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Southeast Region US Fish & Wildlife Service header

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Click here for Mississippi Map Click here for North Carolina Map Click here for Puerto Rico & The Virgin Islands Click here for South Carolina Map Click here for Tennessee Map

Welcome Message from the Regional Director
Click here for Business Opportunities
Click for Congressional Affairs
Ecological Services
External Affairs
Click for Federal Aid
Click for US FWS Fisheries
Click for FWS Grants
Click here for Job Information
Click for Law Enforcement
Click for Learning about the Southeast Region
Click for Mapping and GIS Support
Click for Migratory Birds
Click for Southeast Region's National Wildlife Refuges
Click for Permits
Click for Press Releases
Southeast Region Publications


All publications on these pages are available as .PDF files -- PDF files can be downloaded and read using free Adobe Acrobat Reader available at

Informational Publications (by State)

Fact Sheets Fact Sheets are available for every office managed by the Southeast Region of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. These are short, concise documents designed to provide quick factual information about each office.
Maps State maps that identify elected officials, congressional district lines and locations of Fish and Wildlife Service offices.


Publications by Site

National Wildlife Refuges General brochures, hunting and fishing regulations, fact sheets and other publications
National Fish Hatcheries & Fisheries Field Offices General brochures, fact sheets and other site-specific publications
Field Offices Brochures & fact sheets for Ecological Services, Law Enforcement, Wildlife Habitat Management and other field office programs & initiatives
Atlanta Regional Office Publications developed within programs of the Southeast Region, Regional Office

Graphic for Clickable Items Click for Privacy Statement Click here for Freedom of Information Act Statement Click here for Disclaimer Statement Click here to Contact the Southeast Region Click here for Sitemap Click here for the Search Engine for US Fish and Wildlife Service Click here for the Regions in the US Fish and Wildlife Service