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Interns play a vital role in helping the National Wildlife Refuge System in preserving a national network of lands and waters for the conservation and management of the fish, wildlife, and plants of the United States for the benefit of present and future generations. Most National Wildlife Refuges in the Southeastern United States offer internships to those interested in working in the field of Natural Resource Management and/or Environmental Education. Many refuges provide housing for their interns and/or a food stipend. Most internships last between 12 and 20 weeks.

Internships offer opportunities to:

  • Gain valuable hands-on natural resource management experience.
  • Put your education to work.
  • Earn college credit (arranged through individual's academic advisor and Service personnel).
  • Gain a working knowledge of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service useful in future career decisions.

What do interns do?

An example of the types of activities interns get involved with range from:

  • Banding birds
  • Conducting fish and wildlife surveys
  • Staffing visitor centers
  • Conducting refuge tours
  • Assisting with environmental education programs for kids and adults
  • Clearing trails
  • Working with computers and other technical equipment
  • Monitoring plant communities
  • Taking pictures of the natural communities in which you work

To Qualify:

  • Applicants should be majoring in a field related to natural resources such as wildlife management, forestry, biology, zoology or environmental education.
  • Applicants should be willing to do strenuous work outdoors in extreme weather conditions.
  • Applicants must have a valid driver's license.


Refuges with Internship program information available on-line:

Not all field offices with intern programs have information online yet. To find out more about possible positions, contact:

Sherrie Jager, Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge

National Volunteer Site

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