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Press Statement
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
November 3, 2005

Imprisoned Iranian Journalist Akbar Ganji

Over the past week, the United States has received reports that jailed Iranian activist Akbar Ganji’s health is at serious risk. This is consistent with his wife’s charge in late October that Iranian authorities are continuing to beat Ganji, and similar non-governmental-organization reports that he was abused, even while hospitalized, following his August 2005 hunger strike.

Mr. Ganji has spent more than five years in prison due to his peaceful advocacy for free speech and democracy. His imprisonment and any inhumane treatment are serious violations of fundamental human rights.

The United States calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Akbar Ganji, as well as his immediate access to medical assistance and legal representation. Ganji is one of many courageous Iranians, like Ahmad Batebi, Hoda Saber, Taqi Rahmani, and Reza Alijani, who have challenged the clerical regime’s repressive policies and who have suffered dire consequences for their efforts to advance the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people. The United States calls on the international community to continue to press for the release of all political prisoners in Iran.


Released on November 3, 2005

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