
Waste Prevention and Recycling Goals

DOI will endeavor to minimize the creation of solid waste through waste prevention, and recycling. DOI is committed to creating a culture of waste awareness in all DOI employees who then are motivated to take actions to avoid the generation of waste. Waste not generated is difficult to measure, and, thus, is not included in the goals below. The Department seeks to capture associated benefits from these activities, including: reduced use of landfill space; lower landfill tipping expenses; reuse of valuable commodities; reduced energy consumption; and reduced greenhouse-gas emissions. Specifically, DOI will:

  • Divert solid waste from disposal in landfills through recycling at the rate of 40% by the year 2000, 45% by year 2005, and 50% by year 2010. Individual bureau facilities goals must meet applicable state requirements, summarized in Appendix B, if higher . (Note: No base year is required for diversion rate calculation, see Tracking Goals section below.)
  • Recycle the following commodities at all facilities unless significant barriers exist (e.g., lack of markets, cost):


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 08/7/08