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Alliance Program Construction Roundtable
Alliance Representatives
January 30, 2008

On January 30, 2008, representatives from 13 construction-related Alliances participated in the second Alliance Program Construction Roundtable at DOL in Washington, DC to share information on Alliance-related activities from the construction industry-related Alliance Program participants, get updated on OSHA's construction-related activities, and identify potential Fall Protection and Design for Safety (DFS) and Workgroup projects to help address safety and health in the construction industry.

During the roundtable, Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, thanked the Alliance Program participants for their commitment to develop construction-related safety and health outreach products and provided information on the Agency's 2008 Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign, which will again focus on the construction industry. Steven F. Witt, then-Director, Directorate of Construction, provided an update on a variety of construction-related concerns that the Directorate is addressing, including proposed rules focusing on cranes and derricks and confined spaces. In addition, products developed through the roundtables were highlighted by representatives of the DFS and Fall Protection Workgroups.

As an outcome of the roundtable, the DFS and Fall Protection Workgroups met on April 22, 2008 to discuss common construction-related interests and the promising project ideas developed at the roundtable meeting, such as conducting a national public awareness campaign focusing on construction safety; joint DFS and fall protection-related initiatives; and other suggested projects.

The following Alliance representatives participated in the Construction Roundtable on January 30, 2008:
  • ADSC: International Association of Foundation Drilling
  • American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
  • Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)
  • Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association (CSDA)
  • Construction Institute – American Society of Civil Engineers (CI-ASCE)
  • Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. (IEC)
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America (LHSFNA)
  • National Construction Safety Executives (NCSE)
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
  • National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
  • National Safety Council (NSC)
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute (SWR Institute)
  • Washington Division of URS Corporation
(from left to right) Standing: Michael S. Pankonin, Assistant Director, Technical and Safety Services, AEM; Kevin Cannon, Safety Specialist, NAHB; Scott Schneider, Director for Occupational Safety and Health, Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America; Matt Burkhart, Crane Safety Committee, CI-ASCE; Karl Anderson, Safety Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; John Masarick, Director of Codes and Safety, IEC; Richard Marshall, Chairman, Safety Committee, ADSC; Nancy McNabb, Director, Government Affairs, NFPA; Thomas Stowell, Vice President, CSDA; Ron Pilla, Chairperson, Safety Committee, SWR Institute; Doug Walker, Vice President, Atlantic Concrete Cutting, Inc., CSDA; John Mroszczyk, Member, ASSE; David Kliwinski, Manager of Safety, Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., NCSE; Chris Peck, Chairman, NCSE; Andy Peters; Corporate Vice President, Safety, Parsons, NCSE; Ellen Stewart, Senior Safety Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Sitting: Robert Matuga, Director, Labor, Safety & Health Regulatory Affairs, NAHB; Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., OSHA Assistant Secretary; Brad Giles, Vice President, Environmental Safety and Health, Washington Division of URS Corporation; Bill Jackson, Director of Safety, Granite Construction Inc., NCSE; at the Construction Roundtable on January 30, 2008.
(from left to right) Standing: Michael S. Pankonin, Assistant Director, Technical and Safety Services, AEM; Kevin Cannon, Safety Specialist, NAHB; Scott Schneider, Director for Occupational Safety and Health, Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America; Matt Burkhart, Crane Safety Committee, CI-ASCE; Karl Anderson, Safety Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; John Masarick, Director of Codes and Safety, IEC; Richard Marshall, Chairman, Safety Committee, ADSC; Nancy McNabb, Director, Government Affairs, NFPA; Thomas Stowell, Vice President, CSDA; Ron Pilla, Chairperson, Safety Committee, SWR Institute; Doug Walker, Vice President, Atlantic Concrete Cutting, Inc., CSDA; John Mroszczyk, Member, ASSE; David Kliwinski, Manager of Safety, Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., NCSE; Chris Peck, Chairman, NCSE; Andy Peters; Corporate Vice President, Safety, Parsons, NCSE; Ellen Stewart, Senior Safety Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Sitting: Robert Matuga, Director, Labor, Safety & Health Regulatory Affairs, NAHB; Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., OSHA Assistant Secretary; Brad Giles, Vice President, Environmental Safety and Health, Washington Division of URS Corporation; Bill Jackson, Director of Safety, Granite Construction Inc., NCSE; at the Construction Roundtable on January 30, 2008.
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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
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Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 06/13/2008