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November 4, 2008    DOL Home > CFBCI > SHARE Network: Sharing How Access to Resources Empowers   

SHARE Network: Sharing How Access to Resources Empowers

Learn More about SHARE Network and How Your Local Area Can Get Involved


Since the Faith-Based and Community Initiative began in 2001, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has developed strategies that enable the One- Stop Career Center system to partner with faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs) to better serve Americans in need. Over the past five years, DOL's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has invested more than $44 million in pilot grants to increase "universal access" to the One- Stop system and engage FBCOs as committed and active partners in the workforce investment system.

Two pilot grants in 2002 produced important innovations enabling the One-Stop Career Center system to draw more effectively upon the unique strengths of local FBCOs. Job Service North Dakota's (JSND) Web-based Resource Directory enables referral of job-seekers to social services across the state that can help them obtain, retain, or advance in employment. In Florida, the United Way of Brevard (UWB) partnered with the Brevard Workforce Board to place "Access Points" in FBCOs in targeted low-income communities. Together, they trained the local FBCOs to help individuals conduct online job searches and use the One-Stop Center's virtual job search tools.

These two innovations were combined in 2005 when DOL launched the Sharing How Access to Resources Empowers (SHARE) Network to help states implement both "Access Points" and Web-based Resource Directory projects to expand access to workforce development services. Since 2005, DOL has trained local areas North Carolina, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio, New Mexico, Delaware, Tennessee, Kansas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Iowa and Virginia to replicate one or both of these practices and most are demonstrating successful implementation.

The Department of Labor helped states replicate the SHARE Network strategies by providing training and coaching through its SHARE Network contractors as well as a free Web-based Resource Directory to those areas that wanted one. Some areas chose to replicate Web-based Resource Directory and Access Points strategies and other areas choose to replicate one or the other.

During 2008, the Department of Labor will provide both in-person and virtual training to help additional One-Stop Career Centers replicate the Access Point model and, in some cases, Online Resource Directories.

Access Point Summary

Each FBCO that serves as an Access Point designates a volunteer or staff member to serve as a Point of Contact (POC) for the local One-Stop. The POCs are then trained by workforce system staff. The POCs help customers search for jobs using the Web-based job matching system and talent bank and make appropriate referrals to the One-Stop. POCs are also tasked with building closer working relationships with One-Stop staff to ensure that Access Point customers receive the full range of services they need to be job-ready. The POCs do not receive funding from the One-Stop system to provide Access Point services.

Value of SHARE Network Access Points: Why are state and local leaders choosing to create Access Points?

  1. Return on Investment — One-Stops are able to serve more people with fewer resources because the amount of time that Access Points spend serving customers far exceeds the amount of time it takes to train and keep in touch with each Access Point.
  2. Increase Reach — Access Points are often located in neighborhoods in which One-Stops are not easily accessible and are able to serve customers during times when the One-Stops are not open (weeknights and weekends). The Access Points are also capable of reaching demographic communities that traditionally don't utilize government services and customers who would not otherwise post resumes in the State's job matching system.
  3. Flexibility — Access Points can be used to increase the job-readiness of customers visiting the local One- Stop and/or to increase the number of alternative locations where jobseekers can access core services so that a direct One-Stop site visit is not always necessary. States can train Access Points to steer job-seekers into different service or employment options: general One-Stop visits, only measured One-Stop services (if eligible), or directly to potential job opportunities.
  4. Raise Awareness and Increase Access to the One-Stop System — States participating in SHARE Network believe that building relationships with FBCOs will increase a targeted community's knowledge, respect, and use of the One-Stop system and its Web-based tools. In particular, individuals who have the most barriers to self-sufficiency will be best served by these publicprivate partnerships.

Areas Implementing SHARE Network Access Points

Many local areas in NC, MO, MI, KS, DE, VA, AR, IA, MS, and IN as well as Buffalo, New York and Columbia, SC are replicating the Access Point model. If you are in this state and would like to make a connection to the Access Point project, please contact your local Workforce Investment Board or One-Stop Career Center ( or email with the subject line "Access Point Request" before September 30, 2008.

Value of SHARE Network Resource Directory: Why are states and local leaders choosing to replicate the Webbased Resource Directory?

  1. Consistency — Having a Web-based Resource Directory creates consistent information for One-Stop staff to use in making referrals to meet the needs of One-Stop customers.
  2. Current Information — Organizations that list themselves are responsible for updating their own information on the Web, which means that the directory is more up-to-date than static paper directories.
  3. Increasing Knowledge — The Directory is a vehicle to increase the staff's knowledge of services outside the One-Stop Career Center as well as increase other agencies' knowledge of the One-Stop System.

States implementing SHARE Network Resource Directory:

Note: The District of Columbia and Columbia, South Carolina will also roll out Resource Directory in 2008. Please email for details.

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