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Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratorys (NRTL) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratorys (NRTL)
Proposed Satellite Notification and Acceptance Program (SNAP)


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is proposing a new segment of the NRTL Program called the Satellite Notification and Acceptance Program. Participation by NRTLs in the program would be voluntary. Click on the link below for the description of this proposed program and on the separate link to read the notice proposing SNAP. This new segment or option would allow NRTLs to use facilities referred to as “SNAP sites,” which they control and audit, in order to perform particular functions necessary in the NRTL’s testing and certification operations. SNAP would augment the list of options, now available to NRTLs, to use other parties to perform functions necessary for approving products. These options are called, collectively, “supplemental programs.” (See Chapter 2 of NRTL Program Directive)

Information Regarding SNAP
| Introduction | NRTLs | FAQs | Application | Fees | Regulation | Directive | Presentation | More |
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 10/01/2008