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Fact Sheet
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Washington, DC
June 1, 2004

FY 2000-2001 Human Rights and Democracy Fund Projects

DRL's Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF), which is DRL's allocation of the Economic Support Fund (ESF), is used to fulfill the Bureau's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. HRDF supports innovative programming designed to uphold democratic principles, support democratic institutions, promote human rights, and build civil society in countries and regions of the world that are geo-strategically critical to the U.S. The following are programs that have been or are currently being supported through the fund.

FY 2000-2001 ESF Funds ($8,969,985)

Central Asia

  • Kazakhstan ($35,000) – Provide for legal defense for local media.
  • Uzbekistan ($150,000) – Support capacity-building of human rights advocacy NGOs.
  • Kyrgyz Republic ($40,000) – Fund get-out-the-vote NGO activities.
  • Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic ($20,000) – Support a media assessment for an independent printing press.
  • NED China Democracy ($500,000) – This project will support election, legislation, and legal reform activities in China.
  • NED China Prisoner Registry ($100,000) – This project fulfills a Congressional mandate to create and maintain a registry of political prisoners in China.
  • NED China Democracy Promotion ($1,000,000) – This project meets a Congressional mandate to promote democracy in China through a grant-making program through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
Middle East
  • Lebanon ($75,000) – Promote local efforts to advance community cohesion and ethnic and religious tolerance.
Western Hemisphere
  • Mexico ($100,000) – Fund election day observers for the presidential election in July 2000.
  • Dominican Republic ($192,000) – Pre-election day monitoring of the May 2000, presidential elections.
  • Peru ($85,000) – Pre-election observation and election day observers for Peru’s second round of presidential elections.
  • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Trafficking ($100,000) – Support Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) action plan to combat trafficking of persons.
  • Bosnia International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) ($500,000) – Support the establishment of the Missing Persons Institute in Sarajevo.
  • Bosnia Human Rights Commission ($1,250,000) – Support the Human Rights Ombudsperson to investigate reported cases of human rights violations and a Human Rights Chamber to adjudicate the cases.
  • Bosnia International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) ($150,000) –Support activities of ICTY to ensure domestic prosecution of war crimes in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Croatia.
  • NIS Belarus ($100,000) – Fund cross-border radio programs.
  • Stability Pact Roma Participation ($100,000) – Support for Romani NGOs in the form of seminars and workshops in human rights, advocacy, public relations, etc.
  • Stability Pact Regional Roma Initiative ($100,000) – Support ODIHR efforts to combat discrimination against the Roma.
  • Stability Pact SEEPIN ($26,000) – Support for the first annual meeting of SEEPIN, the Southeast European Policy Institutes Network, a consortium of 70 independent, regional institutions dedicated to the integration of Southeast Europe in Euro-Atlantic structures.
  • Stability Pact Regional Support Center ($115,000) – Development of a regional network of training institutions and trainers involved in public administration reform.
  • Stability Pact Women’s Project ($85,000) – Support programs promoting women’s economic and political leadership in southeastern Europe.
  • Hague Academy of International Law ($1,000) – Partial funding for human rights training by Hague Academy attorney.
  • Serb Media ($100,000) – Support for an independent newspaper for the Serb community in Kosovo.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Human Rights Commission ($300,000) – Support Bosnia’s human rights commission including the human rights ombudsperson and the human rights chamber.
  • OSCE Kosovo Rule of Law ($650,000) – Support rule of law initiatives in Kosovo, including judicial training.
  • Center for the Victims of Torture ($132,170) – Fund CVT activities in Turkey including regional tactical training efforts, dissemination of informational materials, and preparations for an international symposium on human rights.
  • NED Belarus ($500,000) – Support for election-related activities in run-up to presidential election, including voter education and get-out-the-vote advocacy.
  • Uganda ($200,000) – Support education of Amnesty Act and resettlement of combatants.
  • Sierra Leone ($700,065) – Provide technical and/or material assistance to the National Electoral Commission in Sierra Leone for elections.
  • Sierra Leone ($200,000) – Provide helicopter service to support efforts to bring justice and accountability for those guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
East Asia
  • Indonesia ($250,000) –This project support AG Marzuki’s prosecution efforts against those individuals responsible for the violence following the ballot in East Timor in September 1999.
  • Cambodia NDI ($100,000) – This project supports communal elections including training of local activists and potential candidates.
  • NED Democracy Forum for East Asia held in South Korea ($200,000) – This project supports a series of conferences, workshops, and training programs to help develop and strengthen democracy in the region and develop a network of democracy proponents throughout Asia..
  • TAF ASEAN Human Rights Working Group ($150,000) – This project will support ASEAN human rights activities, including advancing the establishment of a human rights mechanism in Southeast Asia.
  • Community of Democracies ($263,750) – Support for the Warsaw ministerial.
  • NED World Movement on Democracy Brazil ($275,000) – Second assembly of NED’s democracy initiative.
  • Benin ($125,000) – Support the 4th UN-mandated International Conference of New and Restored Democracies.

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