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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants. - 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1910
• Part Title: Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• Subpart: Z
• Subpart Title: Toxic and Hazardous Substances
• Standard Number: 1910.1000 TABLE Z-1
• Title: TABLE Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants.


NOTE:  Because of the length of the table, explanatory Footnotes
applicable to all substances are given below as well as at the end of
the table.  Footnotes specific only to a limited number of substances
are also shown within the table.

 Footnote(1) The PELs are 8-hour TWAs unless otherwise noted; a (C)
designation denotes a ceiling limit.  They are to be determined from
breathing-zone air samples.

 Footnote(a) Parts of vapor or gas per million parts of contaminated
air by volume at 25 degrees C and 760 torr.

 Footnote(b) Milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air. When
entry is in this column only, the value is exact; when listed with a
ppm entry, it is approximate.

 Footnote(c) The CAS number is for information only.  Enforcement is
based on the substance name.  For an entry covering more than one
metal compound measured as the metal, the CAS number for the metal is
given - not CAS numbers for the individual compounds.

 Footnote(d) The final benzene standard in 1910.1028 applies to all
occupational exposures to benzene except in some circumstances the
distribution and sale of fuels, sealed containers and pipelines, coke
production, oil and gas drilling and production, natural gas
processing, and the percentage exclusion for liquid mixtures; for the
excepted subsegments, the benzene limits in Table Z-2 apply.  See
1910.1028 for specific circumstances.

 Footnote(e) This 8-hour TWA applies to respirable dust as measured
by a vertical elutriator cotton dust sampler or equivalent
instrument.  The time-weighted average applies to the cotton waste
processing operations of waste recycling (sorting, blending, cleaning
and willowing) and garnetting.  See also 1910.1043 for cotton dust
limits applicable to other sectors.

 Footnote(f) All inert or nuisance dusts, whether mineral,
inorganic, or organic, not listed specifically by substance name are
covered by the Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated (PNOR) limit
which is the same as the inert or nuisance dust limit of Table Z-3.

 Footnote(2) See Table Z-2.

 Footnote(3) See Table Z-3

 Footnote(4) Varies with compound.
 Footnote(5) See Table Z-2 for the exposure limits for any operations
or sectors where the exposure limits in 1910.1026 are stayed or are
otherwise not in effect.

                       |            |          |          |
                       |            |          | mg/m(3)  |   Skin
      Substance        |CAS No. (c) |ppm (a)(1)| (b)(1)   |designation
                       |            |          |          |
Acetaldehyde...........|    75-07-0 |   200    |  360     |
Acetic acid............|    64-19-7 |    10    |   25     |
Acetic anhydride.......|   108-24-7 |     5    |   20     |
Acetone................|    67-64-1 |  1000    | 2400     |
Acetonitrile...........|    75-05-8 |    40    |   70     |
2-Acetylaminofluorene; |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1014........|    53-96-3 |          |          |
Acetylene dichloride;  |            |          |          |
  see                  |            |          |          |
  1,2-Dichloroethylene.|            |          |          |
Acetylene tetrabromide.|    79-27-6 |     1    |   14     |
Acrolein...............|   107-02-8 |     0.1  |    0.25  |
Acrylamide.............|    79-06-1 | ........ |    0.3   |  X
Acrylonitrile;         |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1045........|   107-13-1 |          |          |
Aldrin.................|   309-00-2 | ........ |    0.25  |  X
Allyl alcohol..........|   107-18-6 |     2    |    5     |  X
Allyl chloride.........|   107-05-1 |     1    |    3     |
Allyl glycidyl ether...|            |          |          |
  (AGE)................|   106-92-3 | (C)10    |(C)45     |
Allyl propyl disulfide.|  2179-59-1 |     2    |   12     |
alpha-Alumina..........|  1344-28-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Aluminum Metal (as Al).|  7429-90-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
4-Aminodiphenyl;       |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1011........|    92-67-1 |          |          |
2-Aminoethanol;        |            |          |          |
  see Ethanolamine.....|            |          |          |
2-Aminopyridine........|   504-29-0 |     0.5  |    2     |
Ammonia................|  7664-41-7 |    50    |   35     |
Ammonium sulfamate.....|  7773-06-0 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
n-Amyl acetate.........|   628-63-7 |   100    |  525     |
sec-Amyl acetate.......|   626-38-0 |   125    |  650     |
Aniline and homologs...|    62-53-3 |     5    |   19     |  X
Anisidine              |            |          |          |
  (o-,p-isomers).......| 29191-52-4 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Antimony and compounds |            |          |          |
  (as Sb)..............|  7440-36-0 | ........ |    0.5   |
ANTU (alpha            |            |          |          |
  Naphthylthiourea)....|    86-88-4 | ........ |    0.3   |
Arsenic, inorganic     |            |          |          |
  compounds (as As);   |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1018........|  7440-38-2 |          |          |
Arsenic, organic       |            |          |          |
  compounds (as As)....|  7440-38-2 | ........ |    0.5   |
Arsine.................|  7784-42-1 |     0.05 |    0.2   |
Asbestos;              |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1001........|        (4) |          |          |
Azinphos-methyl........|    86-50-0 | ........ |    0.2   |  X
Barium, soluble        |            |          |          |
  compounds (as Ba)....|  7440-39-3 | ........ |    0.5   |
Barium sulfate.........|  7727-43-7 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Benomyl................| 17804-35-2 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Benzene; See 1910.1028.|    71-43-2 |          |          |
  See Table Z-2 for    |            |          |          |
   the limits          |            |          |          |
   applicable in the   |            |          |          |
   operations or       |            |          |          |
   sectors excluded    |            |          |          |
   in 1910.1028(d)     |            |          |          |
Benzidine;             |            |          |          |
  See 1910.1010........|    92-87-5 |          |          |
p-Benzoquinone;        |            |          |          |
  see Quinone.         |            |          |          |
Benzo(a)pyrene; see    |            |          |          |
  Coal tar pitch       |            |          |          |
  volatiles............|            |          |          |
Benzoyl peroxide.......|    94-36-0 | ........ |    5     |
Benzyl chloride........|   100-44-7 |     1    |    5     |
Beryllium and          |            |          |          |
  beryllium compounds  |            |          |          |
  (as Be)..............|  7440-41-7 |          |  (2)     |
Biphenyl; see Diphenyl.|            |          |          |
Bismuth telluride,     |            |          |          |
  Undoped..............|  1304-82-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Boron oxide............|  1303-86-2 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
Boron trifluoride......|  7637-07-2 |  (C)1    | (C)3     |
Bromine................|  7726-95-6 |     0.1  |    0.7   |
Bromoform..............|    75-25-2 |     0.5  |    5     |  X
Butadiene              |            |          |          |
  (1,3-Butadiene); See |            |          |          |
  29 CFR 1910.1051;    |   106-99-0 | 1 ppm/5  |          |
  29 CFR 1910.19(1)....|            | ppm STEL |          |
Butanethiol;           |            |          |          |
  see Butyl mercaptan. |            |          |          |
2-Butanone             |            |          |          |
  (Methyl ethyl ketone)|    78-93-3 |   200    |  590     |
2-Butoxyethanol........|   111-76-2 |    50    |  240     |  X
n-Butyl-acetate........|   123-86-4 |   150    |  710     |
sec-Butyl acetate......|   105-46-4 |   200    |  950     |
tert-Butyl-acetate.....|   540-88-5 |   200    |  950     |
n-Butyl alcohol........|    71-36-3 |   100    |  300     |
sec-Butyl alcohol......|    78-92-2 |   150    |  450     |
tert-Butyl alcohol.....|    75-65-0 |   100    |  300     |
Butylamine.............|   109-73-9 |  (C)5    |(C)15     |  X
tert-Butyl chromate    |  1189-85-1 |          |          |
  (as CrO(3))..........|            |          |          |
  see 1910.1026        |            |          |          |
n-Butyl glycidyl ether |            |          |          |
  (BGE)................|  2426-08-6 |    50    |  270     |
Butyl mercaptan........|   109-79-5 |    10    |   35     |
p-tert-Butyltoluene....|    98-51-1 |    10    |   60     |
Cadmium (as Cd);       |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1027........|  7440-43-9 |          |          |
Calcium Carbonate......|  1317-65-3 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Calcium hydroxide......|  1305-62-0 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Calcium oxide..........|  1305-78-8 | ........ |    5     |
Calcium silicate.......|  1344-95-2 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Calcium sulfate........|  7778-18-9 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Camphor, synthetic.....|    76-22-2 | ........ |    2     |
Carbaryl (Sevin).......|    63-25-2 | ........ |    5     |
Carbon black...........|  1333-86-4 | ........ |    3.5   |
Carbon dioxide.........|   124-38-9 |  5000    | 9000     |
Carbon disulfide.......|    75-15-0 |          |  (2)     |
Carbon monoxide........|   630-08-0 |    50    |   55     |
Carbon tetrachloride...|    56-23-5 |          |  (2)     |
Cellulose..............|  9004-34-6 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Chlordane..............|    57-74-9 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Chlorinated camphene...|  8001-35-2 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Chlorinated diphenyl   |            |          |          |
  oxide................| 55720-99-5 | ........ |    0.5   |
Chlorine...............|  7782-50-5 |  (C)1    | (C)3     |
Chlorine dioxide.......| 10049-04-4 |     0.1  |    0.3   |
Chlorine trifluoride...|  7790-91-2 |  (C)0.1  | (C)0.4   |
Chloroacetaldehyde.....|   107-20-0 |  (C)1    | (C)3     |
a-Chloroacetophenone   |            |          |          |
  (Phenacyl chloride)..|   532-27-4 |     0.05 |    0.3   |
Chlorobenzene..........|   108-90-7 |    75    |  350     |
o-Chlorobenzylidene    |            |          |          |
  malononitrile........|  2698-41-1 |     0.05 |    0.4   |
Chlorobromomethane.....|    74-97-5 |   200    | 1050     |
2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene;|            |          |          |
  See beta-Chloroprene.|            |          |          |
Chlorodiphenyl         |            |          |          |
  (42% Chlorine)(PCB)..| 53469-21-9 | ........ |    1     |  X
Chlorodiphenyl         |            |          |          |
  (54% Chlorine)(PCB)..| 11097-69-1 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
1-Chloro-2,            |            |          |          |
  3-epoxypropane;      |            |          |          |
  See Epichlorohydrin. |            |          |          |
2-Chloroethanol;  See  |            |          |          |
  Ethylene chlorohydrin|            |          |          |
Chloroethylene;        |            |          |          |
  See Vinyl chloride.  |            |          |          |
Chloroform             |            |          |          |
  (Trichloromethane)...|    67-66-3 | (C)50    |(C)240    |
bis(Chloromethyl)      |            |          |          |
  ether; see 1910.1008.|   542-88-1 |          |          |
Chloromethyl methyl    |            |          |          |
  ether; see 1910.1006.|   107-30-2 |          |          |
1-Chloro-1-nitropropane|   600-25-9 |    20    |  100     |
Chloropicrin...........|    76-06-2 |     0.1  |    0.7   |
beta-Chloroprene.......|   126-99-8 |    25    |   90     |  X
2-Chloro-6             |            |          |          |
  (trichloromethyl)    |            |          |          |
  pyridine.............|  1929-82-4 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Chromic acid and       |            |          |          |
  chromates (as CrO(3))|        (4) |          |  (2)     |
Chromium (II) compounds|            |          |          |
  (as Cr)..............|  7440-47-3 | ........ |    0.5   |
Chromium (III)         |            |          |          |
  compounds (as Cr)....|  7440-47-3 | ........ |    0.5   |
Chromium (VI) compounds|            |          |          |
  See 1910.1026(5)     |            |          |          |
Chromium metal and     |            |          |          |
  insol. salts (as Cr).|  7440-47-3 | ........ |    1     |
Chrysene; see Coal tar |            |          |          |
  pitch volatiles......|            |          |          |
Clopidol...............|  2971-90-6 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Coal dust (less than   |            |          |          |
  5% SiO(2)),          |            |          |          |
  respirable fraction..|            |          |  (3)     |
Coal dust (greater than|            |          |          |
  or equal to 5%       |            |          |          |
  SiO(2)), respirable  |            |          |          |
  fraction.............|            |          |  (3)     |
Coal tar pitch         |            |          |          |
  volatiles (benzene   |            |          |          |
  soluble fraction),   |            |          |          |
  anthracene, BaP,     |            |          |          |
  phenanthrene,        |            |          |          |
  acridine, chrysene,  |            |          |          |
  pyrene...............| 65966-93-2 | ........ |    0.2   |
Cobalt metal, dust,    |            |          |          |
  and fume (as Co).....|  7440-48-4 | ........ |    0.1   |
Coke oven emissions;   |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1029........|            |          |          |
Copper.................|  7440-50-8 |          |          |
  Fume (as Cu).........|            | ........ |    0.1   |
  Dusts and mists      |            |          |          |
  (as Cu)..............|            | ........ |    1     |
Cotton dust (e),       |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1043........|            | ........ |    1     |
Crag herbicide (Sesone)|   136-78-7 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Cresol, all isomers....|  1319-77-3 |     5    |   22     |  X
Crotonaldehyde.........|   123-73-9 |     2    |    6     |
                       |  4170-30-3 |          |          |
Cumene.................|    98-82-8 |    50    |  245     |  X
  Cyanides (as CN).....|        (4) | ........ |    5     |  X
Cyclohexane............|   110-82-7 |   300    | 1050     |
Cyclohexanol...........|   108-93-0 |    50    |  200     |
Cyclohexanone..........|   108-94-1 |    50    |  200     |
Cyclohexene............|   110-83-8 |   300    | 1015     |
Cyclopentadiene........|   542-92-7 |    75    |  200     |
2,4-D (Dichlorophen-   |            |          |          |
  oxyacetic acid)......|    94-75-7 | ........ |   10     |
Decaborane.............| 17702-41-9 |     0.05 |    0.3   |  X
Demeton (Systox).......|  8065-48-3 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Diacetone alcohol      |            |          |          |
  (4-Hydroxy-4-methyl- |            |          |          |
  2-pentanone).........|   123-42-2 |    50    |  240     |
1,2-Diaminoethane;     |            |          |          |
  see Ethylenediamine..|            |          |          |
Diazomethane...........|   334-88-3 |     0.2  |    0.4   |
Diborane...............| 19287-45-7 |     0.1  |    0.1   |
  1,2-Dibromo-3-       |            |          |          |
  chloropropane (DBCP);|            |          |          |
  see 1910.1044........|    96-12-8 |          |          |
1,2-Dibromoethane; see |            |          |          |
  Ethylene dibromide...|            |          |          |
Dibutyl phosphate......|   107-66-4 |     1    |    5     |
Dibutyl phthalate......|    84-74-2 | ........ |    5     |
o-Dichlorobenzene......|    95-50-1 | (C)50    |(C)300    |
p-Dichlorobenzene......|   106-46-7 |    75    |  450     |
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine;|            |          |          |
  see 1910.1007........|    91-94-1 |          |          |
Dichlorodifluoromethane|    75-71-8 |  1000    | 4950     |
1,3-Dichloro-5,        |            |          |          |
  5-dimethyl hydantoin.|   118-52-5 | ........ |    0.2   |
Dichlorodiphenyltri-   |            |          |          |
  chloroethane (DDT)...|    50-29-3 | ........ |    1     |  X
1,1-Dichloroethane.....|    75-34-3 |   100    |  400     |
1,2-Dichloroethane; see|            |          |          |
  Ethylene dichloride..|            |          |          |
1,2-Dichloroethylene...|   540-59-0 |   200    |  790     |
Dichloroethyl ether....|   111-44-4 | (C)15    |(C)90     |  X
Dichloromethane; see   |            |          |          |
  Methylene chloride...|            |          |          |
Dichloromonofluoro-    |            |          |          |
  methane..............|    75-43-4 |  1000    | 4200     |
1,1-Dichloro-1-        |            |          |          |
  nitroethane..........|   594-72-9 | (C)10    |(C)60     |
1,2-Dichloropropane;   |            |          |          |
  see                  |            |          |          |
  Propylene dichloride.|            |          |          |
Dichlorotetrafluoro-   |            |          |          |
  ethane...............|    76-14-2 |  1000    | 7000     |
Dichlorvos (DDVP)......|    62-73-7 | ........ |    1     |  X
Dicyclopentadienyl iron|   102-54-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Dieldrin...............|    60-57-1 | ........ |    0.25  |  X
Diethylamine...........|   109-89-7 |    25    |   75     |
2-Diethylaminoethanol..|   100-37-8 |    10    |   50     |  X
Diethyl ether;         |            |          |          |
  see Ethyl ether......|            |          |          |
Difluorodibromomethane.|    75-61-6 |   100    |  860     |
Diglycidyl ether (DGE).|  2238-07-5 |  (C)0.5  | (C)2.8   |
Dihydroxybenzene;      |            |          |          |
  see Hydroquinone.....|            |          |          |
Diisobutyl ketone......|   108-83-8 |    50    |  290     |
Diisopropylamine.......|   108-18-9 |     5    |   20     |  X
4-Dimethylaminoazo-    |            |          |          |
  benzene;             |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1015........|    60-11-7 |          |          |
Dimethoxymethane;      |            |          |          |
  see Methylal.........|            |          |          |
Dimethyl acetamide.....|   127-19-5 |    10    |   35     |  X
Dimethylamine..........|   124-40-3 |    10    |   18     |
Dimethylaminobenzene;  |            |          |          |
  see Xylidine.........|            |          |          |
Dimethylaniline        |            |          |          |
  (N,N-Dimethylaniline)|   121-69-7 |     5    |   25     |  X
Dimethylbenzene;       |            |          |          |
  see Xylene...........|            |          |          |
Dimethyl-1,2-dibromo-2,|            |          |          |
  2-dichloroethyl      |            |          |          |
  phosphate............|   300-76-5 | ........ |    3     |
Dimethylformamide......|    68-12-2 |    10    |   30     |  X
2,6-Dimethyl-4-        |            |          |          |
  heptanone; see       |            |          |          |
  Diisobutyl ketone....|            |          |          |
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine..|    57-14-7 |     0.5  |    1     |  X
Dimethylphthalate......|   131-11-3 | ........ |    5     |
Dimethyl sulfate.......|    77-78-1 |     1    |    5     |  X
Dinitrobenzene         |            |          |          |
  (all isomers)........|            |          |    1     |  X
  (ortho)..............|   528-29-0 |          |          |
  (meta)...............|    99-65-0 |          |          |
  (para)...............|   100-25-4 |          |          |
Dinitro-o-cresol.......|   534-52-1 | ........ |    0.2   |  X
Dinitrotoluene.........| 25321-14-6 | ........ |    1.5   |  X
Dioxane                |            |          |          |
  (Diethylene dioxide).|   123-91-1 |   100    |  360     |  X
Diphenyl (Biphenyl)....|    92-52-4 |     0.2  |    1     |
Diphenylmethane        |            |          |          |
  diisocyanate; see    |            |          |          |
  Methylene bisphenyl  |            |          |          |
  isocyanate...........|            |          |          |
Dipropylene glycol     |            |          |          |
  methyl ether.........| 34590-94-8 |   100    |  600     |  X
Di-sec octyl phthalate |            |          |          |
  (Di-(2-ethylhexyl)   |            |          |          |
  phthalate)...........|   117-81-7 | ........ |    5     |
Emery..................| 12415-34-8 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Endrin.................|    72-20-8 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Epichlorohydrin........|   106-89-8 |     5    |   19     |  X
EPN....................|  2104-64-5 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
1,2-Epoxypropane; see  |            |          |          |
  Propylene oxide......|            |          |          |
2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol;  |            |          |          |
  see Glycidol.........|            |          |          |
Ethanethiol;  see      |            |          |          |
  Ethyl mercaptan......|            |          |          |
Ethanolamine...........|   141-43-5 |     3    |    6     |
2-Ethoxyethanol        |            |          |          |
  (Cellosolve).........|   110-80-5 |   200    |  740     |  X
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate  |            |          |          |
  (Cellosolve acetate).|   111-15-9 |   100    |  540     |  X
Ethyl acetate..........|   141-78-6 |   400    | 1400     |
Ethyl acrylate.........|   140-88-5 |    25    |  100     |  X
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol)|    64-17-5 |  1000    | 1900     |
Ethylamine.............|    75-04-7 |    10    |   18     |
Ethyl amyl ketone      |            |          |          |
  (5-Methyl-3-         |            |          |          |
  heptanone)...........|   541-85-5 |    25    |  130     |
Ethyl benzene..........|   100-41-4 |   100    |  435     |
Ethyl bromide..........|    74-96-4 |   200    |  890     |
Ethyl butyl ketone     |            |          |          |
  (3-Heptanone)........|   106-35-4 |    50    |  230     |
Ethyl chloride.........|    75-00-3 |  1000    | 2600     |
Ethyl ether............|    60-29-7 |   400    | 1200     |
Ethyl formate..........|   109-94-4 |   100    |  300     |
Ethyl mercaptan........|    75-08-1 | (C)10    |(C)25     |
Ethyl silicate.........|    78-10-4 |   100    |  850     |
Ethylene chlorohydrin..|   107-07-3 |     5    |   16     |  X
Ethylenediamine........|   107-15-3 |    10    |   25     |
Ethylene dibromide.....|   106-93-4 |          |  (2)     |
Ethylene dichloride    |            |          |          |
  (1,2-Dichloroethane).|   107-06-2 |          |  (2)     |
Ethylene glycol        |            |          |          |
  dinitrate............|   628-96-6 |  (C)0.2  | (C)1     |  X
Ethylene glycol methyl |            |          |          |
  acetate; see Methyl  |            |          |          |
  cellosolve acetate...|            |          |          |
Ethyleneimine;         |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1012........|   151-56-4 |          |          |
Ethylene oxide;        |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1047........|    75-21-8 |          |          |
Ethylidene chloride;   |            |          |          |
  see 1,1-Dichlorethane|            |          |          |
N-Ethylmorpholine......|   100-74-3 |    20    |   94     |  X
Ferbam.................| 14484-64-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
Ferrovanadium dust.....| 12604-58-9 | ........ |    1     |
Fluorides (as F).......|        (4) | ........ |    2.5   |
Fluorine...............|  7782-41-4 |     0.1  |    0.2   |
Fluorotrichloromethane |            |          |          |
  (Trichloro-          |            |          |          |
  fluoromethane).......|    75-69-4 |  1000    | 5600     |
Formaldehyde;          |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1048........|    50-00-0 |          |          |
Formic acid............|    64-18-6 |     5    |    9     |
Furfural...............|    98-01-1 |     5    |   20     |  X
Furfuryl alcohol.......|    98-00-0 |    50    |  200     |
Grain dust (oat, wheat |            |          |          |
  barley)..............| .......... | ........ |   10     |
Glycerin (mist)........|    56-81-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Glycidol...............|   556-52-5 |    50    |  150     |
Glycol monoethyl ether;|            |          |          |
  see 2-Ethoxyethanol..|            |          |          |
Graphite, natural      |            |          |          |
  respirable dust......|  7782-42-5 |          |  (3)     |
Graphite, synthetic....|            |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable Fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Guthion;               |            |          |          |
  see Azinphos methyl..|            |          |          |
Gypsum.................| 13397-24-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Hafnium................|  7440-58-6 | ........ |    0.5   |
Heptachlor.............|    76-44-8 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Heptane (n-Heptane)....|   142-82-5 |   500    | 2000     |
Hexachloroethane.......|    67-72-1 |     1    |   10     |  X
Hexachloronaphthalene..|  1335-87-1 | ........ |    0.2   |  X
n-Hexane...............|   110-54-3 |   500    | 1800     |
2-Hexanone (Methyl     |            |          |          |
  n-butyl ketone)......|   591-78-6 |   100    |  410     |
Hexone (Methyl         |            |          |          |
  isobutyl ketone).....|   108-10-1 |   100    |  410     |
sec-Hexyl acetate......|   108-84-9 |    50    |  300     |
Hydrazine..............|   302-01-2 |     1    |    1.3   |  X
Hydrogen bromide.......| 10035-10-6 |     3    |   10     |
Hydrogen chloride......|  7647-01-0 |  (C)5    | (C)7     |
Hydrogen cyanide.......|    74-90-8 |    10    |   11     |  X
Hydrogen fluoride      |            |          |          |
  (as F)...............|  7664-39-3 |          |  (2)     |
Hydrogen peroxide......|  7722-84-1 |     1    |    1.4   |
Hydrogen selenide      |            |          |          |
  (as Se)..............|  7783-07-5 |     0.05 |    0.2   |
Hydrogen sulfide.......|  7783-06-4 |          |  (2)     |
Hydroquinone...........|   123-31-9 | ........ |    2     |
Iodine.................|  7553-56-2 |  (C)0.1  | (C)1     |
Iron oxide fume........|  1309-37-1 | ........ |   10     |
Isomyl acetate.........|   123-92-2 |   100    |  525     |
Isomyl alcohol         |            |          |          |
  (primary and         |            |          |          |
  secondary)...........|   123-51-3 |   100    |  360     |
Isobutyl acetate.......|   110-19-0 |   150    |  700     |
Isobutyl alcohol.......|    78-83-1 |   100    |  300     |
Isophorone.............|    78-59-1 |    25    |  140     |
Isopropyl acetate......|   108-21-4 |   250    |  950     |
Isopropyl alcohol......|    67-63-0 |   400    |  980     |
Isopropylamine.........|    75-31-0 |     5    |   12     |
Isopropyl ether........|   108-20-3 |   500    | 2100     |
Isopropyl glycidyl     |            |          |          |
  ether (IGE)..........|  4016-14-2 |    50    |  240     |
Kaolin.................|  1332-58-7 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Ketene.................|   463-51-4 |     0.5  |    0.9   |
Lead inorganic (as Pb);|            |          |          |
  see 1910.1025........|  7439-92-1 |          |          |
Limestone..............|  1317-65-3 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Lindane................|    58-89-9 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Lithium hydride........|  7580-67-8 | ........ |    0.025 |
L.P.G. (Liquified      |            |          |          |
  petroleum gas).......| 68476-85-7 |  1000    | 1800     |
Magnesite..............|   546-93-0 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Magnesium oxide fume...|  1309-48-4 |          |          |
  Total Particulate....|            | ........ |   15     |
Malathion..............|   121-75-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |  X
Maleic anhydride.......|   108-31-6 |     0.25 |    1     |
Manganese compounds    |            |          |          |
  (as Mn)..............|  7439-96-5 | ........ | (C)5     |
Manganese fume (as Mn).|  7439-96-5 | ........ | (C)5     |
Marble.................|  1317-65-3 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Mercury (aryl and      |            |          |          |
  inorganic)(as Hg)....|  7439-97-6 |          |  (2)     |
Mercury (organo) alkyl |            |          |          |
  compounds (as Hg)....|  7439-97-6 |          |  (2)     |
Mercury (vapor) (as Hg)|  7439-97-6 |          |  (2)     |
Mesityl oxide..........|   141-79-7 |    25    |  100     |
Methanethiol;          |            |          |          |
  see Methyl mercaptan.|            |          |          |
Methoxychlor...........|    72-43-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
2-Methoxyethanol;      |            |          |          |
  (Methyl cellosolve)..|   109-86-4 |    25    |   80     |  X
2-Methoxyethyl acetate |            |          |          |
  (Methyl cellosolve   |            |          |          |
  acetate).............|   110-49-6 |    25    |  120     |  X
Methyl acetate.........|    79-20-9 |   200    |  610     |
Methyl acetylene       |            |          |          |
  (Propyne)............|    74-99-7 |  1000    | 1650     |
Methyl acetylene       |            |          |          |
  propadiene mixture   |            |          |          |
  (MAPP)...............|            |  1000    | 1800     |
Methyl acrylate........|    96-33-3 |    10    |   35     |  X
Methylal               |            |          |          |
  (Dimethoxy-methane)..|   109-87-5 |  1000    | 3100     |
Methyl alcohol.........|    67-56-1 |   200    |  260     |
Methylamine............|    74-89-5 |    10    |   12     |
Methyl amyl alcohol;   |            |          |          |
  see Methyl Isobutyl  |            |          |          |
  carbinol.............|            |          |          |
Methyl n-amyl ketone...|   110-43-0 |   100    |  465     |
Methyl bromide.........|    74-83-9 | (C)20    |(C)80     |  X
Methyl butyl ketone;   |            |          |          |
  see 2-Hexanone.......|            |          |          |
Methyl cellosolve;     |            |          |          |
  see 2-Methoxyethanol.|            |          |          |
Methyl cellosolve      |            |          |          |
  acetate;             |            |          |          |
  see 2-Methoxyethyl   |            |          |          |
  acetate..............|            |          |          |
Methyl chloride........|    74-87-3 |          |  (2)     |
Methyl chloroform      |            |          |          |
  (1,1,1-Trichloro-    |            |          |          |
  ethane)..............|    71-55-6 |   350    | 1900     |
Methylcyclohexane......|   108-87-2 |   500    | 2000     |
Methylcyclohexanol.....| 25639-42-3 |   100    |  470     |
o-Methylcyclohexanone..|   583-60-8 |   100    |  460     |  X
Methylene chloride.....|    75-09-2 |          |  (2)     |
Methyl ethyl ketone    |            |          |          |
  (MEK); see 2-Butanone|            |          |          |
Methyl formate.........|   107-31-3 |   100    |  250     |
Methyl hydrazine       |            |          |          |
  (Monomethyl          |            |          |          |
  hydrazine)...........|    60-34-4 |  (C)0.2  | (C)0.35  |  X
Methyl iodide..........|    74-88-4 |     5    |   28     |  X
Methyl isoamyl ketone..|   110-12-3 |   100    |  475     |
Methyl isobutyl        |            |          |          |
  carbinol.............|   108-11-2 |    25    |  100     |  X
Methyl isobutyl ketone;|            |          |          |
  see Hexone...........|            |          |          |
Methyl isocyanate......|   624-83-9 |     0.02 |    0.05  |  X
Methyl mercaptan.......|    74-93-1 | (C)10    |(C)20     |
Methyl methacrylate....|    80-62-6 |   100    |  410     |
Methyl propyl ketone;  |            |          |          |
  see 2-Pentanone......|            |          |          |
alpha-Methyl styrene...|    98-83-9 |(C)100    |(C)480    |
Methylene bisphenyl    |            |          |          |
  isocyanate (MDI).....|   101-68-8 |  (C)0.02 | (C)0.2   |
Mica; see Silicates....|            |          |          |
Molybdenum (as Mo).....|  7439-98-7 |          |          |
  Soluble compounds....|            | ........ |    5     |
  Insoluble Compounds  |            |          |          |
    Total dust.........|            | ........ |   15     |
Monomethyl aniline.....|   100-61-8 |     2    |    9     |  X
Monomethyl hydrazine;  |            |          |          |
  see Methyl hydrazine.|            |          |          |
Morpholine.............|   110-91-8 |    20    |   70     |  X
Naphtha (Coal tar).....|  8030-30-6 |   100    |  400     |
Naphthalene............|    91-20-3 |    10    |   50     |
alpha-Naphthylamine;   |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1004........|   134-32-7 |          |          |
beta-Naphthylamine;    |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1009........|    91-59-8 |          |          |
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni)| 13463-39-3 |     0.001|    0.007 |
Nickel, metal and      |            |          |          |
  insoluble compounds  |            |          |          |
  (as Ni)..............|  7440-02-0 | ........ |    1     |
Nickel, soluble        |            |          |          |
  compounds (as Ni)....|  7440-02-0 | ........ |    1     |
Nicotine...............|    54-11-5 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Nitric acid............|  7697-37-2 |     2    |    5     |
Nitric oxide...........| 10102-43-9 |    25    |   30     |
p-Nitroaniline.........|   100-01-6 |     1    |    6     |  X
Nitrobenzene...........|    98-95-3 |     1    |    5     |  X
p-Nitrochlorobenzene...|   100-00-5 | ........ |    1     |  X
4-Nitrodiphenyl;       |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1003........|    92-93-3 |          |          |
Nitroethane............|    79-24-3 |   100    |  310     |
Nitrogen dioxide.......| 10102-44-0 |  (C)5    | (C)9     |
Nitrogen trifluoride...|  7783-54-2 |    10    |   29     |
Nitroglycerin..........|    55-63-0 |  (C)0.2  | (C)2     |  X
Nitromethane...........|    75-52-5 |   100    |  250     |
1-Nitropropane.........|   108-03-2 |    25    |   90     |
2-Nitropropane.........|    79-46-9 |    25    |   90     |
N-Nitrosodimethylamine;|            |          |          |
  see 1910.1016        |            |          |          |
Nitrotoluene           |            |          |          |
  (all isomers)........|            |     5    |   30     |  X
  o-isomer.............|    88-72-2 |          |          |
  m-isomer.............|    99-08-1 |          |          |
  p-isomer.............|    99-99-0 |          |          |
Nitrotrichloromethane; |            |          |          |
  see Chloropicrin.....|            |          |          |
Octachloronaphthalene..|  2234-13-1 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Octane.................|   111-65-9 |   500    | 2350     |
Oil mist, mineral......|  8012-95-1 | ........ |    5     |
Osmium tetroxide       |            |          |          |
  (as Os)..............| 20816-12-0 | ........ |    0.002 |
Oxalic acid............|   144-62-7 | ........ |    1     |
Oxygen difluoride......|  7783-41-7 |     0.05 |    0.1   |
Ozone..................| 10028-15-6 |     0.1  |    0.2   |
Paraquat, respirable   |            |          |          |
  dust.................|  4685-14-7 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
                       |  1910-42-5 |          |          |
                       |  2074-50-2 |          |          |
Parathion..............|    56-38-2 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Particulates not       |            |          |          |
  otherwise regulated  |            |          |          |
  (PNOR)(f)............|            |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
PCB; see Chlorodiphenyl|            |          |          |
  (42% and 54%         |            |          |          |
  chlorine)............|            |          |          |
Pentaborane............| 19624-22-7 |     0.005|    0.01  |
Pentachloronaphthalene.|  1321-64-8 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Pentachlorophenol......|    87-86-5 | ........ |    0.5   |  X
Pentaerythritol........|   115-77-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Pentane................|   109-66-0 |  1000    | 2950     |
2-Pentanone (Methyl    |            |          |          |
  propyl ketone).......|   107-87-9 |   200    |  700     |
Perchloroethylene      |            |          |          |
  (Tetrachloroethylene)|   127-18-4 |          |  (2)     |
Perchloromethyl        |            |          |          |
  mercaptan............|   594-42-3 |     0.1  |    0.8   |
Perchloryl fluoride....|  7616-94-6 |     3    |   13.5   |
Petroleum distillates  |            |          |          |
  (Naphtha)(Rubber     |            |          |          |
  Solvent).............|            |   500    | 2000     |
Phenol.................|   108-95-2 |     5    |   19     |  X
p-Phenylene diamine....|   106-50-3 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Phenyl ether, vapor....|   101-84-8 |     1    |    7     |
Phenyl ether-biphenyl  |            |          |          |
  mixture, vapor.......|            |     1    |    7     |
Phenylethylene;        |            |          |          |
  see Styrene..........|            |          |          |
Phenyl glycidyl ether  |            |          |          |
  (PGE)................|   122-60-1 |    10    |   60     |
Phenylhydrazine........|   100-63-0 |     5    |   22     |  X
Phosdrin (Mevinphos)...|  7786-34-7 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Phosgene (Carbonyl     |            |          |          |
  chloride)............|    75-44-5 |     0.1  |    0.4   |
Phosphine..............|  7803-51-2 |     0.3  |    0.4   |
Phosphoric acid........|  7664-38-2 | ........ |    1     |
Phosphorus (yellow)....|  7723-14-0 | ........ |    0.1   |
Phosphorus             |            |          |          |
  pentachloride........| 10026-13-8 | ........ |    1     |
Phosphorus pentasulfide|  1314-80-3 | ........ |    1     |
Phosphorus trichloride.|  7719-12-2 |     0.5  |    3     |
Phthalic anhydride.....|    85-44-9 |     2    |   12     |
Picloram...............|  1918-02-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Picric acid............|    88-89-1 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
Pindone (2-Pivalyl-1,  |            |          |          |
  3-indandione)........|    83-26-1 | ........ |    0.1   |
Plaster of paris.......| 26499-65-0 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Platinum (as Pt).......|  7440-06-4 |          |          |
  Metal................|            | ........ | ........ |
  Soluble Salts........|            | ........ |    0.002 |
Portland cement........| 65997-15-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Propane................|    74-98-6 |  1000    | 1800     |
beta-Propriolactone;   |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1013........|    57-57-8 |          |          |
n-Propyl acetate.......|   109-60-4 |   200    |  840     |
n-Propyl alcohol.......|    71-23-8 |   200    |  500     |
n-Propyl nitrate.......|   627-13-4 |    25    |  110     |
Propylene dichloride...|    78-87-5 |    75    |  350     |
Propylene imine........|    75-55-8 |     2    |    5     |  X
Propylene oxide........|    75-56-9 |   100    |  240     |
Propyne; see Methyl    |            |          |          |
  acetylene............|            |          |          |
Pyrethrum..............|  8003-34-7 | ........ |    5     |
Pyridine...............|   110-86-1 |     5    |   15     |
Quinone................|   106-51-4 |     0.1  |    0.4   |
RDX: see Cyclonite.....|            |          |          |
Rhodium (as Rh), metal |            |          |          |
  fume and insoluble   |            |          |          |
  compounds............|  7440-16-6 | ........ |    0.1   |
Rhodium (as Rh),       |            |          |          |
  soluble compounds....|  7440-16-6 | ........ |    0.001 |
Ronnel.................|   299-84-3 | ........ |   15     |
Rotenone...............|    83-79-4 | ........ |    5     |
Rouge..................|            |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Selenium compounds     |            |          |          |
  (as Se)..............|  7782-49-2 | ........ |    0.2   |
Selenium hexafluoride  |            |          |          |
  (as Se)..............|  7783-79-1 |     0.05 |    0.4   |
Silica, amorphous,     |            |          |          |
  precipitated and gel.|112926-00-8 |          |  (3)     |
Silica, amorphous,     |            |          |          |
  diatomaceous earth,  |            |          |          |
  containing less than |            |          |          |
  1% crystalline silica| 61790-53-2 |          |  (3)     |
Silica, crystalline    |            |          |          |
  cristobalite,        |            |          |          |
  respirable dust......| 14464-46-1 |          |  (3)     |
Silica, crystalline    |            |          |          |
  quartz, respirable   |            |          |          |
  dust.................| 14808-60-7 |          |  (3)     |
Silica, crystalline    |            |          |          |
  tripoli (as quartz), |            |          |          |
  respirable dust......|  1317-95-9 |          |  (3)     |
Silica, crystalline    |            |          |          |
  tridymite,           |            |          |          |
  respirable dust......| 15468-32-3 |          |  (3)     |
Silica, fused,         |            |          |          |
  respirable dust......| 60676-86-0 |          |  (3)     |
Silicates (less than 1%|            |          |          |
  crystalline silica)  |            |          |          |
  Mica (respirable     |            |          |          |
  dust)................| 12001-26-2 |          |  (3)     |
  Soapstone, total dust| .......... |          |  (3)     |
  Soapstone, respirable|            |          |          |
  dust.................| .......... |          |  (3)     |
  Talc (containing     |            |          |          |
  asbestos): use       |            |          |          |
  asbestos limit: see  |            |          |          |
  29 CFR 1910.1001.....|            |          |  (3)     |
Talc (containing no    |            |          |          |
  asbestos),           |            |          |          |
  respirable dust......| 14807-96-6 |          |  (3)     |
  Tremolite,           |            |          |          |
  asbestiform; see     |            |          |          |
  1910.1001............|            |          |          |
Silicon................|  7440-21-3 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Silicon carbide........|   409-21-2 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Silver, metal and      |            |          |          |
  soluble compounds    |            |          |          |
  (as Ag)..............|  7440-22-4 | ........ |    0.01  |
Soapstone;             |            |          |          |
  see Silicates........|            |          |          |
Sodium fluoroacetate...|    62-74-8 | ........ |    0.05  |  X
Sodium hydroxide.......|  1310-73-2 | ........ |    2     |
Starch.................|  9005-25-8 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Stibine................|  7803-52-3 |     0.1  |    0.5   |
Stoddard solvent.......|  8052-41-3 |   500    | 2900     |
Strychnine.............|    57-24-9 | ........ |    0.15  |
Styrene................|   100-42-5 |          |  (2)     |
Sucrose................|    57-50-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Sulfur dioxide.........|  7446-09-5 |     5    |   13     |
Sulfur hexafluoride....|  2551-62-4 |  1000    | 6000     |
Sulfuric acid..........|  7664-93-9 | ........ |    1     |
Sulfur monochloride....| 10025-67-9 |     1    |    6     |
Sulfur pentafluoride...|  5714-22-7 |     0.025|    0.25  |
Sulfuryl fluoride......|  2699-79-8 |     5    |   20     |
Systox;  see Demeton...|            |          |          |
2,4,5-T (2,4,5-tri-    |            |          |          |
  chlorophenoxyacetic  |            |          |          |
  acid)................|    93-76-5 | ........ |   10     |
Talc;  see Silicates...|            |          |          |
Tantalum, metal and    |            |          |          |
  oxide dust...........|  7440-25-7 | ........ |    5     |
TEDP (Sulfotep)........|  3689-24-5 | ........ |    0.2   |  X
Tellurium and          |            |          |          |
  compounds (as Te)....| 13494-80-9 | ........ |    0.1   |
Tellurium hexafluoride |            |          |          |
  (as Te)..............|  7783-80-4 |     0.02 |    0.2   |
Temephos...............|  3383-96-8 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
TEPP (Tetraethyl       |            |          |          |
  pyrophosphaate)......|   107-49-3 | ........ |    0.05  |  X
Terphenylis............| 26140-60-3 |  (C)1    | (C)9     |
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2, |            |          |          |
  2-difluoroethane.....|    76-11-9 |   500    | 4170     |
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1, |            |          |          |
  2-difluoroethane.....|    76-12-0 |   500    | 4170     |
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-   |            |          |          |
  ethane...............|    79-34-5 |     5    |   35     |  X
Tetrachoroethylene;    |            |          |          |
  see Perchloroethylene|            |          |          |
Tetrachloromethane; see|            |          |          |
  Carbon tetrachloride.|            |          |          |
Tetrachloronaphthalene.|  1335-88-2 | ........ |    2     |  X
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb)|    78-00-2 | ........ |    0.075 |  X
Tetrahydrofuran........|   109-99-9 |   200    |  590     |
Tetramethyl lead,      |            |          |          |
  (as Pb)..............|    75-74-1 | ........ |    0.075 |  X
Tetramethyl            |            |          |          |
  succinonitrile.......|  3333-52-6 |     0.5  |    3     |  X
Tetranitromethane......|   509-14-8 |     1    |    8     |
Tetryl (2,4,6-Trinitro-|            |          |          |
  phenylmethyl-        |            |          |          |
  nitramine)...........|   479-45-8 | ........ |    1.5   |  X
Thallium, soluble      |            |          |          |
  compounds (as Tl)....|  7440-28-0 | ........ |    0.1   |  X
4,4'-Thiobis(6-tert,   |            |          |          |
  Butyl-m-cresol)......|    96-69-5 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Thiram.................|   137-26-8 | ........ |    5     |
Tin, inorganic         |            |          |          |
  compounds (except    |            |          |          |
  oxides) (as Sn)......|  7440-31-5 | ........ |    2     |
Tin, organic compounds |            |          |          |
  (as Sn)..............|  7440-31-5 | ........ |    0.1   |
Titanium dioxide.......| 13463-67-7 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
Toluene................|   108-88-3 |          |  (2)     |
Toluene-2,             |            |          |          |
  4-diisocyanate (TDI).|   584-84-9 |  (C)0.02 | (C)0.14  |
o-Toluidine............|    95-53-4 |     5    |   22     |  X
Toxaphene;  see        |            |          |          |
  Chlorinated camphene.|            |          |          |
Tremolite;             |            |          |          |
  see Silicates........|            |          |          |
Tributyl phosphate.....|   126-73-8 | ........ |    5     |
1,1,1-Trichloroethane; |            |          |          |
  see Methyl chloroform|            |          |          |
1,1,2-Trichloroethane..|    79-00-5 |    10    |   45     |  X
Trichloroethylene......|    79-01-6 |          |  (2)     |
Trichloromethane;      |            |          |          |
  see Chloroform       |            |          |          |
Trichloronaphthalene...|  1321-65-9 | ........ |    5     |  X
1,2,3-Trichloropropane.|    96-18-4 |    50    |  300     |
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,   |            |          |          |
  2-trifluoroethane....|    76-13-1 |  1000    | 7600     |
Triethylamine..........|   121-44-8 |    25    |  100     |
Trifluorobromomethane..|    75-63-8 |  1000    | 6100     |
  2,4,6-Trinitrophenol;|            |          |          |
  see Picric acid......|            |          |          |
2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl-  |            |          |          |
  methyl nitramine;    |            |          |          |
  see Tetryl...........|            |          |          |
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene  |            |          |          |
  (TNT)................|   118-96-7 | ........ |    1.5   |  X
Triorthocresyl         |            |          |          |
  phosphate............|    78-30-8 | ........ |    0.1   |
Triphenyl phosphate....|   115-86-6 | ........ |    3     |
Turpentine.............|  8006-64-2 |   100    |  560     |
Uranium (as U).........|  7440-61-1 |          |          |
  Soluble compounds....|            | ........ |    0.05  |
  Insoluble compounds..|            | ........ |    0.25  |
Vanadium...............|  1314-62-1 |          |          |
  Respirable dust      |            |          |          |
  (as V2O5))...........|            | ........ | (C)0.5   |
  Fume (as V2O5).......|            | ........ | (C)0.1   |
Vegetable oil mist.....|            |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Vinyl benzene;         |            |          |          |
  see Styrene..........|            |          |          |
Vinyl chloride;        |            |          |          |
  see 1910.1017........|    75-01-4 |          |          |
Vinyl cyanide;         |            |          |          |
  see Acrylonitrile    |            |          |          |
Vinyl toluene..........| 25013-15-4 |   100    |  480     |
Warfarin...............|    81-81-2 | ........ |    0.1   |
Xylenes                |            |          |          |
  (o-, m-, p-isomers)..|  1330-20-7 |   100    |  435     |
Xylidine...............|  1300-73-8 |     5    |   25     |  X
Yttrium................|  7440-65-5 | ........ |    1     |
Zinc chloride fume.....|  7646-85-7 | ........ |    1     |
Zinc oxide fume........|  1314-13-2 | ........ |    5     |
Zinc oxide.............|  1314-13-2 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Zinc stearate..........|   557-05-1 |          |          |
  Total dust...........|            | ........ |   15     |
  Respirable fraction..|            | ........ |    5     |
Zirconium compounds    |            |          |          |
  (as Zr)..............|  7440-67-7 | ........ |    5     |

 Footnote(1) The PELs are 8-hour TWAs unless otherwise noted; a (C)
designation denotes a ceiling limit.  They are to be determined from
breathing-zone air samples.
 Footnote(a) Parts of vapor or gas per million parts of contaminated
air by volume at 25 degrees C and 760 torr.
 Footnote(b) Milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air. When
entry is in this column only, the value is exact; when listed with a
ppm entry, it is approximate.
 Footnote(c) The CAS number is for information only.  Enforcement is
based on the substance name.  For an entry covering more than one
metal compound measured as the metal, the CAS number for the metal is
given - not CAS numbers for the individual compounds.
 Footnote(d) The final benzene standard in 1910.1028 applies to all
occupational exposures to benzene except in some circumstances the
distribution and sale of fuels, sealed containers and pipelines, coke
production, oil and gas drilling and production, natural gas
processing, and the percentage exclusion for liquid mixtures; for the
excepted subsegments, the benzene limits in Table Z-2 apply.  See
1910.1028 for specific circumstances.
 Footnote(e) This 8-hour TWA applies to respirable dust as measured
by a vertical elutriator cotton dust sampler or equivalent
instrument.  The time-weighted average applies to the cotton waste
processing operations of waste recycling (sorting, blending, cleaning
and willowing) and garnetting.  See also 1910.1043 for cotton dust
limits applicable to other sectors.
 Footnote(f) All inert or nuisance dusts, whether mineral,
inorganic, or organic, not listed specifically by substance name are
covered by the Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated (PNOR) limit
which is the same as the inert or nuisance dust limit of Table Z-3.
 Footnote(2) See Table Z-2.
 Footnote(3) See Table Z-3
 Footnote(4) Varies with compound.
 Footnote(5) See Table Z-2 for the exposure limits for any operations
or sectors where the exposure limits in 1910.1026 are stayed or are
otherwise not in effect.
[54 FR 36767, Sept. 5, 1989; 54 FR 41244, Oct. 6, 1989; 55 FR 3724, Feb. 5, 1990; 55 FR 12819, Apr 6, 1990; 55 FR 19259, May 9, 1990; 55 FR 46950, Nov. 8, 1990; 57 FR 29204, July 1, 1992; 57 FR 42388, Sept. 14, 1992; 58 FR 35340, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 56746, Nov. 4, 1996; 62 FR 42018, August 4, 1997; 71 FR 10373, Feb. 28, 2006]

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