NEH Grant Programs
           Summer Seminars and Institutes                                             Receipt deadline: March 3, 2008
 (for seminars and institues to be held in summer of 2009
The deadline for this program has passed. New guidelines will be available in Winter of 2009.  In the interim, the guidelines below can be used for reference, but should not be used to prepare an application.
Want to be a participant?
Check out the summer 2009 offerings for
school teachers and for college and university teachers.

Guideline Overview
Program Description
Award Information
How to Prepare an Application
How to Submit an Application
Application Review
Award Administration
Points of Contact
Other Information

Budget Resources
Sample Budget for seminars (1-page PDF)
Sample budget for institutes (1-page PDF)
Definitions of types of funding

Program Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
DUNS Number Requirement
Sample projects Help
Registration Checklist
Download the current version of Adobe Reader
How to Convert Documents into PDFs
Tips for Creating PDF Files in Applications FAQs Customer Support

To obtain a printed version of these
guidelines, call 202-606-8446, send an
e-mail to, or write to
NEH, Office of Public Affairs,
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20506.

Date posted: January 4, 2008

Draft proposals (optional): Program staff recommend that draft proposals be submitted four weeks before the deadline. Time constraints may prevent staff from reviewing draft proposals submitted after that date.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
(CFDA) Number: 45.163

Questions? Contact the staff of NEH's Division of Education Programs at 202-606-8463 or Hearing-impaired applicants can contact NEH via TDD at 1-866-372-2930.

Grant Program Description

These grants support national faculty development programs in the humanities for school teachers and for college and university teachers. Seminars and institutes may be as short as two weeks or as long as six weeks. The duration of a program should allow for full and thorough treatment of the topic.

Summer seminars and institutes:
  • extend and deepen knowledge and understanding of the humanities by focusing on significant topics, texts, and issues;
  • enhance the intellectual vitality and professional development of participants;
  • build a community of inquiry and provide models of excellent scholarship and teaching; and
  • promote effective links between teaching and research in the humanities.
Seminars and institutes may be hosted by colleges, universities, school systems, learned societies, centers for advanced study, libraries or other repositories, and cultural or professional organizations. The host site must be appropriate for the project, providing facilities for scholarship and collegial interaction.
Program formats
  • Seminar for school teachers—15 participants
    A seminar enables fifteen participants to explore a topic or set of readings under the guidance of a scholar with expertise in the field. Participants may, for example, examine an important text, study works of well-known authors, or review significant scholarship on an important historical period or event. The principal goals are to engage teachers in the humanities and deepen their understanding through reading, discussion, reflection, and writing in a manner that will help sustain their intellectual commitment to teaching. The director guides discussion of common readings and provides mentoring for individual study and projects.
  • Institute for school teachers—25 to 30 participants
    An institute, which is typically guided by a team of core faculty and visiting scholars, presents the best available scholarship on important humanities issues and works taught in the nation's schools. Participants may compare and synthesize the various perspectives offered by the faculty, make connections between the institute content and classroom applications, and develop new teaching materials.
  • Seminar for college and university teachers—15 participants
    A seminar enables participants with related interests to conduct scholarly research or focused study under the direction of an expert. The director designs a program of study to articulate key issues and focus discussion in seminar meetings. The director also advises participants on their individual projects.
  • Institute for college and university teachers—25 participants
    An institute focuses on a topic of major importance in undergraduate curricula. Guided by a team of scholars, participants explore a challenging and complex subject. The primary goal is to deepen understanding of a subject in order to advance humanities teaching.
These four models allow for considerable variation. For example, seminars may be co-directed or they may include one or more visiting scholars who contribute additional viewpoints or scholarly expertise. Institutes may provide time for individual research, reading, or writing. Variations in format should be explained in the proposal and time and resource allocations fully justified.
NEH encourages Summer Seminars and Institutes designed to help teachers use electronic technologies for accessing resources and engaging students in active learning.
Seminars and institutes for school teachers should begin no earlier than late June and end before the middle of August. Projects for college and university teachers typically begin no earlier than the middle of June.
Participants should be chosen by a selection committee convened by the project director. Seminar selection committees customarily consist of three members: the director; one or two colleagues of the director who have special knowledge of the subject under study; and, in the case of school teacher seminars, a K-12 teacher, preferably someone who has participated in a previous seminar. Institute selection committees may be drawn from the scholars and master teachers who will contribute to the project and may include more than three members. NEH staff will provide general eligibility and selection criteria, along with guidelines for a standard essay.
Types of projects not supported
The Seminars and Institutes program does not support:
  • empirical social scientific research;
  • specific policy studies;
  • educational or technical impact assessments;
  • work undertaken in the pursuit of an academic degree;
  • the preparation or publication of textbooks;
  • projects that focus on pedagogical theory, research on educational methods, tests, or measurements;
  • cognitive psychology; or
  • projects devoted to advocacy.

The Endowment currently sponsors one agency-wide program, We the People, and two special initiatives, Rediscovering Afghanistan and the Digital Humanities Initiative. Below is information on each. The NEH encourages applications in these three special areas of interest. Proposals will be evaluated through NEH's established review process and will not receive special consideration.
We the People Grant Program
To help Americans make sense of their history and of the world around them, NEH has established the We the People program. NEH encourages applications that explore significant events and themes in our nation's history and culture and that advance knowledge of the principles that define America. To learn more about We the People, visit the program's Web site.
Picturing America
NEH’s new Picturing America program introduces young people to some of America’s great art treasures. As part of the NEH's We the People program, Picturing America promotes the teaching, study, and understanding of American history and culture in K-12 schools. NEH encourages proposals for Summer Seminars or Institutes for School Teachers that focus on one or more of the Picturing America art works or artists and include study of the events or periods of American history depicted and the humanities themes represented.
Rediscovering Afghanistan
NEH invites applications for projects that focus on Afghanistan's history and culture. The special initiative is designed to promote research, education, and public programs about Afghanistan and to encourage United States institutions to assist Afghanistan in efforts to preserve and document its cultural resources. Learn more about the initiative.
Digital Humanities Initiative
NEH is interested in receiving applications for projects that use or study the impact of digital technology. Digital technologies offer humanists new methods of conducting research, conceptualizing relationships, and presenting scholarship. Digital humanities projects deploy these technologies and methods to enhance our understanding of a topic or issue. NEH is also interested in projects that study the impact of digital technology on the humanities—exploring the ways in which it changes how we read, write, think, and learn. Learn more about the initiative.

Award Information NEH anticipates that awards for seminars will range between $45,000 and $120,000 in outright funds for a grant period of twelve months.
Awards for institutes range from $80,000 to $200,000 in outright funds for a grant period of fifteen months.
Cost sharing is not required.
(Learn more about different types of grant funding.)
Grant Period
Seminars (12 months): 10/1/08-9/30/09
Institutes (15 months): 10/1/08-12/31/09


Any U.S. nonprofit organization with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status is eligible, as are state and local governmental agencies and tribal governments. Grants are not awarded to individuals.
NEH generally does not award grants to other federal entities or to applicants whose projects are so closely intertwined with a federal entity that the project takes on characteristics of the federal entity’s own authorized activities. This does not preclude applicants from using grant funds from, or sites and materials controlled by, other federal entities in their projects.
Ineligible applications will not be reviewed.

How to Prepare an Application
How to Prepare your Application
Application advice and proposal drafts
Applicants are encouraged to contact program officers who may offer advice about preparing the proposal, provide samples of recently funded projects, and review preliminary proposal drafts if they are submitted at least one month before the deadline. Responses to late-arriving drafts cannot be guaranteed. Although this preliminary review is not part of the formal process and has no bearing on the final outcome of the proposal, previous applicants have found it helpful in strengthening their application.
You will prepare your application for submission via just as you would a paper application. Your application should consist of the following parts:

  1. Table of contents
    List all parts of the application and page numbers.
  2. Narrative description
    Narrative descriptions are limited to fifteen double-spaced pages. The font size should be no smaller than eleven point and all pages should have one-inch margins. Appendices should be used to provide concise supplementary material directly germane to the project.
    Provide a detailed description of the project consisting of the following sections:
    • Intellectual rationale
      Describe what will be studied and its significance for teaching and scholarship in the humanities. Place the project in its scholarly and educational context and identify the intended beneficiaries. The intellectual rationale must justify in a clear and persuasive manner the specific readings and topics set forth in the study plan.
    • Project content and implementation
      Describe how the project will be structured, what will be expected of the participants, and how they will be actively engaged in the collegial intellectual inquiry of the seminar or institute. Summarize weekly presentations and discussion topics, include assigned and recommended readings, and identify other resources and materials to be used (a detailed schedule should be included in the appendix). Describe any writing or research components, as well as any other independent projects or any potential outcomes of the project that will be disseminated to other teachers. Give careful consideration to the dates of the project, in light of the variety of school schedules across the country.
    • Project faculty and staff
      Applicants for seminars: Discuss the relationship between the seminar topic and the director's own interests and accomplishments as a scholar and teacher. The use of co-directors and any guest speakers should be justified. Include in the appendix up-to-date letters of commitment and brief résumés (two pages). Seminar directors should provide résumés no longer than five pages in the appendix.
      Applications for institutes: Identify principal faculty, visiting lecturers, master teachers, and support staff and describe their roles, responsibilities, and qualifications. Include in the appendix up-to-date letters of commitment and brief résumés (two pages). The persons who bear primary intellectual responsibility for the institute should provide résumés no longer than five pages in the appendix.
    • Participant selection
      Explain how participants will be chosen. Applicants should indicate any special criteria pertinent to the proposed project, e.g., language ability.
    • Professional development for participants
      In projects for school teachers, many participants will want to obtain continuing education units (CEUs) or in-service credit for their participation in a seminar or institute. If the proposed seminar or institute has the potential for conveying professional development credit equivalency, then the application should discuss how the program will provide documentation for teachers interested in obtaining such credit from their school district or state.
    • Institutional context
      Demonstrate that the mission and resources of the host institution support the proposed project. Discuss suitability of housing and supporting facilities as well as academic resources and technological capabilities.
  3. Budget
    Provide a budget. Sample budgets for seminars and institutes (each 1-page PDF) are available for guidance. All of the items listed must be reasonable, necessary to accomplish project objectives, allowable in terms of the applicable federal cost principles, auditable, and incurred during the grant period. Charges to the project for items such as salaries, fringe benefits, travel, and contractual services must conform to the written policies and established practices of the applicant organization. When indirect costs are charged to the project, care should be taken that expenses included in the organization's indirect cost pool are not charged to the project as direct costs.
    1. Participant stipends
      Each participant will receive a stipend according to the duration of the seminar or institute, whether two ($2,000), three ($2,600), four ($3,200), five ($3,800), or six ($4,400) weeks. The stipend is intended to help cover travel expenses to and from the project location, basic books and other research expenses, and living expenses for the duration of the period of residency. The sponsoring institution is expected to make provision for suitable housing for participants at reasonable rates.
    2. Operating costs
      Item 1: Salaries and wages
      Item 1a: List here the compensation for the project director. Project directors are generally compensated for the time required to conduct the residential portion of the project during the summer, oversee all arrangements, and recruit and select the participants. The following percentages of the base annual academic salary (the salary for the academic year prior to the summer of the seminar or institute) are recommended as appropriate compensation: 13.9% for a two-week session, 16.6% for a three-week session, 19.4% for a four-week session, 22.2% for a five-week session, and 25% for a six-week session. Co-directors would each receive 80% of these amounts.
      The compensation formulas outlined above should only apply to project directors who also serve as principal faculty of the program. Directors who do not serve as principal faculty should calculate their compensation in a manner consistent with their restricted duties. Seminar directors and co-directors should assume no other commitments during the time the participants are in residence.
      Item 1b: List here other project faculty or lecturers or professional administrative staff employed by the applicant institution. Depending on their assignments and duties, their compensation may be calculated on the basis of an appropriate percentage of their full-time academic year or administrative salary or on a per diem basis. Costs charged to the project budget should be entirely justified by the role and duties to be performed.
      Item 1c: List here clerical and secretarial support as well as any support to be provided by graduate assistants.
      Item 2: Fringe benefits
      Fringe benefits should be calculated for those individuals employed by the applicant institution and listed on lines 1 a, b, or c. Fringe benefits may include contributions for social security, employee insurance, pension plans, etc. Only those benefits that are not included in an organization's indirect cost pool may be shown as direct costs. Also, fringe benefits for clerical, administrative, and part-time personnel may be calculated at different rates than for employees on academic year appointments. This should be reflected in the breakdown shown on the budget form.
      Item 3: Supplies and materials
      Includes the cost of reasonable administrative and project charges for consumable supplies (computer diskettes, instructional materials, educational software, etc.) and expendable equipment (i.e., equipment items costing less than $5,000 and with an estimated useful life of less than one year). Please note that these costs may be included only if they are not part of the indirect cost pool.
      Item 4: Services
      Includes the cost of duplication and printing, long-distance telephone charges, postage, museum admissions, rental of films and equipment such as buses and vans, and subcontracts of any kind. All services must be essential to the project. (See the section below for inadmissible budget items.) These requests should be justified in the budget narrative and normally should be modest. Include an itemization of subcontract costs.
      Note. The budget should include sufficient funds for duplicating and mailing information and materials about the project for those persons who do not wish to receive them electronically. NEH distributes nationwide the slate of summer offerings: one poster for school teacher seminars and institutes and a one poster for college and university teacher seminars and institutes. A listing of the seminars and institutes is also placed on NEH’s Web site. To supplement this general publicity, project budgets should include a modest amount of funds (up to $500) for publicity efforts to constituencies unique to the specific seminar or institute.
      Item 5: Consultant fees
      List those individuals who are not employed by the applicant institution, but will contribute to the project as visiting lecturers, leaders of study sessions, and master teachers. The honoraria for visiting faculty and other consultants should be no higher than $750 per person per day or $3,000 per person per week. Travel and subsistence reimbursement for consultants should be entered below on line 6.
      Note: Applicants can budget a $250 honorarium to compensate persons other than the project director who will assist in reading applications and selecting participants.
      Item 6: Professional travel and subsistence
      Participant travel is covered by the stipend awarded to each participant. List here travel and accommodation expenses for visiting consultants listed in Item 5 and the costs likely to be incurred by the project director(s) who would be invited to attend an annual 2-day project directors' meeting held in Washington, D.C. Project director’s travel to and from a seminar or institute site away from the director’s home institution is allowed, as are accommodation expenses at this site.
      Costs should be calculated in accordance with the applicant institution’s policy, and the method of calculation should be provided.
      Item 7: Total direct costs are calculated by adding items 1 through 6.
    3. Indirect costs (overhead)
      These are costs incurred for common or joint objectives that cannot be readily identified with a specific project or activity of an organization. Typical examples of indirect cost items are the salaries of executive officers, the costs of operating and maintaining facilities, local telephone service, office supplies, and accounting and legal services.
      Indirect costs are computed by applying a negotiated indirect cost rate to a distribution base (typically a portion of the direct costs of the project). Organizations that wish to include overhead charges in the budget but do not have a current federally negotiated indirect cost rate or have not submitted a pending indirect cost proposal to a federal agency may choose one of the following options:
      1. NEH will not require the formal negotiation of an indirect cost rate, provided the charge for indirect costs does not exceed 10 percent of direct costs, less distorting items (e.g., capital expenditures, participant stipends, major subcontracts), up to a maximum total project charge of $5,000 per year. (Applicants who choose this option should understand that they must maintain documentation to support overhead charges claimed as part of project costs.)
      2. If your organization wishes to use a rate higher than 10 percent or claim more than $5,000 in indirect costs per year, an estimate of the indirect cost rate and the charges should be provided on the budget form. If the application is approved for funding, you will be instructed to contact the NEH office of Inspector General to develop an indirect cost proposal.
    4. Amount requested from NEH
      Amount requested includes items A, B, and C.
  4. Budget Narrative
    A brief budget narrative may be included when requested costs are unusual or not clearly related to the proposed project. Justifications for equipment rentals and purchases should be provided here.
    Inadmissable budget items
    The following costs are not allowable and may not appear in project budgets:
    • The cost of replacement teachers or compensation for faculty members performing their regular duties.
    • The rental of recreational facilities and costs related to social events such as banquets, receptions, and entertainment.
    • Tuition fees for participants. Credit may be awarded to participants seeking it at the discretion of the applicant institution. If any filing fee or tuition must be charged, it should be charged directly to those participants wishing to receive credit and should be fixed at the lowest possible rate. Such fees should not be deducted from the participants' stipends.
  5. Reference letters and evaluations
    Applicants who have not previously directed seminars must solicit two reference letters. Referees should send their letters directly to NEH either by mail, fax (202-606-8394), or e-mail ( within one week of the March 3 application deadline. Applicants should attach a list of the names of referees, their titles, and addresses as an appendix.
    Institute directors are not required to submit reference letters.
    Project directors of previously funded seminars or institutes must include:
    • copies of all NEH participant evaluations for their most recently offered seminar or institute; and
    • an explanation of how their experience as directors has shaped the project currently being proposed. This explanation may be woven into the narrative description of the project or included in the appendices.
  6. Appendices
    Limit your appendices to essential materials only, such as expanded study plans, detailed reading lists, the evaluations mentioned above, résumés, and letters of commitment. Seminar directors and the persons who bear primary intellectual responsibility for institutes should provide five-page résumés. Other scholars should provide brief résumés (two pages).
    The proposal narrative should refer to items in the appendices by page number.
How to Prepare your Application
Applications for this program must be submitted via Before using for the first time, each organization must register with the Web site to create an institutional profile. Once registered, your organization can then apply for any government grant on the Web site.
If your organization has already registered and you have verified that your registration is still valid, you may skip this step. If not, please see our handy checklist to guide you through the registration process. We strongly recommend you complete or verify your registration at least two weeks before the application deadline, as it takes time for your registration to be processed. If you have problems registering with, call the help desk at 1-800-518-4726.

To fill out a application package, you will need to download and install the current version of Adobe Reader. (Please note: NEH grant programs with deadlines on or after March 1, 2008, will no longer require applicants to download the PureEdge Viewer from the Web site.) The latest version of Adobe Reader, which is designed to function with PCs and Macintosh computers using a variety of popular operating systems, is available at no charge from the Adobe Web site (

Once installed, the current version of Adobe Reader will allow you to view and fill out application packages for any federal agency. If you have a problem installing Adobe Reader, it may be because you do not have permission to install a new program on your computer. Many organizations have rules about installing new programs. If you encounter a problem, contact your system administrat

To submit your application, you will need to download the application package from the Web site. You can download the application package at any time. (You do not have to wait for your registration to be complete.) Click the button to the right to download the package.

Save the application package to your computer's hard drive. To open the application package, select the file and double click. You do not have

to be online to work on it.
You can save your application package at any time by clicking the "Save" button at the top of your screen. Tip: If you choose to save your application package before you have completed it, you may receive an error message indicating that your application is not valid if all of the forms have not been completed. Click "OK" to save your work and complete the package another time. You can also use e-mail to share the application package with members of your organization or project team.

The application package contains three forms that you must complete in order to submit your application:

  1. Application for Federal Domestic Assistance - Short Organizational (SF-424 Short)—this form asks for basic information about the project, the project director, and the institution.
  2. Supplementary Cover Sheet for NEH Grant Programs—this form asks for additional information about the project director, the institution, and the budget.
  3. NEH Attachment Form—this form allows you to attach your narrative, budget, and the other parts of your application.


Select the form from the menu and double click to open it. Please provide the following information:

  1. Name of Federal Agency: This will be filled in automatically with "National Endowment for the Humanities."
  2. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: This will be filled in automatically with the CFDA number and title of the NEH program to which you are applying.
  3. Date Received: Please leave blank.
  4. Funding Opportunity Number: This will be filled in automatically.
  5. Applicant Information: In this section, please supply the name, address, employer/taxpayer identification number (EIN/TIN), DUNS number, Web site address, and congressional district of the institution. Also choose the "type" that best describes your institution (you only need to select one).

    If your institution is located, for example, in the 5th Congressional District of your state, put a "5." If your institution doesn't have a congressional district (e.g. it is in a state or U.S. territory that doesn't have districts or is in a foreign country), put a "0" (zero).

    All institutions applying to federal grant programs are required to provide a DUNS number, issued by Dun & Bradstreet, as part of their application. Project directors should contact their institution’s grant administrator or chief financial officer to obtain their institution’s DUNS number. Federal grant applicants can obtain a DUNS number free of charge by calling 1-866-705-5711. (Learn more about the requirement.

  6. )
  7. Project Information: Provide the title of your project. Your title should be brief, descriptive, and substantive. It should also be informative to a non-specialist audience. Provide a brief description of your project. The description should be written for a non-specialist audience and clearly state the importance of the proposed work and its relation to larger issues in the humanities. List the starting and ending dates for your project.
  8. Project Director: Provide the Social Security Number, name, title, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers for the project director.
    Disclosure of Social Security Numbers is optional. NEH uses them for internal application processing only.
  9. Primary Contact/Grants Administrator: Provide the contact information for the official responsible for the administration of the grant (e.g., negotiating the project budget and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the award). This person is often a grants or research officer or a sponsored programs official. Normally, the Institutional Grants Administrator is not the same person as the Project Director. If the project director and the grant administrator are the same person, skip to item 9.
  10. Authorized Representative: Provide the contact information for the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) who is submitting the application on behalf of the institution. This person, often called an "Authorizing Official," is typically the president, vice president, executive director, provost, or chancellor. In order to become an AOR, the person must be designated by the institution's E-Business Point of Contact. For more information, please consult the user guide, which is available at:

Select the form from the menu and double click to open it. Please provide the following information:
  1. Project Director: Use the pull down menu to select the major field of study for the project director.
  2. Institution Information: Use the pull down menu to select your type of institution.
  3. Project Funding: Enter your project funding information. Note that applicants for Challenge Grants should use the right column only; applicants to all other programs should use the left column only.
  4. Application Information: Indicate whether the applications will be submitted to other NEH grant programs, government agencies, or private entities for funding. If so, please indicate where and when. NEH frequently cosponsors projects with other funding sources. Providing this information will not prejudice the review of your application.

    For Type of Application, check "new" if the application requests a new period of funding, whether for a new project or the next phase of a project previously funded by NEH. Check "supplement" if the application requests additional funding for a current NEH grant. If requesting a supplement, provide the current grant number (applicants should discuss their request with a NEH program officer before submitting such an application).

    For Project Field Code, use the pull down menu to select the humanities field of the project. If the project is multidisciplinary, choose the field that corresponds to the project's predominant discipline.


You will use this form to attach the various files that make up your application.

Your attachments must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf). We cannot accept attachments in their original word processing or spreadsheet formats. If you don't already have software to convert your files into PDFs, there are many low-cost and free software packages available. To learn more, go to

When you open the NEH Attachment Form, you will find 15 attachment buttons, labeled "Attachment 1" through "Attachment 15." By clicking on a button, you will be able to choose the file from your computer that you wish to attach. You must name and attach your files in the proper order so that we can identify them. Please attach the proper file to the proper button as listed below:

ATTACHMENT 1: To this button, please attach your table of contents. Please name the file "contents.pdf".

ATTACHMENT 2: To this button, please attach your narrative description. Please name the file "narrative.pdf".

ATTACHMENT 3: To this button, please attach your budget form. Please name the file "budget.pdf".

ATTACHMENT 4: To this button, please attach your appendices. Please name the file "appendices.pdf".

Use the remaining buttons to attach any additional materials (if appropriate). Please give these attachments meaningful file names and ensure that they are PDFs.


When you have completed all three forms, use the right-facing arrow to move each of them to the "Mandatory Documents for Submission" column. Once they have been moved over, the "Submit" button will activate. You are now ready to upload your application package to

During the registration process, your institution designated one or more AORs (Authorized Organization Representatives). These AORs typically work in your institution's Sponsored Research Office or Grants Office. When you have completed your application, you must ask your AOR to submit the application, using the special username and password that was assigned to him or her during the registration process.

To submit your application, your computer must have an active connection to the Internet. To begin the submission process, click the "submit" button. A page will appear asking you to sign and submit your application. At this point, your AOR will enter his or her username and password. When you click the "sign and submit application" button, your application package will be uploaded to Please note that it may take some time to upload your application package depending on the size of your files and the speed of your Internet connection.

After the upload is complete, a confirmation page, which includes a tracking number, will appear indicating that you have submitted your application to Please print this page for your records. The AOR will also receive a confirmation e-mail.

NEH suggests that you submit your application no later than 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline. That way, should you encounter a technical problem of some kind, you will still have time to contact the help desk for support. The help desk is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time at 1-800-518-4726. You can also send an e-mail to


Draft proposals: Program staff recommend that draft proposals (optional) be submitted four weeks before the deadline. Time constraints may prevent staff from reviewing draft proposals submitted after that date.
Applications must be received by March 3, 2008. will date/time stamp your application after it is fully uploaded. Applications submitted after that date will not be accepted.

Application Review

Applications are subjected to three general criteria of evaluation: intellectual quality and significance, impact, and feasibility.
  1. Intellectual quality and significance
    • Is the proposal's intellectual rationale clear and persuasive?
    • Does the study engage important humanities topics or texts?
    • Does it draw on sound humanities research?
    • Do the principal faculty members have strong scholarly records and a demonstrated commitment to excellent teaching?
  2. Impact
    • Will the project's objectives be met?
    • Will participants be actively engaged in collegial intellectual inquiry?
    • Will the experience stimulate teachers intellectually and professionally?
  3. Feasibility
    • Is the program format appropriate to the ideas, themes, and audience?
    • Are the project personnel qualified?
    • Are project activities well planned and described in adequate detail?
    • Do letters from visiting scholars and consultants demonstrate interest and commitment?
    • Does the institutional setting support the project's objectives, both in terms of access to scholarly resources and membership in a residential community?
    • Are the plans for administration sound and well developed? Are the costs of the project reasonable in view of its design and likely results?
Late applications will not be reviewed.
Previously offered seminars or institutes
Proposals to repeat seminars or institutes previously offered are evaluated by the same criteria as new proposals. As noted earlier, former project directors should submit copies of all NEH participant evaluations of their most recently offered seminar or institute, and they should add evidence of growth and fine-tuning where appropriate. If other considerations are equal, NEH gives preference to new applicants.
Review and selection process
Knowledgeable persons outside NEH will read each application and advise the agency about its merits. The Endowment’s staff comments on matters of fact or on significant issues that otherwise would be missing from these reviews, then makes recommendations to the National Council on the Humanities. The National Council meets at various times during the year to advise the NEH chairman on grants. The chairman takes into account the advice provided by the review process and, by law, makes all funding decisions.

Award Administration Information Award notices
Applicants will be notified by mail by October 2008 of the decision. Institutional grants administrators and project directors of successful applications will also receive at that time award documents by mail. Applicants may obtain the reasons for funding decisions on their applications by sending a letter or e-mail to:
NEH, Division of Education Programs
Room 302
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20506
Administrative requirements
Before submitting an application, applicants should review their responsibilities as an award recipient and the lobbying certification requirement.
Award conditions
The requirements for awards are contained in the General Terms and Conditions for Awards to Organizations, any specific terms and conditions contained in the award document, and the applicable OMB circulars governing federal grants management.
Reporting Requirements
A schedule of report due dates will be included with the award document.

Interim and final performance reports will be required. Further details can be found in Performance Reporting Requirements (formerly Enclosure 2).

A Federal Cash Transactions Report (2-page PDF) will be due within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter. A final Financial Status Report (2-page PDF) will be due within 90 days after the completion date of the award period. Further details can be found in Financial Reporting Requirements (formerly Enclosure 1).

Points of Contact

If you have questions about the program, contact:

Division of Education Programs
National Endowment for the Humanities
Room 302
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20506

If you need help using, contact: help desk: customer support tutorials and manuals : support line: 1-800-518-GRANTS (4726)

Other Information

Privacy Policy
Information in these guidelines is solicited under the authority of the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 956. The principal purpose for which the information will be used is to process the grant application. The information may also be used for statistical research, analysis of trends, and Congressional oversight. Failure to provide the information may result in the delay or rejection of the application.
Application Completion Time
The Office of Management and Budget requires federal agencies to supply information on the time needed to complete forms and also to invite comments on the paperwork burden. NEH estimates the average time to complete this application is fifteen hours per response. This estimate includes time for reviewing instructions, researching, gathering, and maintaining the information needed, and completing and reviewing the application.

Please send any comments regarding the estimated completion time or any other aspect of this application, including suggestions for reducing the completion time, to the Office of Publications, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C. 20506; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3136-0134), Washington, D.C. 20503. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number.

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