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OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database
Chemical Name Search Help

The Occupational Chemical Database can be search by chemical name in two separate ways as follows:
  • Default Search: In the default search, the Exact Match field is left unchecked. In this case, when the search term is entered in the Chemical Name field, the database searches the "Chemical Name" and "Synonyms" fields of the database. Further, the search result includes any chemicals which include the search term anywhere in the field data. For example, if chlorine is entered as the search term, the result includes seven (7) chemicals. In addition to Chlorine, the results include Chlorodiphenyl (42% Chlorine) and Cyanogen Chloride. Chlorodiphenyl is included in the search result because the search term, Chlorine, is included in the "Chemical Name" field, i.e., 42% Chlorine is listed in the "Chemical Name" field within the parentheses. Cyanogen Chloride is included in the search result because the search term, Chlorine, is included in the "Synonyms" field, i.e., Chlorine Cyanide is a synonym included in the "Synonyms" field.

  • Exact Match Search: In this search, the Exact Match field is checked. In this case, when the search term is entered in the Chemical Name field, the database searches only the "Chemical Name" field of the database. Further, the search result only includes those chemicals that are an exact match of the search term. For example, if chlorine is entered as the search term and the Exact Match field is checked, the result includes one (1) chemical, Chlorine. The chemicals included in the default search result for chlorine are excluded because the exact match search result omits those chemicals whose "Chemical Name" field are not an exact match of the search term and also does not include in any chemicals based on their synonym name(s).

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