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Occupational Safety and Health Administration
American Meat Institute (AMI)
January 24, 2006

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

October 24, 2002

Date Renewed

July 12, 2004

Evaluation Period

October 24, 2004 – October 23, 2005


The OSHA-AMI Alliance addresses ergonomics and related workplace safety and health issues in the meat industry by using the collective expertise of AMI's members to advance a culture of injury and illness prevention and the sharing of best practices and technical knowledge.

Implementation Team Members

Brett Besser
Betty Copeland
Cathy Cronin
Doug Fletcher
Lisa Ramber
Doug Simon
Beth Sherfy
Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)
North Carolina OSHA
Office of Training and Education (OTE)
Region VII
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Regina Barker
Mike Hartley
Dan McCausland
Tim Newquist
Eric Reynolds
Gary Walters
Bill Washburn
Practical Ergonomics
Smithfield Packing Company
AMI – Director, Worker Safety and Human Resources
Kraft Foods
Cargill Taylor Beef
Premium Standard Farms
Indiana Packers Co.

II. Implementation Team Meetings

December 9, 2004
February 28, 2005
April 14, 2005
May 16, 2005
July 21, 2005
Implementation Team Conference Call
Region VII Meat Industry Orientation Seminar Conference Call
Implementation Team Conference Call
Region VIII Meat Industry Orientation Seminar Conference Call
Implementation Team Meeting, Arlington, Virginia

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Training and Education Goals

    • Develop and deliver training and education programs on ergonomic issues. AMI will include ergonomics training sessions at the annual AMIF Worker Safety, Health and Human Resources conference.

      During this reporting period, OSHA and AMI did not work on any new projects to address this goal.

    • Cross-train OSHA personnel and industry safety and health practitioners in AMI ergonomic best practices or programs.

    OSHA 10- and 30-hour Training Courses for the Meat Industry

    AMI is developing OSHA 10- and 30-hour training courses for the meat industry. OSHA's Office of Training and Education has approved the outlines for the courses. Participants in OSHA Region VII's Nebraska Meat Industry Strategic Partnership and AMI's members in Omaha, Nebraska, will serve as a test audience for the 30-hour course when it is finalized. The Nebraska chapter of the National Safety Council offered to provide meeting space for the course in Omaha.

    Outreach and Communication Goals

    • Seek opportunities to jointly develop and disseminate information and guidance through print and electronic media, particularly the AMI and OSHA Web sites.

    OSHA's Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics Page

    Representatives from the OSHA and AMI Alliance help to review and revise OSHA's Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics page. For example, representatives from AMI recommended adding links to OSHA's Hispanic outreach resources. This page is maintained as a product of the Alliance between OSHA and AMI. The following representatives from AMI serve as members of the page's editorial board:

    • Mike Hartley, Smithfield Packing Co.
    • Dan McCausland, AMI
    • Tim Newquist, Kraft Foods
    • Eric Reynolds, Cargill Taylor Beef
    • Gary Walters, Premium Standards Farms
    • Regina Barker, Practical Ergonomics
    OSHA's Ammonia Refrigeration eTool

    Representatives from the OSHA-AMI Alliance worked with representatives from The Dow Chemical Company, another Alliance Program participant, to develop OSHA's Ammonia Refrigeration eTool. The following representatives from AMI serve as members of the editorial board of OSHA's Ammonia Refrigeration eTool:

    • Greg Bishop, UniSea
    • Mark Halvoresen, Armour Swift-Eckrich
    • Dan McCausland, AMI
    • Debbie Pike, International Seafoods of Alaska, Inc.
    • Mark Pohl, ConAgra
    The eTool was posted on OSHA's Web site in July 2004.

    OSHA and AMI's Alliance Web Page

    The OSHA and AMI Web page on the OSHA Web site continues to be updated and includes links to the Alliance agreement and related documents, activities and events, milestones and successes, and products of the Alliance such as OSHA's Ammonia Refrigeration eTool and Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics page. Additions during the reporting period include information about the AMI Meat Industry Orientation Seminar held on June 29, 2005, in Kansas City, Missouri. For more information on the number of visits to the OSHA and AMI Alliance Web page, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.

    AMI's Web Site

    AMI continues to update the Worker Safety Page on its Web site, which includes links to the OSHA and AMI Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site, OSHA's Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics page, and AMI fact sheets on worker safety and health and line speeds in meat and poultry plants. In response to Hurricane Katrina, AMI added links on its Web site to OSHA's Hurricane Recovery Web page, which includes fact sheets, Quick Cards, and other resources for employers, workers, and others involved in hurricane recovery cleanup and recovery.

    Alliance Quarterly Review

    The September 2005 issue of OSHA's Alliance Quarterly Review newsletter featured an article on the OSHA and AMI's Meat Industry Orientation Seminar, which was held June 29, 2005 in Kansas City, Missouri.

    • Seek opportunities to jointly disseminate information and guidance in Spanish and other languages.

    Mexican Embassy Spanish-Language Meat Packing Compliance Assistance Material

    OSHA signed a Letter of Agreement (LOA) with the Mexican Embassy in July 2004. In support of the agreement in December 2005, OSHA provided the Embassy with safety and health information on a number of topics, including the meat packing and processing industry. Through the Alliance, AMI representatives reviewed the meat packing information provided by OSHA through the LOA. The Embassy used the informed provided by OSHA to develop Spanish-language materials for distribution in Mexico and by Mexican Consulates in the United States.

    • Seek opportunities to speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences, local meetings, or other events to promote the effectiveness of their ergonomic programs.

    AMI Worker Safety, Health and Human Resources Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-5, 2005

    On April 5, 2005, Paula White, Director of the Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, USDOL-OSHA, gave a presentation entitled, "OSHA Alliance and Other Cooperative Programs," to 70 attendees at the AMI Worker Safety, Health and Human Resources Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

    • Promote and encourage AMI members' participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Program, Consultation, SHARP, and mentoring among AMI members.

      During this reporting period, OSHA and AMI did not work on projects to address this goal.
    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

    • Encourage AMI members to act as industry liaisons and resources for OSHA's cooperative programs and Compliance Assistance Specialists.

      During this reporting period, OSHA and AMI did not work on projects to address this goal.

    • Share information on best practices of AMI members with others in the industry.

    Meat Industry Orientation Seminar

    On June 29, 2004, the Alliance held a "Meat Industry Orientation Seminar" for OSHA federal and state personnel in Region VII in Kansas City, Missouri. Twenty-four participants attended the seminar, representing the Agency's Region VII Area Offices and Consultation Projects in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska; Consultation Projects; and Iowa, which is a State Plan State. Speakers included Dan McCausland, Director, Worker Safety and Human Resources for AMI; Eric Reynolds, Manager of Safety and Ergonomics, Cargill Taylor Beef Co.; Tim McGrail, Global Safety Manager, Kraft Metrics; Regina Barker, Principal, Practical Ergonomics, and Gary Walters, Processing Safety Manager, Premium Standard Farms. They provided in-depth orientation to the meat industry and discussed specific safety applications, including lockout/tagout, process safety management for ammonia refrigeration systems, ergonomics, personnel protective equipment, machine guarding and job hazard analyses.

    At the same meeting, Bonnita Winningham, Strategic Team Leader, Region VII's Omaha, Nebraska Area Office, provided information on the Nebraska Meat Industry/OSHA Strategic Partnership. She reviewed the Partnership's formation and its challenges and successes. Members of the Partnership, Doug Kloth, Supervisor of Safety, Security and Medical Hormel Foods, and Steve Neuhaus, Director of Training & Compliance, Kaiser's Contract Cleaning Specialists Inc. also talked about clean up operations at meat packing and processing plants.

  2. Executive Summary

    During the 2004-2005 reporting period, the OSHA and AMI Alliance continued to work to reduce and prevent exposure to ergonomic and other workplace safety and health hazards in the meat packing and processing industry.

    The OSHA and AMI Alliance implementation team continued to maintain and update several resources with information about the Alliance and safety and health in the meat packing and processing industry. The OSHA and AMI Alliance Web page on the OSHA Web site features links to related documents, activities and events, and milestones and successes. AMI's Web site contains a Worker Safety Page that includes links to the OSHA and AMI Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site, OSHA's Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics page, and AMI fact sheets on worker safety and line speeds in meat and poultry plants.

    During the past year, the AMI Alliance implementation team members contributed to a number of OSHA's compliance assistance products. AMI members continued to serve on OSHA's Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics page's and Ammonia Refrigeration eTool's editorial boards. For example, the OSHA and AMI implementation team updated the Meat Packing Industry Topics page to include links to OSHA's Hispanic outreach resources. AMI representatives also reviewed meat packing safety and health information developed in support of the Letter of Agreement between OSHA and the Mexican Embassy. The information was provided to the Mexican Embassy and used by it to develop Spanish-language materials for distribution to Mexican workers in the U.S. by Mexican Consulates.

    In addition, the OSHA and AMI Alliance implementation team shared best practices from the meat packing and processing industry with OSHA staff. The OSHA and AMI Alliance implementation team presented the "Meat Industry Orientation Seminar" on June 29, 2005, in Kansas City, Missouri, for OSHA staff from Region VII.

    Through the Alliance, Paula White, Director of the Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs made a presentation to 70 attendees entitled "OSHA Alliance and Other Cooperative Programs" at the MI Worker Safety, Health and Human Resources Conference on April 20, 2005 in Atlanta, Georgia. Ms. White's presentation gave the attendees in-depth information on OSHA's cooperative programs and the OSHA and AMI Alliance.

  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
OSHA and AMI Alliance Webpage on the OSHA Website 4,649
AMI Worker Safety Page Data Not Available
Meat Packing Safety and Health Topics Page 14,400
Ammonia Refrigeration eTool 18,600
Mexican Embassy Spanish-Language Meat Packing Safety and Health Information Data Not Available
April 5, 2005: AMI Worker Safety, Health and Human Resources, Atlanta Georgia
Paula White, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Program, USDOL-OSHA
June 29, 2005: Meat Industry Orientation Seminar, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Bonnita Winningham, Strategic Team Leader, Omaha, Nebraska Area Office, Region VII, USDOL-OSHA
  • Charles Adkins, Region VII, Regional Administrator, OSHA
  • Beth Sherfy, Program Analyst, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, OSHA
  • Dan McCausland, Director , Worker Safety and Human Resources, AMI
  • Tim McGrail, Global Safety Manager, Kraft Metrics
  • Eric Reynolds, Manager of Safety and Ergonomics, Cargill Taylor Beef.
  • Gary Walters, Safety Manager, Premium Standard Farms
  • Regina Barker, Principal, Practical Ergonomics
  • Doug Kloth, Supervisor of Safety, Security and Medical Hormel Foods
  • Steve Neuhaus, Director of Training & Compliance, Kaiser's Contract Cleaning Specialists Inc.
September 2005: "OSHA Staff Learn about Meat Industry Safety" Alliance Quarterly Review 300
TOTAL 38,043

IV. Upcoming Milestones

In the coming year, OSHA and AMI will renew the Alliance agreement to continue to develop and review compliance assistance projects, make presentations at OSHA and AMI conferences and meetings, and develop training and education for AMI members and others in the meat packing and processing industry.

The members of the Alliance implementation team will update the Meat Packing Industry Safety and Health Topics page and the Ammonia Refrigeration eTool. They also plan to identify AMI representatives to serve on the editorial boards of other pages that relate to the meat packing and processing industry such as OSHA's Powered Industrial Truck and Ammonia Refrigeration Safety and Health Topics pages.

The OSHA-AMI Alliance implementation team will continue to develop and host training and education programs for the meat packing and processing industry and OSHA staff. The group plans to present the Meat Industry Orientation Seminar to Region VIII staff in Denver, Colorado on April 12, 2006. In addition, AMI plans to finalize 10- and 30-hour training courses for the meat industry. The group is considering delivering part of the 30-hour course to participants in Region VII's Nebraska Meat Industry Strategic Partnership and AMI's members in Omaha, Nebraska.

Report prepared by: Elizabeth Sherfy, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, January 24, 2006.

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