
FY 2001 Annual Report on Bureau Environmental Auditing Programs and Activities

NOV 20 2001


To:     Heads of Bureaus and Offices

From:      Willie R. Taylor, Director /signed/ Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance

Subject:     Departmental Summary of the Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report on Bureau Environmental Auditing Programs and Activities

As you are aware, environmental auditing of all Department of the Interior (DOI) facilities is required by Departmental Manual Chapter, 515 DM 2, "Environmental Auditing." In addition, 518 DM 2, "Compliance with Waste Management Requirements" addresses the commitment of DOI to comply with applicable Federal, state, and local environmental requirements.

This report entitled, "DOI Summary of the Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report on Bureau Environmental Auditing Programs and Activities," prepared by the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance is provided for your information. The purpose of this report is to provide the Department with feedback as to the progress that bureaus are making in the area of environmental auditing. The report covers Fiscal Year 2001 (FY 01) beginning October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001.

The attachment summarizes auditing data by bureau. For FY 01, a total of 522 facilities were audited of the 2,266 DOI-owned and operated facilities reported by the bureaus. In addition, several bureaus reported that they had conducted environmental audits of their facilities in prior years and a cumulative total of 1,998 facilities have been audited to date. Bureaus also reported an estimated 576 facility audits are scheduled for FY 02. For the Department as a whole, it appears that bureaus are making progress in the implementation of their environmental auditing programs.

The attachment also summarizes major audit issues identified and the costs associated with respective bureau environmental auditing programs in FY 01. The Secretary has emphasized that compliance with environmental laws and regulations remains a high priority for the Department. Therefore, Heads of DOI Bureaus and Offices must ensure that this is communicated to all bureau managers and reflected in their programs. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of DOI facility managers (e.g., area/field office managers, district managers, refuge managers, park superintendents, etc.) to ensure that corrective actions are completed within their respective facilities as a result of audit findings and to request the necessary funding through their respective budget process. Finally, bureaus are reminded that Departmental Manual Chapter, 515 DM 2(C) requires baseline environmental audits to be completed by September 8, 2002.

If you have any questions, please contact Jim Ortiz, Solid and Hazardous Materials Management Team, at (202) 208-7553.


cc: Deputy Solicitor
Assistant Secretaries
Associate Solicitor - Land & Water Resources
Compliance Branch
REO's Haz-Mat Contacts
Related Review: ER 01/761

DOI Summary of Annual Bureau Reports on Environmental Auditing Programs and Activities for FY 2001

Bureau # Owned/Operated Facilities # of Facilities Audited Cumulative Total # of Facilities Audited to Date (all years) # of Facility Audits Scheduled in FY 02
BIA 350 3 237 1
BLM 121 30 135 39
BOR 156 62 201 128
FWS 839 143 822 100
GS 414 121 294 124
NPS 384 162 306 183
OAS 2 1 3 1
DOI Total 2,266 522 1,998 576

Major Audit Issues Identified and Total Cost of Administering Bureau Environmental Auditing Programs in FY 2001

Bureau Major Audit Issues Identified Total Cost of Audit Program
BIA a. Hazardous waste management.
b. Battery and used oil disposal.
c. Spill prevention countermeasure and control (SPCC) planning.
BLM a. Operation and maintenance of drinking water systems.
b. Storage and transportation of flammable and hazardous materials.
c. Management of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, and used oil. d. Hazard specific training of employees.
BOR a..Underground storage tank remediation.
b. Management of PCB transformers.
c. SPCC planning.d. Hazardous materials labeling.
FWS a. Written hazard communications plans.
b. SPCC planning.
c. Hazardous materials storage and waste management.
GS a. Waste characterization.
b. Hazard communication.
c. Hazardous materials storage and labeling.
NPS a. Hazard communication.
b. Fuel tank management.c. Hazardous waste characterization.
d. Storage of flammable and hazardous materials.
e. SPCC planning.
OAS N/A $3,500.00
DOI Total N/A $4,610,041.00


U.S. Department of the Interior

Greening of the Interior


Last Updated on 08/7/08