U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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Tribal Colleges To Get $18 Million Under President's Fiscal Year 2003 Budget (February 11, 2002)

Secretary Paige was joined by James E. Shanley,president, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), which represents 32 Tribal Colleges and Universities across Indian Country. The Tribal College presidents honored Paige with a traditional ceremony that included drummers, singers, an honor song and the presentation of an Indian blanket. The design of the blanket is the traditional Navajo-inspired 'tree of life,' representing prosperity, health, and long life.

Secretary Paige was joined by James E. Shanley,president, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), which represents 32 Tribal Colleges and Universities across Indian Country. The Tribal College presidents honored Paige with a traditional ceremony that included drummers, singers, an honor song and the presentation of an Indian blanket. The design of the blanket is the traditional Navajo-inspired 'tree of life,' representing prosperity, health, and long life.

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Secretary Paige was joined by James E. Shanley,president, American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC), which represents 32 Tribal Colleges and Universities across Indian Country. The Tribal College presidents honored Paige with a traditional ceremony that included drummers, singers, an honor song and the presentation of an Indian blanket. The design of the blanket is the traditional Navajo-inspired "tree of life," representing prosperity, health, and long life.