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OPA Press Release:
Chao Proclaims "Doors, once closed, are now open." Labor Department Celebrates 11th Anniversary of ADA [07/26/2001]

WASHINGTON-U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao marked the 11th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act today with a special event that featured remarks from former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole, and R&B recording artist Teddy Pendergrass. They where joined at the event by Andy Imparato, President and CEO of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and Michael R. Deland Chairman of the Board of the National Organization on Disability (NOD).

"Patrons, once turned away, are now welcomed," Chao said. "Barriers, once impassible, are now leveled. Discrimination, once tolerated, is now illegal,"

"We are working to find new ways to more fully include Americans with disabilities into the mainstream of our economic and social life."

The celebration highlighted training programs for youth with disabilities, which are administered by the Labor Department's Office of Disability Employment (ODEP) and the Employment and Training Administration. ODEP, which was created as part of President Bush's New Freedom Initiative, distributed "Educational Kits" to attendees that contained information for employers on how they can integrate Americans with disabilities into the workforce.

Chao highlighted five new grant initiatives totaling over $10 million dollars to help customize services for the persons with disabilities at one stop career centers, as well as create model programs that serve the needs and interests of disabled youth.

Chao also announced that the president will host a Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities meeting during National Disability Awareness Month in October, 2001. She also announced October 24, 2001 as National Disability Mentoring Day, a cooperative effort between the Department of Labor, the Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities and the AAPD as well as the formation of the Youth Advisory Committee to the Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities.

The Youth Advisory Committee will advise the Secretary of Labor on education, transition, employment, health and rehabilitation, and independent living issues affecting young people with disabilities.

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