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 You are in: Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security > Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) > Bureau Organization 

Office of Regional Affairs (ISN/RA)


This office was formed by merging the NP Regional Affairs Office (NP/RA) and the AC Regional and Strategic Security Office (AC/RSS). Its role is to take the lead in supporting the Bureau’s work on diplomatic responses to specific bilateral and regional WMD proliferation challenges, including today’s threats posed by Iran, North Korea, and Syria. It also will develop and support strategic dialogues with India, Pakistan, China, and other key states or groups of states for which the lead role is not assigned elsewhere within ISN. This office also will be responsible for supporting efforts such as confidence building measures (CBMs) and NATO nuclear weapons and other nonproliferation dialogues. This office will coordinate closely with all ISN offices. This office will work closely with White House offices and other agencies, including the Department of Defense.

Key missions of the office include:

Middle East Nonproliferation: Officers will take the lead in coordinating WMD proliferation issues from North Africa to Iran. Key functions will include: 1) leading the development and implementation within ISN of policy formulation for proposed actions to respond to proliferation threats and concerns in the region; 2) working closely with friends and allies to implement shared nonproliferation goals and policies in the region; 3) developing and coordinating with relevant ISN and Department offices public diplomacy efforts and confidence building measures for the region; and 4) coordinating closely with the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau on regional diplomatic initiatives pertaining to strategic issues.

Asia-Pacific Nonproliferation: Officers will take the lead in coordinating WMD proliferation issues in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly as they relate to North Korea and China. Key functions will include: 1) supporting the Bureau’s role in the Six-Party Talks or other diplomatic initiatives towards North Korea; 2) developing, implementing and supporting a strategic dialogue with China, in coordination with other relevant offices within the bureau; 3) working with friends and allies to implement shared nonproliferation goals and policies in the region; 4) developing and coordinating with relevant ISN and Department offices public diplomacy efforts, and confidence building measures for the region; and 5) coordinating closely with the East Asia-Pacific Bureau on regional diplomatic initiatives pertaining to strategic issues, nonproliferation, or other international security matters.

South Asia Nonproliferation: Officers will take the lead in coordinating WMD proliferation issues in the South Asian region, particularly as they relate to India and Pakistan. Key functions will include: 1) supporting the Bureau’s role in developing and implementing civil nuclear cooperation and other diplomatic initiatives with India; 2) developing and implementing policies to address the proliferation risks posed by the activities of Pakistani and Indian entities and nuclear programs; 3) developing, implementing and supporting the strategic dialogue with both countries, in coordination with other relevant offices within ISN or other T bureaus (e.g., VCI/DS with its lead role with respect to any missile defense aspects of Indian and Pakistani nonproliferation dialogues); 4) working with friends and allies to implement shared nonproliferation goals and policies in the region; 5) developing and coordinating public diplomacy efforts, and confidence building measures for the region; and 6) working closely with the South Asia Bureau to coordinate diplomatic initiatives pertaining to security issues.

Western Hemisphere and Africa Nonproliferation: Officers will take the lead in coordinating WMD proliferation issues in Sub-Saharan Africa and in North, Central, and South America. Key functions will include: 1) leading the development and implementation within ISN of policy formulation for proposed actions to respond to proliferation threats and concerns in both regions; 2) working with friends and allies to implement shared nonproliferation goals and policies in the region; 3) developing and coordinating public diplomacy efforts, and confidence building measures for the region; and 4) working closely with the Bureaus of Western Hemisphere Affairs and African Affairs to coordinate diplomatic initiatives pertaining to strategic issues.

NATO Nuclear Weapons and Nonproliferation Policy and Coordination with Russia and the FSU: Officers will take the lead in coordinating nonproliferation and nuclear weapons dialogues with NATO, and (except with regard to Presidential Nuclear Initiatives [PNIs]) with Russia and the newly-independent states (NIS) of the former Soviet Union. Key functions will include: 1) developing nuclear weapons and WMD nonproliferation policies, plans, and programs, including the Weapons of Mass Destruction Initiative; 2) developing, implementing and coordinating USG policies related to nonproliferation activities and initiatives in coordination with and throughout Europe, including the European Union, Russia/NIS states, NATO, including NATO nonproliferation and disarmament consultations, and the OSCE; 3) working closely with the ISN CTR office (with its lead role for implementation and programmatic aspects of Russia and NIS nonproliferation relationships) and the Bureau of European Affairs to develop regional initiatives pertaining to strategic issues and carrying out bilateral and multilateral strategic dialogues; and 4) developing and coordinating public diplomacy efforts in these regards. Additionally, the office will be the ISN Bureau’s point of contact with regard to space and missile-defense policy issues led by other offices within the T family.

Director: Robert Witajewski

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