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Strategic Plan 2000-2004


The Department of the Interior's Financial Management Status Report and Strategic Plan 2000-2004 summarizes the significant accomplishments achieved in 1999 and outlines an aggressive agenda for the continued improvement of financial management within the Department over the next five years.

Over the past several years, Interior has made significant progress in improving accountability and financial management by streamlining organizations, reengineering business processes, improving customer service, and using technology to improve the efficiency and the delivery of financial information. We are proud to report that Interior received an unqualified opinion on its FY 1998 consolidated financial statements. This is the second year in a row that the Office of Inspector General has rendered an unqualified opinion on the Department's consolidated statements.

While we are pleased with our progress to date, we are very cognizant of the need to further enhance and improve our operations and program performance. This plan lays the foundation to continue our progress in the future.

Click here to download the entire report (99 pages, 1.7MB) in PDF format.

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Stewardship for America with Integrity and Excellence

U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Financial Management

Last Updated on 02/28/07