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Island Health Initiative
Mobilizing Volunteers to Generate Results for Insular Health

To strengthen health services throughout the Insular areas, the U.S. Department of the Interior is partnering with USA Freedom Corps (USAFC) on a volunteer-driven “Island Health Initiative.” This initiative will connect skilled medical and public health professionals to health-related volunteer service opportunities throughout the Insular areas.

Volunteers can search the network for health-related volunteer opportunities throughout the Insular areas.  Hospitals and health-related nonprofits can recruit volunteers at no charge.

US Freedom Corps logo

The Island Health Initiative will, for the first time, make service opportunities throughout all the Insular areas easily accessible through the USAFC Volunteer Network, which is the most comprehensive clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities. This initiative is now accessible through the USA Freedom Corps at http://www.freedomcorps.gov/about_usafc/initiatives/doi.asp

For more information or to list a volunteer opportunity on the website, please contact Joseph McDermott in the Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs by email Joseph_McDermott@ios.doi.gov or by phone at 202-208-4736.

U.S. Department of the Interior • Office of Insular Affairs
1849 C Street, N.W. • Washington, DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-6816 • FAX: (202) 219-1989
Last Updated on 10/14/08