Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 2/5/98

Series: Environmental Quality Programs

Part 515: Environmental Management

Chapter 3: Recycling Programs

Originating Office: Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance

515 DM 3

3.1 Purpose. This chapter provides Departmental policy, responsibilities, and functions regarding the many different recycling initiatives that have been, or that will be started in bureaus and offices throughout the Department.

3.2 Scope. The responsibilities and requirements for recycling programs are Departmentwide.

3.3 Authorities. Pollution Prevention Act, Public Law 104-52, Section 608, Executive Order 12856, Executive Order 12873, and Departmental Manual Part 518 DM 1 and 2.

3.4 Policy. It is Departmental policy that each bureau and office shall develop, implement, and conduct a thorough recycling program in order to:

A. Assure compliance with the spirit and intention of applicable Federal, State, and local recycling requirements and provisions.

B. Promote sound environmental practices by preventing pollution and recovering resources through recycling.

C. Educate and monitor for recycling participation at all activities (including contractors, concessionaires, etc.).

D. Identify and assign recycling responsibility.

3.5 Program Criteria.

A. Recycling programs shall be constituted in the most inclusive manner practicable allowing for maximum employee participation and collection of the widest number of resources.

B. Proceeds (funds) received from bureau or office recycling programs must be expended consistent with Public Law 104-52, Section 608 or other related legislation that succeeds this Public Law. Section 608 states that funds may be used for the following purposes:

(1) Acquisition, waste reduction and prevention and recycling programs as described in Executive Order 12873 (October 20, 1993), including any such programs adopted prior to the effective date of the Executive Order.

(2) Other Federal agency environmental management programs, including but not limited to, the development and implementation of hazardous waste management and pollution prevention programs.

(3) Other employee programs as authorized by law or as deemed appropriate by the head of the Federal agency.

C. Proceeds from recycling programs generally fall into two categories: proceeds from General Services Administration (GSA)-managed recycling efforts where GSA contracts for, oversees and receives the proceeds for the program; and, independent bureau/office-managed programs.

(1) Bureau/Office-managed efforts. Bureaus/offices managing their own facilities or separately contracting with recycling vendors may expend recycling receipts as they see fit as long as it meets the criteria in PL 104-52, or its successors, as stated in 3.5B, above ;

(2) GSA-Managed efforts. Recycling proceeds returned to the Department from GSA-managed recycling programs shall be used in the furtherance of the Department's recycling, pollution prevention or environmental improvement efforts. The Department's Agency Environmental Executive is authorized to approve obligations of recycling proceeds from GSA-managed efforts, and to ensure that such funds are used in compliance with PL 104-52, Section 608.

(3) Allocation of funds from GSA-managed efforts. The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance will establish, and Chair, a panel of bureau/office representatives to review and recommend to the Agency Environmental Executive the approval of projects consistent with 3.5B above. Bureaus and offices participating in GSA-managed recycling programs may submit proposals to fund such projects. The source of funding for such proposals will be the proceeds from GSA-managed recycling efforts, deposited to a central account.

3.6 Responsibilities.

A. Office of the Solicitor. The Office of the Solicitor is responsible for providing legal review and guidance in implementing and complying with 515 DM 3.

B. Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget. The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, through the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance, is responsible for policy and oversight of Departmental compliance with 515 DM 3.

C. Assistant Secretaries. Assistant Secretaries are responsible for ensuring adequate program support in terms of resources and budget for the development and implementation of their bureau recycling programs.

D. Heads of Departmental Bureaus and Offices. Heads of Departmental bureaus and offices having responsibility for environmental management operations and programs under their jurisdiction will ensure that adequate resources and funding are available for the development and implementation of the recycling programs.

E. Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance. The Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance is responsible for assisting, and coordinating policy guidance and instructions to implement 515 DM 3, and for chairing a multi-bureau panel to recommend the funding of the proposals as described in 515 DM 3.5, above.

F. Agency Environmental Executive. Executive Order 12873 (October 20, 1993) requires each agency to designate an Agency Environmental Executive. For DOI, the designated Agency Environmental Executive is the Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance. The DOI Agency Environmental Executive has general program policy responsibilities for the recycling program and 515 DM 3, as described in 3.6E above.

2/5/98 #3197


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