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Remarks to Press in Tokyo

John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State
Prime Minister’s Official Residence
Tokyo, Japan
May 9, 2008

QUESTION: In your talks with the chief cabinet secretary, I imagine that the main topics included the realignment of U.S. forces and also the six-party talks. What did you discuss?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Without going into all the details of what we discussed, I would say that we had an opportunity to review the realignment issue and the importance that both sides attach to the timely implementation of those arrangements. We also had the opportunity to discuss – what was the second issue you raised?

QUESTION: North Korea.

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE:  That’s right. We talked in general terms about the status of the six-party talks and various aspects of that situation. We also discussed the importance that both of our governments attach to being supportive of the government of Afghanistan in connection with a conference that will be taking place soon in the month of June on support for Afghanistan. We talked also about the concern that both of our countries have with regard to the very serious humanitarian situation in Myanmar that is taking place at the moment and the willingness and eagerness of both of our governments to provide humanitarian assistance. And then lastly we had a very brief discussion about the state of preparations for the upcoming G-8 summit, which will be taking place in Hokkaido in July. So now that is the most complete account I’ve ever given of a discussion that I’ve had here in this building. Thank you very much.

Released on May 9, 2008

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