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FY 2006 PAR

FY 2006 Performance and
Accountability Report

The FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) provides important financial and performance information for the Department of the Interior (DOI).  It is DOI's principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on the stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us.  For the tenth straight year, the consolidated financial statements in this report received a clean (unqualified) opinion from an independent auditing firm.


Entire report (322 pages, 16.3 MB) & FY 2006 PAR Highlights(29 pages, 2.3 MB)

Otherwise, click on one of the report sections listed below.

Front Cover (2.7 MB) | JPG (677 KB)

Preface (10 pages, 895 KB)

Title Page
Table of Contents
Message from the Secretary
From Mission to Measurement: How to Read this Report

Part 1. Management's Discussion and Analysis (85 pages 1.8 MB)

Who We Are and What We Do
How We Performed in FY 2006
Mission Area 1 - Resource Protection
Mission Area 2 - Resource Use
Mission Area 3 - Recreation
Mission Area 4 - Serving Communities
Strategic Goal - Management Excellence
Looking to the Future
Compliance with Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Analysis of Financial Statements

Part 2. Performance Data and Analysis (58 pages, 1.1 MB)

Mission Area 1 - Resource Protection
Mission Area 2 - Resource Use
Mission Area 3 - Recreation
Mission Area 4 - Serving Communities
Strategic Goal - Management Excellence
Sample Program Evaluations

Part 3. Financial Section (139 pages, 12.2MB)

Message from the Chief Financial Officer
Principal Financial Statements
Notes to Principal Financial Statements
Required Supplementary Information
Required Supplementary Stewardship Information
Other Supplementary Information
Office of Inspector General Transmittal Letter
Independent Auditor's Report
Management Response to Independent Auditor's Report

Part 4. Appendices (23 pages, 350 KB)

Appendix A: Improper Payments Information Act
Appendix B: Summary of Major Management Challenges Facing Interior (OIG)
Appendix C: Organization Chart
Appendix D: Glossary of Acronyms

We'd Like to Hear from You (334 KB)

Back Cover (803 KB)
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Stewardship for America with Integrity and Excellence

U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Financial Management

Last Updated on 02/28/07