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Jeffrey Krilla

Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

Jeffrey R. Krilla joined the U.S. Department of State in January 2006 as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. In his role as Deputy Assistant Secretary, Mr. Krilla oversees DRL activities relating to promotion of democracy and human rights in Africa and Europe. He also leads the Bureau's corporate social responsibility efforts and oversees the Office of International Labor Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility, which participates in democracy building and generating respect for internationally recognized worker rights globally, as well as serving as a lead office for the Department of State's corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy and programs.

Prior to joining DRL, Mr. Krilla served as Regional Director for Africa for the International Republican Institute (IRI), where he oversaw and coordinated programs and election observations in numerous African countries. In 2002, Mr. Krilla coordinated IRI's conference in Burkina Faso of Liberian opposition parties, civil society, news media and representatives of rebel factions to discuss Liberia's democratic future.

In addition, Mr. Krilla also served as a senior aide and attorney in the U.S. Congress for eight years. He was majority counsel for U.S. House of Representatives Commerce Committee and Chief of Staff for Congressman Mike Pappas (NJ). He also served as Legislative Assistant to Congressman Bill Thomas (CA).

During the time Mr. Krilla worked for the U.S. House of Representatives he founded "Fill Their Shelves," which provides children of southern Africa with educational tools needed to develop skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the 21st century. Through book donations, "Fill Their Shelves" provides much needed resources for essential development to disadvantaged schools in the region.

From 1991 to 1993, Mr. Krilla taught and assisted in the administration of a rural high school in the Lebowa region of South Africa. During his stay in Lebowa, he taught 10 classes per day, organized athletic programs, and served as the village snake hunter.

Mr. Krilla has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, including CNN, Voice of America, and ABC "World News Tonight." In addition, he has written extensively on the African region. Among his writings are Democracy in Africa: Women Need Not Apply? (SAIS Review, 2004) and Small footprint, giant step in Liberia (United Press International, February 10, 2004).

Mr. Krilla holds a bachelor's degree from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. He also holds a master's degree in government administration from the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania and a juris doctorate from the Georgetown University Law Center.

Released on December 19, 2006

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