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Press Relations Office
Press Releases (Other)


--12/31/03  China - 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations
--12/31/03  U.S. Expedites Assistance to Iran Earthquake Victims
--12/30/03  U.S. Contributes an Initial $75 Million to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
--12/29/03  Food Assistance for North Korea (Taken Question)
--12/29/03  Haiti and the International Financial Institutions
--12/29/03  Haiti: Deterring Illegal Migration
--12/29/03  Pakistan: Assassination Attempt on President Musharraf
--12/29/03  Serbian Election Results
--12/29/03  South Asia: SAARC Summit (Taken Question)
--12/29/03  Sri Lanka: Deputy Secretary Armitage's Meeting With Minister for Economic Reform, Science, and Technology Milinda Moragoda
--12/29/03  U.S. Assistance to Haiti
--12/29/03  Venezuela: Meetings with Opposition Members (Taken Question)
--12/25/03  Suicide Bombing in Tel Aviv
--12/24/03  North Korea -- U.S. Food Donation
--12/24/03  Turkey and Greece Sign Natural Gas Pipeline Agreement
--12/23/03  Redesignation of Foreign Terrorist Organizations
--12/22/03  State Department Collects Donations for Toys for Tots
--12/19/03  Ambassador's Fund For Cultural Preservation Awards For 2003
--12/19/03  New OECD Environmental Standards (Revised)
--12/18/03  Redirection of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Experts
--12/18/03  Redirection of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Experts Short-term Program
--12/18/03  When was the Last Saudi Arabia Authorized Departure Lifted? (Taken Question)
--12/17/03  Proliferation Security Initiative
--12/17/03  Special Briefing and Release of 2003 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom--December 18
--12/16/03  Assassination Attempt on President Musharraf (Taken Question)
--12/16/03  Bureau of Diplomatic Security Criminal Program Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2003
--12/16/03  Reconstruction of the Kabul-Kandahar Highway
--12/16/03  Special Briefing by James Kunder Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia and the Near East, U.S. Agency for International Development
--12/16/03  Sudan: Situation in Darfur
--12/15/03  Haiti: Recent Violence
--12/15/03  Secretary Powell in Surgery
--12/15/03  Status of the Reward Payment for Uday and Qusay Hussein (Taken Question)
--12/15/03  Turkish Cypriot Election Results
--12/12/03  Assistance to Chechnya (Taken Question)
--12/12/03  Background Briefing on Diplomatic Security Criminal Program
--12/12/03  Death of the Former President of Azerbaijan
--12/12/03  Progress in Clearing Iraq's Landmine Legacy
--12/12/03  United States Congratulates Afghanistan on Eve of Constitutional Convention
--12/12/03  United States - Vietnam Sign Bilateral Counternarcotics Assistance Agreement
--12/11/03  Industry Advisory Panel of Overseas Building Operations Renewal of Charter and Announcement of Meeting-Thursday, January 15, 2004
--12/11/03  Travel Restrictions Cease for Former Senior Officials of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Taken Question)
--12/10/03  Korea - Deputy Secretary's Meeting with Lee Jong-suk
--12/10/03  Outcome of World Summit on the Information Society Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on December 10, 2003
--12/10/03  Press briefing on New OECD Environmental Standards - December 11
--12/10/03  Signing of the UN Convention Against Corruption
--12/08/03  Interagency Task Force Reviews Progress Against Trafficking in Persons - December 8
--12/08/03  Meeting of The President's Interagency Task Force On Trafficking in Persons - December 8
--12/08/03  Overseas Schools Advisory Council Meeting Thursday, January 22, 2004
--12/08/03  Third Annual U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum
--12/05/03  Arrest of Bangladeshis in Bolivia (Taken Question)
--12/05/03  Secretary Powell's Meeting with Drafters of Geneva Initiative
--12/05/03  U.S. Notes One-Year Anniversary of the Arrest of Cuban Dissident Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet
--12/05/03  U.S. and China to Sign Agreement Facilitating Cultural and Educational Exchanges
--12/05/03  U.S.-Turkey Joint Statement Reaffirming Strategic Energy Cooperation
--12/05/03  U.S.-Turkey Joint Statement on Expanding Trade and Investment
--12/05/03  U.S.-Turkey Joint Statement on Intensifying Regional Cooperation
--12/03/03  28th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
--12/03/03  Proliferation Security Initiative: Next Experts Meeting, China's Role (Taken Question}
--12/02/03  State Department to Bring Iraq National Symphony Orchestra to Washington, DC in Conjunction with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
--12/02/03  Under Secretary Paula Dobriansky to Lead U.S. Delegation to Annual Ministerial Conference of U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change
--12/02/03  World Summit on the Information Society
--12/01/03  Consultations with Georgia's Interim Government
--12/01/03  U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission
--12/01/03  World AIDS Day

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