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Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation
RF and Microwave Safety Programs

RF and Microwave Radiation safety programs are often a part of a larger radiation, or non-ionizing radiation, safety program.
  • Elements of a Comprehensive RF Protection Program: Role of RF Measurements. US DOL/OSHA Health Response Team, (1995, April 12). Outlines the elements of a comprehensive RF Protection Program and the role of RF measurements in implementing the program.
  • Radio Frequency Safety. Federal Communications Commission. Provides access to FCC rules and guidance documents related to RF safety.
  • Protection of DoD Personnel from Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation and Military Exempt Lasers. Department of Defense Instruction 6055.11, (1995, February 21), 299 KB PDF, 34 pages. Includes DoD exposure limits which closely follow ANSI C95.1-1991. Also addresses RF signs, electromagnetic pulses and RF protective clothing.
  • 2345, Evaluation and Control of Personnel Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields — 3 kHz to 300 GHz. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Standardization Agreement (STANAG).
  • ICES Annual Report 2003-2004. Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.(IEEE) International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES), 379 KB PDF, 43 pages.
 Safety and
 Health Topics
and Microwave
  Health Effects
  Hazard Locations and Solutions
  Evaluating RF
and Microwave Exposure
  RF and Microwave Safety
Content Reviewed 05/04/2005

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Page last updated: 09/19/2008