
Past Lectures

September 3
Judd Patterson, Photographer, in conjunction with A Sea of Tallgrass:  the Konza Prairie exhibit, will talk about the Konza Prairie and his photography. moreMore

An Interior Museum Lecture by Judd Patterson, Nature Photographer.  Presenting a talk on his photography of the Konza Prairie in conjuction with the exhibit A See of Tallgrass: The Konza Prairie.  10 a.m. Wed Sep 3, 2008, Museum Classroom

August 6
Mary Pfaffko, DC Department of Environment, Fisheries and Wildlife Division, will talk about the DC Wildlife Action Plan, a proactive plan to conserve wildlife and habitat. moreMore

An Interior Museum Lecture by Mary Pfaffko, Wildlife Biologist for the fisheries and Wildlife Division of the District of Columbia's Dept of Environment.  Presenting a talk on DC's Wildlife Action Plan, Wed Aug 6, 2008, 10 a.m. Interior Museum Classroom


U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Museum


Last Updated on 09/04/08