Migratory Bird Program Field Office
Conserving the Nature of America - Southeast Region

Memphis Migratory Bird Field Office

Southeast Region Banner

Bob Ford
Supervisory Wildlife Biologist

Memphis Migratory Bird
Field Office
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The University of Memphis
South Campus
Memphis, TN 38152
Ph: 901-327.7631
Fax: 901-327.8001

The Memphis Migratory Bird Field Office assists in the development of migratory bird management plans including the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP), state implementation plans for the NAWMP, state Partners In Flight physiographic plans for land birds and specific area bird conservation plans.  We conduct biological reviews of lands proposed for acquisition for the national wildlife refuge system and assist national wildlife refuges with development of comprehensive conservation plans.

Refuges are assisted with vegetation composition surveys including utilization of the Moist Soil Management Advisor Program.  Also, to identify, develop and support research projects that will provide valuable management information for migratory birds.

A few other assistance that the Memphis Migratory Bird Field Office conducts is land bird point counts on refuges, periodic waterfowl surveys on refuges, non-game bird surveys on refuges, Wood Duck banding, Mourning Dove call count survey, December goose surveys, Mid-Winter waterfowl surveys, and Moist soil plant composition surveys to name a few. Canada Goose population data analyses are conducted for Region 4 refuges located in the Mississippi Flyway and published data as appropriate. Research is needed to find the effects of Winter water benefits to birds and agriculture, Cerulean warbler biology on refuges and Black Duck blood lead levels. Management consists of Wetland protection, restoration and enhancement. Also Grassland, Riparian, Bottomland hardwood restorations. We also provide guidance with hunting regulations development and technical assistance for migratory bird management.


Last Updated: July 11, 2008