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Occupational Safety and Health Administration and
Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. (IEC)
August 30, 2007

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

August 30, 2002

Dates Renewed

April 5, 2004

October 30, 2006

Evaluation Period

August 30, 2006 – August 29, 2007


The OSHA and IEC Alliance addresses reducing and preventing electrical contractors employees' exposure to falls, rear-end auto collisions and material-handling hazards by providing the IEC membership and others with information and guidance and increasing their access to training resources.

Implementation Team Members

Jess McCluer*
Rob Swick**
Danezza Quintero
Office of Outreach services and Alliances (OOSA)
Office of Construction Services
Tom Alexander
Bruce Bowman
Kent Davis
Harvey Hammock
Robert Leohart
Rob Heineman
Harry Lieben
John Masarick
Marc Ramirez
Brian Roberts
Dennis Thomas
Safety Committee
Safety Committee Chairman
Safety Committee
Safety Committee
Safety Committee
Safety Committee
Safety Committee
Director, Codes, Standards and Safety
Safety Committee
Safety Committee
Safety Committee
George Washburn Contractor for OSHA, Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)

* Jess McCluer served as the Alliance Coordinator until May 25, 2007
** Rob Swick serves as the Alliance Coordinator since May 25, 2007

II. Implementation Team Meetings
October 30, 2006
February 21, 2007
March 15, 2007
March 22, 2007
August 22, 2007
Meeting, OSHA, Washington, DC
Design for Safety Workgroup, Washington, DC
Fall Protection Workgroup, Washington, DC
Meeting, OSHA, Washington, DC
Meeting, OSHA, Washington, DC

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Outreach and Communication

    • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and IEC's Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.

    OSHA and IEC Alliance Web page

    OSHA is continuing to update the OSHA and IEC Web page that is posted on the Agency's Web site. The page includes the OSHA and IEC Alliance agreement, renewal agreements, news releases, activities and events and milestones and successes.

    IEC Web site (

    IEC continues to update the Safety-related links page on its Web page. It includes information about the OSHA and IEC Alliance and links to OSHA's Web site, including the Ergonomic eTool: Solutions for Electrical Contractors, Spanish Compliance Assistance Resources Web page, and Compliance Assistance Quick Start: Construction. In addition, the safety-related links page features the Fall Protection Safety Tips Sheets for Employers and Employees, which was developed through the OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable's Fall Protection Workgroup on which IEC representatives participated.

    OSHA's Safety and Health Topics Pages and eTools

    The following IEC representative is continuing to participate on the OSHA Electrical Contractors Safety and Health Topics page's editorial board:

    • John Masarick, Director of Codes, Standards and Safety, IEC, Alexandria, VA
    The following IEC representative is continuing to participate on the OSHA Electrical Safety and Health Topics page's editorial board:

    • John Masarick, Director of Codes, Standards and Safety, IEC, Alexandria, VA
    "Making the Business Case for Safety and Health" Safety and Health Topics page

    Through the Alliance, IEC representatives provided input and expertise to assist OSHA with the development of its Making the Business Case for Safety and Health, Safety and Health Topics page. IEC provided feedback and information for the draft page. The Topics page was posted on the Agency's Web site on September 27, 2006.

    OSHA's Ergonomic eTool: Solutions for Electrical Contractors

    The following OSHA representatives are continuing to participate on OSHA's Ergonomic eTool: Solutions for Electrical Contractors' editorial board:

    • Bob Leonhart, RISC Incorporated, Dallas, TX
    • Dominic Caminiti, Hatfield-Reynolds, Phoenix, AZ
    • Brian Roberts, CNA Insurance, Dallas, TX
    • Todd Hohn, CNA Insurance, Chicago, IL
    • Renee McDonough, IEC - Utah Chapter, Sandy, UT
    • Brad Stevens, Arco Electric, Sandy, UT
    Print and Electronic Media

    Articles on the OSHA and IEC Alliance have appeared in IEC's publications such as IEC Connection, IEC Codes and Safety Newsletter, and Insight magazine. For example the last twelve issues of the IEC's Codes and Safety newsletter included a full page in each issue with dedicated news about OSHA. Specific articles included the following subjects; Enhanced Compliance, Revised Industry Standard 1910 sub part S, Multi Employer Work Sites, Fatality Rates, Round Table Products, Design for Worker Safety, Round Table Training, Information from OSHA Small Business Workshop, NIOSH Week, Drug Free Work Week and VPP & Challenge Accepting Applications, these are among the many OSHA and safety articles appearing in IEC publications.

    For more information on the articles, see the “Alliance Program Reach” table.

    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA or IEC conferences, local meetings and other events such as IEC's National Convention and Electric Expo.
    IEC National Legislative Conference, April 24-26, 2007, Washington, DC

    On April 24, 2007, Bob Isiminger, Office of Engineering Safety, Directorate of Standards and Guidance, USDOL-OSHA, provided an OSHA Electrical Standards Update to 10 attendees at the IEC Safety Committee meeting which was held during the IEC National Legislative Conference.

    IEC 49th National Convention and Electric Expo, September 27-30, 2006, Denver, Colorado

    Erv Krueger, Labor Liaison, Regional Office, Region VIII, USDOL-OSHA staffed the IEC and OSHA Alliance exhibit booth at the 49th Annual IEC National Convention and Electric Expo, September 27-30, 2006 in Denver, Colorado. The Alliance Program booth was next to IEC's exhibit booth in the Expo's Safety Zone. The Safety Zone displayed a banner developed by the OSHA and IEC Alliance, that read, "IEC/OSHA Alliance: Excellence in Job Safety and Health Programs."

    During the Expo, four OSHA Region VIII representatives attended the Basic Safety Training Classes on topics such as fall protection and arc flash.

    • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by IEC and through OSHA- or IEC-developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum).
    29 CFR 1910 Subpart S-Electrical Standard Training Program

    IEC continued to deliver the slide presentation that was developed through the OSHA and IEC Alliance regarding the updates made to 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S-Electrical Standard. The presentation focuses on topics such as hot work and arc flash. During the reporting period, the presentation and was delivered to more than 643 people during several training sessions at IEC member and non-member companies.

    • Promote and encourage IEC members' participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, Consultation and its Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.
    OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program Challenge Program Administrator

    IEC continues to participate as a Challenge Program Administrator. Five IEC members continue to participate in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program Challenge program.

    Informational Packets

    IEC created a packet of information on OSHA's cooperative programs and compliance assistance resources, including the OSHA and IEC Alliance Activities Summary and the Small Business Handbook. IEC distributed the packets to both potential and new IEC members.

    • Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects regarding falls, rear-end auto collisions, and material-handling hazards that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.
    OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, Fall Protection and Design for Safety Workgroups

    IEC is continuing to participate in the Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroups that were created at the Alliance Program's Construction Roundtable on July 8, 2004.

    Design for Safety Workgroup – Through its participation on the Workgroup, during the reporting period IEC helped develop a 2-4 Hour Design for Safety Training Course. The course is based on the Design for Construction Safety slide presentation and provides technical information for those that are interested learning more about designing for safety. Mr. Masarick attended the Workgroup meeting on February 21, 2007.

    Fall Protection Workgroup – Through its participation on the Workgroup, during the reporting period IEC helped develop the Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry training program. The program is designed for construction industry audiences, including small business owners, trainers, foreman and workers. In addition, the Workgroup is developing toolbox talks for ladders that address topics such as Do's and Don'ts of Using a Ladder, Choosing the Right Ladder and Set-Up and Use of a Ladder. John Masarick, Director of Codes, Standards and Safety, IEC, attended the Workgroup meeting on March 15, 2007.

    OSHA Small Business Roundtable, February 1, 2007, Washington, DC

    On February 1, 2007, John Masarick, Director of Codes, Standards and Safety, IEC, and representatives from five Alliances, OSHA and the On-site Consultation Program participated in the OSHA Small Business Roundtable. During the meeting, the Alliance Program participants were updated on the status of the recommendations to enhance small business compliance assistance activities and resources that they provided during the September 8, 2005 Roundtable meeting. The Roundtable also reviewed new training resources that were developed by the Florida On-site Consultation Program and OSHA Training Institute.

    2007 North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH), May 6-12, 2007

    IEC joined with a number of other Alliance Program participants and OSHA to support 2007 NAOSH Week, May 6-12, 2007. Sponsored annually by the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), an Alliance Program participant, and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, the Week focuses on the importance of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. In support of NAOSH Week, IEC printed articles about NIOSH Week in IEC Connection, IEC Insights, and IEC Codes and Safety Newsletter. In addition, IEC sent e-mail messages to its chapter executives and distributed NIOSH posters to the chapters.

    • Encourage IEC's chapters' to build relationships with OSHA's Regional and Area Offices to address health and safety issues, including, falls, rear-end auto collisions, and material-handling hazards.
    Regional Alliances

    The following OSHA Regional and Area Offices and IEC Chapter Alliances were signed before the current reporting period and are ongoing:

    OSHA Region V Cincinnati, Ohio Area Office and the IEC of Greater Cincinnati Alliance, signed an Alliance May 18, 2006

      OSHA and IEC of Greater Cincinnati are using their collective expertise to help protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical hazards.
    OSHA Region VI Dallas, Texas Area Office and the IEC Dallas Chapter Alliance, signed July 19, 2005

      OSHA and IEC Dallas Chapter are providing IEC employees and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources in order to help protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical, fall, confined space entry, toxic substance(s), and struck-by hazards.
    State of Maryland, Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Maryland Occupational Safety and Health and the IEC Chesapeake Chapter Alliance, signed on July 8, 2004.

      Maryland OSHA and IEC Chesapeake Chapter are using their collective expertise to help protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical hazards.
  2. Executive Summary

    Through the Alliance Program, OSHA and IEC are continuing to work together to develop products and resources to protect electrical contractors employees from exposure to falls, rear-end auto collisions and material-handling hazards. This positive relationship has led to the development of the many programs and projects that the team is currently working on or has produced. For example:

    • IEC delivered the slide presentation regarding the updates made to 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S-Electrical Standard that was developed through the OSHA and IEC Alliance to more than 643 people during several training sessions.

    • IEC representatives continue to serve on the Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroups that were created at the July 8, 2004 OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable meeting.

    • IEC joined with other Alliance Program participants and OSHA to support 2007 NAOSH Week.

    • IEC promoted the activities of the OSHA and IEC Alliance and OSHA's compliance assistance resources and cooperative programs through articles in its publications Insights magazine, Connection and Codes & Safety. The articles focused on a number of topics such as fleet safety.

    • The association's chapters are continuing to recognize the value of working together with OSHA through the Alliance Program and are implementing agreements with OSHA's Regions and Area Offices and State Plan States addressing a number of safety and health issues and hazards, including electrical, fall, confined space entry, toxic substance(s), and struck-by hazards.
    Based upon the ongoing successes realized through the OSHA and IEC agreed to continue the Alliance and signed a renewal Alliance agreement on October 30, 2006.

  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals
Reached or Trained
IEC Web site – Safety-Related Links page 5,000
OSHA and IEC Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site 7,847
Ergonomics eTool: Solutions for Electrical Contractors 21,980
OSHA Electrical Safety and Health Topics page 98,774
OSHA Assistance for the Electrical Contractors Industry Safety and Health Topics page 26,233
CFR 29 1910 Subpart S-Electrical Standard Training Program 645
November 16, 2006: OSHA Renews Safety Alliances with JCAHO, Electrical Contractors, Safe Tank Alliance, BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter Data Not Available
November 22, 2006: OSHA and Alliance Launch Safety and Health Web Page, CLEANLINK Data Not Available
December 4, 2006: OSHA Forms Alliances to Protect Telecommunications, Tree Care Workers, Facilities Management News Data Not Available
December 12, 2006: Preventing Workplace Injuries and Illnesses: NAOSH Week 2007, IEC Connection Data Not Available
December 2006: IEC/OSHA Renew Alliance Agreement, IEC Insights Data Not Available
January 2007: OSHA Alliances, OSHA Up To Date Data Not Available
April 2007: IEC/OSHA Alliance, IEC Insights Data Not Available
April 24, 2007: OSHA, American Society Of Safety Engineers Note Major Growth In May's North American Occupational Safety And Health Week Support, Yahoo News Data Not Available
May 2007: Design for Worker Safety Pays off for Construction Project, IEC Codes & Safety Data Not Available
August 2007: Mastering the Safety Message, Colorado Construction Data Not Available
TOTAL 160,479

IV. Upcoming Milestones

The OSHA and IEC Alliance Implementation Team has discussed a number of activities that will be undertaken in the upcoming year.

Through the Alliance, the OSHA and IEC Alliance implementation team plans to develop the following compliance assistance resources, with input and participation from industry and OSHA representatives:
  • Hot Work Programs for Industrial/Commercial and Residential Sites
  • CFR 29 1910 Subpart S Fact Sheet
  • Fleet Safety Written Program
  • Quick Card for Vehicle Safety
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Matrix
In addition, IEC will continue to attend meetings of the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable's Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroups. IEC representatives will also continue to serve on OSHA's Electrical and Electrical Contractors Safety and Health Topics pages' and Ergonomic eTool: Solutions for Electrical Contractors' editorial boards and will review and provide comments on the resources.

IEC will continue to promote OSHA compliance assistance materials and cooperative programs and the OSHA and IEC Alliance through the IEC Web site and articles in its monthly publication Insights and its eNewsletters, Connection and Safety and Codes. Further, IEC will include OSHA publications and the OSHA and IEC Alliance Activities Summary in membership packets for new members. Finally, OSHA will promote the products the Alliance produces in the Alliance Quarterly Review.

Report prepared by: Rob Swick, Program Analyst, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, September 17, 2007.

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Page last updated: 02/12/2008