
Signal Mountain Lodge

The Signal is Green: Third Party Certification of Environmental Best Practices
National Park Service
Grand Teton National Park Signal Mountain Lodge
Moose, Wyoming
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Left to Right: Gale Norton, Bill Butts

Left to Right: Gale Norton, Bill Butts

The Signal Mountain Lodge (Signal) is the first National Park concessioner to become a Green Seal certified lodging. (Green Seal is an exemplary third party certifier of environmentally preferable products and practices that has stringent standards and does thorough verification.) The Signal also achieved ISO 14001 certification. (The ISO 14001 is an international third party certification for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).) Stemming from these efforts the Signal received twelve positive findings identified under the National Park Service Concession Audit program. These significant environmental achievements come from over a decade of dedication to environmental excellence. Their first recycling and green procurement programs were put in place in 1991. Recently, these programs were expanded to achieve more objectives. The following are highlights of the Signal's programs. Suppliers, vendors, and contractors are notified that the Signal gives preference not only to those who sell green products, but to those who also use green products in their own operations. The "Green Dot" program educates the Signal's customers about the merits of purchasing the green products sold at the their stores. Shade grown (bird friendly) coffee and sustainably harvested fish are offered by their food services. Environmental incentives and rewards are available for all Signal employees. All of Signal's cleaning chemicals, energy and water conservation practices, and recycling programs meet Green Seal's stringent standards. The Signal Mountain Lodge exemplifies what is necessary for a Department of the Interior concessioner to achieve environmental excellence and to serve as a model partner in assisting the Department's environmental stewardship.

Accepting the Award:
Ralph Tingey,
Acting Superintendent, Grand Teton National Park
Bill Butts, Senior Vice President of Operations, Forever Resorts

Left to Right: Fran Mainella, Bill Butts, Steven Griles, Ralph Tingey

Left to Right: Fran Mainella, Bill Butts, Steven Griles, Ralph Tingey


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 10/03/08