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Remarks after Meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Algiers, Algeria
September 6, 2008

SECRETARY RICE: Yes, it was really an excellent meeting with His Excellency, President Bouteflika. We affirmed the very strong ties and friendship between Algeria and the United States, and between the people of Algeria and the United States.

We have talked about broadening our economic ties. We have a very good science and technology agreement that we have signed, and we want to broaden our ties to diversify our economic ties. Also, to diversify the ties between our people.

The president knows that I am, by training, an academic, and I have a strong interest in seeing more Algerian students in the United States. And this is an important element of our relationship, going forward.

And we have talked about our strong interest in fighting terrorism and counter-terrorism cooperation. And I said to the president that I was very saddened at the loss of life of innocent Algerians in recent terrorist incidents.

Finally, I have had the opportunity to benefit from President Bouteflika's wisdom about the region. He is truly one of the wise men of the region, one of the statesmen of the region, both in the Maghreb and in the broader region, and it has been very good to discuss a number of issues, including the Annapolis process, and the effort to bring peace between Palestinians and Israelis.

Thank you, Mr. President.



Released on September 6, 2008

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