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Regional Offices - Albuquerque

bulletGeneral Information
bulletPrincipal Program Areas

General Information

Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
U.S. Department of the Interior
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 26567 (MC-9)
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125-6567
Street Address:
1001 Indian School Road, NW, Suite 348
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
Phone: (505) 563-3572
Fax: (505) 563-3066
Cell: (505) 249-2462
States: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX


Name/Email Title
Stephen Spencer
Regional Environmental Officer
Chip Demarest
NRDAR Regional Coordinator (Oakland) As of 10/01/08, this position resides in the Department's NRDAR Program Office. Contact information remains the same.
  • Department of the Interior NRDAR Program Office
  • Shirley Martinez
    Regional Environmental Protection Assistant

    Principal Program Areas

    Principal program areas of the Regional Office include:

    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

    The Office assures compliance with NEPA through review of environmental documents and by providing environmental compliance consultation with bureaus.

    Federal Project Reviews

    The Office manages the Department's technical and policy reviews of the environmental and natural resource aspects of non-Interior projects and proposals through NEPA, FERC, and other environmental reviews in Region VI.

    Emergency Response

    The Office coordinates, provides leadership for, and promotes consistency in the Department's responses to incidents affecting natural and cultural resources and historic properties, lands and facilities under the Department's jurisdiction during and following oil discharges, hazardous substance releases, and natural disasters. This includes removals at hazardous materials sites under Superfund in Region VI and representation of the Department on the Region 6 Regional Response Team and the U.S./Mexico Inland and Gulf Joint Response Teams.

    Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration

    The Office assists in the management of the Department's responsibilities as a natural resources trustee under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, Superfund) and various oil spill liability statutes as needed to support bureau responsibilities in Region VI.

    Hazardous Materials Management

    The Office may assist headquarters office to coordinate and oversee all remedial, corrective, and management actions of the Department involving hazardous material responsibilities under a variety of Federal and State statutes.

    Staff Support to Secretary

    The Office, through the headquarters office, advises the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, and other top Departmental officials about policies, programs, and individual actions affecting natural resources and environmental quality in Region VI.

    U.S. Department of the Interior
    Office of Policy Management and Budget
    Last Updated on 10/01/08