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U.S. Department of Justice
Justice Management Division

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Washington, D.C. 20530

November 26, 2002


FROM:            Joanne W. Simms
                         Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Human Resources and Administration

SUBJECT:      Submitting Requests to Grant Administrative Leave

In accordance with the Acting Assistant Attorney General for Administration's memorandum, "Proper Use of Administrative Leave," dated September 27, 2002, this provides instructions for submitting requests to grant employees administrative leave in excess of ten days or otherwise outside the parameters established in DOJ Order 1630.1B, for non-disciplinary settings.

Your request should explain the basis for placing the employee on administrative leave. If the employee is already on administrative leave, please provide the date administrative leave began. If the situation involves possible criminal conduct, you should state whether you have evidence of an indictment, arrest record, police reports, statements of witnesses, etc. When the situation involves a medical issue, provide the date for the fitness for duty (FFD) examination and the expected date you will receive the results. Please state whether there has been a suspended security clearance, restriction on carrying a firearm, or any other loss of qualification. When an investigation has been initiated, please identify which investigative office is involved (i.e., Office of Professional Responsibility, Office of the Inspector General, Office of Internal Affairs, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation), whether the matter has been referred to a U.S. Attorney's Office, and the impact on their involvement. In those situations in which a notice of proposed action has been issued, provide the date of the proposal, the date or anticipated date of the employee's response, and any factors that may delay the issuance of the decision letter. The information should also contain an identifier for the employee, preferably a name, so that a tracking system can be maintained on requests received.

Please submit such requests to me at 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 1112, Washington, DC 20530, with a cc: to the JMD Personnel Staff, DOJ Operations Group. To expedite a response, you may fax a copy of your written request to Edith Byrne, Assistant Director, DOJ Operations Group, at (202) 616-9722. If your request involves circumstances which require an immediate response, please contact me directly by telephone at (202) 514-5501.

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Page created:   November 27, 2002