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The following tips should be remembered when selling to the Government. They are as follows:

  1. Get to know the Fish & Wildlife Service.

  2. Obtain available information on past awards, quantities, costs and awarders.
  3. Become known to the Business Utilization and Development   Specialist (Anita Wender, 404/679-4053).
  4. Become familiar with the Commerce Business Daily where   requirements over $25,000 are published. This information is now available on the internet at:
  5. Register on the Central Contractor Registration (CCR).

    What is CCR? CCR is one central database that contains a vendor’s business and banking information. Registration will streamline the issuing of contracts and payments from all Federal agencies to their vendors, and is required of contractors doing business with the government.

    How do I register? There are 3 ways to register:

    1) Online is the preferred method of registration. The website to register or learn more about CCR is: Click on “Start New Registration”.
    2) Fax your completed CCR Worksheet to 269-961-7243
    3) Mail your CCR Worksheet to:

Department of Defense
Central Contractor Registration
74 Washington Ave. N, Suite 7
Battle Creek, MI 49017-3084
Faxing or mailing could delay your registration.

What do I need to register? A DUNS number and an e-mail address. An e-mail address is required whether you register online or not. To obtain a DUNS number online, go to or call 1-888-814-1435. A valid street address is required and vendors cannot use a post office box or c/o. The street address in CCR must match the address at Dun and Bradstreet. After registering, you will be emailed a Trading Partner Identification Number (TPIN). To receive your TPIN by mail, rather than e-mail, you must specifically request this online or call the CCR Assistance Center at 1-888-227-2423. You will need your DUNS and your TPIN to access CCR in the future. After you are successfully registered, you will need to renew annually.

What do I need to renew? Renewing gives you the opportunity to verify all your information is correct and nothing has changed in the past year. You may change any information whenever you want by using your DUNS and TPIN to access your registration. Examples of what you might change are your business address if you move or your account information if you change banks. You can also update your annual revenue.

What if I forget to renew? Thirty days prior to the expiration of your registration you will receive an e-mail notice reminding you to renew. If you previously requested your TPIN by mail, the renewal notice will also be sent by mail.

Why do I have to enter my annual revenue? An entry in this field is mandatory.

Why is an e-mail address a requirement? Online registration with e-mail notification is the preferred method; therefore, CCR has made this a required field.

What if I don’t have an e-mail address? You can obtain an e-mail address from any computer (e.g. at your local library) by going to a web site that offers free e-mail accounts (e.g., or by using the e-mail address of a friend or a family member. Remember, if you do not intend to read your e-mail messages, you must specifically request to receive important information by mail (e.g. your TPIN and renewal notices).

The Role of the Business Utilization and Development Specialist is:

  1. To assist small businesses and small disadvantaged businesses, women-owned businesses in marketing their products and services to the Fish & Wildlife Service.

  2. To give information and guidance on Federal procurement procedures, including how to get a bidders list, and where there are both prime and subcontracting opportunities.
  3. To work closely with the Small Business Administration to find potential bidders from the small and disadvantaged business community.

Contracting Opportunities with Fish and Wildlife Service Include:

Professional Services

Fish and Wildlife Studies
Habitat Reclamation
Architectural and
Engineering Services
Boundary Surveys
Ecology Studies
Endangered Species Studies
Ecology of Rivers Studies
Tidal Marshes
Status Surveys
Photo Interpretation
Title Services
ADP Support Services


Maintenance and renovation of buildings, roads, water supply systems, electrical systems, etc.
Construction of major fish hatchery facilities
Construction of major wildlife refuge facilities
Construction of bridges
Land clearing
Pond rehabilitation
Sewer system
Soil borings
Well drilling/testing
Water control structures

Supplies and Equipment

Audio visual supplies
Cartographic supplies
Film processing
Hatcheries/refuge supplies
Graphic arts
ADP equipment

Research and Development

Basic and applied research in biological fields
Ecological profile development
Effects of energy production on habitats

Janitorial Services

VOICE: 404-679-4055
FAX: 404-679-4057

Anticipated procurement actions for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other bureaus of the Department of the Interior may be found at the Advance Acquisition Plan website at:

Other valuable information regarding contracting opportunities with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service can be found at our National Headquarters homepage at:

Other helpful hints for small businesses:

1. Register on the Small Business Administration Procurement Marketing and Access Network (PRO-Net). You can learn more about PRO-Net by viewing the SBA's home page at

2. Contract your local Procurement Assistance Center. The  address and contact point of the Procurement Assistance Center for your state can be found in the internet at

Bidder's Registration Form

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