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FY2004 Budget Summary

(Dollars in Thousands)
FTE Amount
2002 Obligations ... ... $291,577
2003 President's Budget Request ... ... 251,169
     Transfer to Justice Assistance appropriation ... ... -251,169
2004 Current Services ... ... ...
     Program Improvements (detailed below) ... ... ...
2004 Request ... ... ...

    2003 Appropriation 2004 Current Services 2004 Request Program Improvements
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
  1. Title II - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ... ... $99,004 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  2. Part D - Gang-Free Schools and Communities ... ... 11,974 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  3. Part E - State Challenge Activities ... ... 9,978 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  4. Part G - Mentoring ... ... 15,965 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  5. Title V - Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention ... ... 94,791 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  6. Drug Prevention Demonstration Program ... ... 10,976 ... ... ... ... ... ...     ...
  7. Victims of Child Abuse ... ... 8,481 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
            Total ... ... 251,169 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Program Realignment
Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2004 budget proposes to streamline the decision unit structure of DOJ components to align more closely with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2001-2006). In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect each component's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget. In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions. Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs.


As part of the effort to realign resources, the 2004 budget moves funding from the Juvenile Justice appropriation to the Justice Assistance appropriation, with most funding falling under the Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System Decision Unit. The Department has requested $244.037 million for juvenile programs in Justice Assistance and has reallocated these funds so they are consistent with the recently passed 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act, (the Act) P.L. 107-273. Under Division C, Title II, Subtitle B (The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 2002), the Act reauthorized the Part A: Concentration of Federal Efforts Program, the Part B: Formula Grant Program, and Title V: Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention. It eliminated Part C: Discretionary Grants, Part D: Gang-Free Schools and Communities Grants, Part E:State Challenge Activities Grants, and Part G: Mentoring Grants. It also created a new Part C: Juvenile Delinquency Block Grants Program, a new Part D: Research, Evaluation, Training and Technical Assistance Program, and new Part E: Demonstration Grant Program. These changes have been reflected under the Justice Assistance program. The chart below reflects these and other proposed changes:
Programs included in the 2003 President's Budget 2003
Part A: Concentration of Federal Efforts 200 696   Funding is requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Part B: Formula Grants 88,804 93,768   Funding is requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Part C: Discretionary Grants 10,000 ...   Funding is not requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
     Subtotal 99,004 94,464
Part D Gangs 11,974 ...   Funding is not requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Part E: State Challenge Grants 9,978 ...   Funding is not requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Part G: Juvenile Mentoring 15,965 ...   Funding is not requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Title V: Local Delinquency Prevention 94,791 82,255   Funding is requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Drug Demonstration Program 10,976 ...   No funding is requested. See Justice Assistance.
Victims of Child Abuse 8,481 9,308   In Justice Assistance, under the Services for Victims of
        Crime Decision Unit
New Programs Created in the reauthorization act:
Part C: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Block Grants ... 42,881   Funding is requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Part D: Research, Evaluation, Training & Tech. Assist. ... 9,978   Funding is requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Part E: Demonstration Grant Program ... 5,151   Funding is requested, consistent with P.L. 107-273
Total 251,169 244,037

Except where noted, the programs listed above can be found under the Strengthening the Juvenile Justice System Decision Unit under the Justice Assistance appropriation. Detailed discussions of these programs can be found under the Justice Assistance summary. Funding amounts are not directly comparable since 2004 levels include management and administration funds associated with these programs, consistent with DOJ's efforts to realign the budget. Previously, all administrative costs for juvenile justice programs were included in the Part A: Concentration of Federal Efforts Program, where they were transferred to the Management and Administration Decision Unit in the Justice Assistance appropriation. A table showing just programmatic costs of all proposed 2004 OJP programs is included under the Justice Assistance summary.


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