Logan Cave NWR | Southeast Region
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image of water

Durwin Carter
Refuge Manager

c/o Holla Bend NWR
10448 Holla Bend Road

Dardanelle, AR 72834
(479) 229-4300
FAX: (479) 229-4302
E-mail: hollabend@fws.gov


paw imprint graphic   Fact Sheet


image of a cave


image of a ranger pointing at cave entranceRefuge Facts:

  • Established: 1989.
  • Acres: 123.
  • Located in Benton County, AR.
  • Location: The refuge is located between Siloam Springs and Springdale, AR. The refuge is unstaffed and managed by Holla Bend NWR in Dardanelle, AR.
  • Logan Cave NWR is closed to all public use.

Natural History:

  • This Ozark Mountain refuge includes a limestone-solution cave formed by the underground river that flows throughout the reaches of the cave and exits at Logan Spring.
  • Water flow from the spring has been recorded at 5 million gallons per day. The spring water once supplied the Logan community, a fish hatchery, and 49 fish ponds.
  • Today, the spring forms a small stream which flows into Osage Creek.

Financial Impact of Refuge

  • Unstaffed.
  • Visitors are restricted to Service employees and other employees of state and Federal agencies for surveys and research.

Refuge Objectives:

  • The primary objectives of Logan Cave NWR are to properly administer, preserve and develop the 123-acre area for protection of a unique cave ecosystem that provides essential habitat for the two endangered species, the gray bat and the cave crayfish and one threatened species, the Ozark cavefish.

Management Tools:

  • Law enforcement.
  • Partnerships.
  • Research.

Questions and Answers

Can we go in the cave?

No. The refuge is closed to all public use for the protection of the endangered gray bat, endangered cave crayfish, threatened Ozark cavefish, and the fragile cave habitat.
Can I hunt on the refuge?
No. The refuge is closed to all public use and is too small to allow hunting without interference and endangerment to the cave and nearby residents.

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