputy assistant secretary of labor for VETS. Before coming to the Department of Labor, he served three-and-a-half years in the U.S. Senate as the chief of Operations for the Senate Sergeant at Arms and later, as the director of Information Technology Policy for the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. He also served as the deputy capitol coordinator for the Joint Congressional Inaugural Committee and helped plan the 2001 Inaugural Ceremony. Before coming to the Senate, Ciccolella served as the assistant director on the national staff of the American Legion, the nation's largest veterans' service organization.

Ciccolella spent 28 years in the United States Army from 1968 to 1996. Before leaving the Army as an infantry colonel, he was the senior military advisor for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency at the State Department. Ciccolella began his military service as an infantry lieutenant after graduation from Auburn University in 1968. Ciccolella served with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam and is a recipient of the Silver Star.

Ciccolella and his wife, Donna, make their home in Alexandria, Virginia. They have one daughter, Connie.

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