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Remarks after Meeting with Tunisian President Ben Ali

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Tunis, Tunisia
September 6, 2008

SECRETARY RICE: Hello. I just finished a really very good and extensive discussion with the president. Tunisia is a good friend of the United States, and has been for decades. It is a deep relationship. We have broad cooperation across a range of issues.

We have obviously discussed the circumstances here in the region, in terms of security and counter-terrorism. I was able to talk about my discussions in Libya last night.

Tunisia has taken a lead in the Arab Maghreb Union, which we believe is a useful organization for addressing all kinds of issues. And we had a discussion also of the situation in Mauritania in that regard. We talked about internal matters here, in Tunisia, about the course of reform. And I do want to say that the extraordinary role of women in Tunisia was something that I raised, that women have made great progress here. 

And we are good friends, and we can have very good and intensive discussions about internal and external matters. And that is the way that it has been. So I thank the president for taking so much time with me. It has been a very good visit. Thank you very much.


Released on September 6, 2008

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