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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA)
April 16, 2008

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

January 31, 2003

Date Renewed

June 16, 2005
February 8, 2007

Evaluation Period

January 31, 2007 – January 30, 2008


The OSHA and SCA Alliance focuses on using the organizations' collective expertise to help advance a culture of injury and illness prevention while sharing best practices and technical knowledge and promoting safe and healthful working conditions for shipyard employees.

Implementation Team Members

Steve Butler Office of Maritime Enforcement, Directorate of Enforcement Programs (DEP)
Paul Comolli Office of Maritime Enforcement, DEP
Debra Gabry Office of Science and Technology Assessment, Directorate of Science Technology and Medicine
1Carl Halgren Region X, Portland, Oregon Area Office Director
Lee Anne Jillings Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA), Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
2Jim Maddux Office of Maritime, Directorate of Standards and Guidance (DSG)
3Jess McCluer OOSA, DCSP
4Lisa Ramber OOSA, DCSP
Amy Wangdahl Office of Maritime, DSG
Elizabeth Way OOSA, DCSP
Ian Bennitt
Terry Preston
Manager, Government Affairs
Atlantic Marine, Inc.

1Retired from OSHA.
2Member of the Implementation Team until March 2007.
3Alliance Program Coordinator until June 2007.
4Serves as Alliance Program Coordinator since June 2007.

II. Implementation Team Meetings
January 24, 2008

January 16, 2008
December 13, 2007
November 19, 2007
October 25, 2007
March 5, 2007
Joint Meeting with American Shipbuilders Association (ASA) and the National Shipbuilders Research Program (NSRP) Alliances, Teleconference
Safety Alert: Electrocution, Teleconference
2008 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week, Teleconference
Safety Alert: Electrocution, Teleconference
Joint Meeting with ASA and NSRP Alliances, Teleconference
Joint Meeting with ASA and NSRP Alliances, Teleconference

III. Activities and Products
  1. Events and Products

    Outreach and Communication Goals

    • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and SCA's Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.

    OSHA and SCA Alliance Web site

    OSHA is continuing to update the OSHA and SCA Alliance Web page that is posted on the Agency's Web site. It includes the OSHA and SCA Alliance agreements, news releases, activities and events and milestones and successes.

    SCA Website (

    SCA continues to update its Web site which includes information on the OSHA and SCA Alliance, OSHA Region X and SCA Alliance and the OSHA Region VI Houston North and South Area Offices – SCA Strategic Partnership. During the reporting period, SCA posted “Safety Alert: Safety Alert: Electrocution and Shock Hazards in Shipyard Employment” that was developed through the OSHA and SCA, ASA, NSRP, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and (AIHA) Alliances, on its Web site. In addition, SCA is posting OSHA-related information in its News and Public Information section on its Web site.

    Publications and Newsletters

    Articles on the OSHA and SCA Alliance activities have appeared in a number of print and online publications, including the BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter and Alliance Quarterly Review. In addition, SCA includes information on OSHA compliance assistance resources in its quarterly publication, Shipyard Chronicle. A number of these articles were based on Department of Labor (DOL)-developed articles and e-mail alerts that OOSA sent to the Alliance Program participants for their use in disseminating information. For more information see the "Alliance Program Reach" table.

    OSHA's Safety and Health Topics Pages

    The following SCA representatives are continuing to provide OSHA with their expertise and feedback through participating on the Agency Safety and Health Topics pages' and eTools' editorial boards:

      Maritime Industry Safety and Health Topics page:

      • Ian H. Bennitt, Manager, Government Affairs, SCA; Washington, DC
      • Terry Guidry, Director of Safety, Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., SCA; Lockport, LA
      • Byron Johnson, Safety and Industrial Hygiene Manager, Gunderson, Inc., SCA; Portland, OR
      • Terry Preston, Safety, Environmental & Quality Director, Atlantic Marine, Inc., SCA; Mobile, AL
      Ship Building and Repair Safety and Health Topics page:

      • Ian H. Bennitt, Manager, Government Affairs, SCA; Washington, DC
      • Terry Guidry, Director of Safety, Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., SCA; Lockport, LA
      • Pat Killeen, Manager, Environmental Health & Safety, Signal International LLC, SCA; Pascagoula, MS
      • Roy Martin, Jr., Marine Group Safety Director, The Manitowoc Company, Inc, SCA; Sturgeon Bay, WI
      • Terry Preston, Safety, Environmental & Quality Director, Atlantic Marine, Inc., SCA; Mobile, AL
      • Al Rainsberger, Environmental/Occupational Safety Manager, Todd Pacific Shipyards, Inc., SCA; Seattle, WA
      Shipyard Employment eTool:

      • Terry Guidry, Director of Safety, Bollinger Shipyards, Inc., SCA; Lockport, LA
      • Byron Johnson, Safety and Industrial Hygiene Manager, Gunderson, Inc., SCA; Portland, OR
      • Terry Preston, Safety, Environmental & Quality Director, Atlantic Marine, Inc., SCA; Mobile, AL
    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's and SCA's conferences and events, such as SCA's bi-annual Safety Seminar.


    Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA) 12th Annual Safety and Health Seminar, September 13, 2007, Norfolk, Virginia

    On September 13, 2007, Leo Edwards, Area Director, Region III, Norfolk, Virginia Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, presented "Fire Safety & Fire Watch Regulations," and provided the attendees with an update on 29 CFR 1915 Subpart P: Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment during the VSRA 12th Annual Safety and Health Seminar in Norfolk, Virginia.

    Also during the seminar, Angelo Costa, Industrial Hygienist, Region III, Norfolk, Virginia Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, presented "Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium," and provided the attendees with an update on OSHA's activities regarding hexavalent chromium.

    Shipbuilders Council of America Safety Seminar, March 21, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana

    On March 21, 2007, Dorinda Folse, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, gave a presentation, "Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium," and updated shipyard safety and health professionals on OSHA's Hexavalent Chromium Standard during the Shipbuilders Council of America Safety Seminar in New Orleans, Louisiana.

    • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding SCA best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by SCA and through OSHA- or SCA-developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum).


    OSHA Business of Small Business Forum: “Safety and Health Issues in the Maritime Industry,” September 14, 2007, Washington, DC

    On September 14, 2007, representatives from Alliance Program participants, SCA and ASA, addressed safety and health issues of employees in small and medium-sized shipyards during the OSHA Business of Small Business Forum: “Safety and Health Issues in the Maritime Industry” at the DOL in Washington, DC. Terry Preston, Director of Safety, Environmental & Quality at Atlantic Marine, LLC in Mobile, AL, representing the SCA, made a presentation, “Small to Medium Sized Shipyard Challenges and Opportunities.”


    Safety Alert: Electrocution and Shock Hazards in Shipyard Employment

    Through the Alliance Program, SCA worked with representatives from the ASA, NSRP AIHA and ASSE Alliances to develop a Safety Alert: Electrocution and Shock Hazards in Shipyard Employment. The Safety Alert provides tips and reminders about what potentially hazardous situations to look for; and also list instructions on preventing and eliminating electrical safety and shock hazards. In addition, the Alert illustrates examples of dangerous situations.

    Success Story: OSHA Region IV Mobile, Alabama Area Office Alliance Develops Courses in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Maritime Industry

    Representatives from the OSHA and SCA Alliance participate in the OSHA Region IV Mobile, Alabama Area Office Gulf Coast Maritime Safety Alliance (with the Gulf Coast Maritime Safety Association, the Alabama chapter of the Physical Therapy Association and the Alabama Technology Network). The Alliance collaborated with representatives from the OSHA Training Institute Education Center (Ed Center) at the University of South Florida, the OSHA Directorate of Training Education and the OSHA National Office to develop the OSHA Maritime Industry Outreach Training Program. The Program is similar to the existing programs for general industry and construction but includes health hazard recognition in the targeted areas of shipyard employment, marine terminals and longshoring. OSHA is developing a success story about the Alliance's efforts which will be posted on the Agency's Web site in 2008.

    • Promote and encourage SCA members' participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, and the On-site Consultation Program and its Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.
    Shipyard Chronicle

    SCA is promoting OSHA's compliance assistance actives and cooperative programs through articles in its quarterly publication, Shipyard Chronicle. For example, in its Winter 2007 edition the association published the articles Hispanic Worker Outreach: OSHA can Help!," "SCA and the Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA) Partnered for Successful Health and Safety Seminar" and "OSHA Issues Draft Ergonomics Guidelines on Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in Shipyards." In addition, SCA is posting OSHA-related information in its News and Public Information section on the association Web site.

    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

    • Convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on shipyard safety and health hazards, including ergonomics, to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace.

    2007 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week, May 6-12, 2007

    Through the Alliance Program, SCA and more than 25 other Program participants supported 2007 NAOSH Week; "All Modes of Transportation," May 6-12. Sponsored annually by ASSE, an Alliance Program participant, and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, the Week focuses on the importance of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. SCA supported the Week by:

    • Linking its Web site to ASSE's 2007 NAOSH Week Web page.
    • Distributing copies of the 2007 NAOSH Week promotional poster at SCA's Safety Seminar March 16, 2007 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
    • Writing an article focusing on SCA's support of 2007 NAOSH Week in the association's Spring Newsletter.
    2008 NAOSH Week, May 4-10, 2008

    SCA and more than 50 other Alliance Program participants are supporting 2008 NAOSH Week, "Safety is Good Business," May 4-10. Sponsored annually by the ASSE and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, the Week focuses on the importance of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace.

  2. Executive Summary

    Through the Alliance Program, OSHA and SCA continue to work together to address safety and health issues in the maritime industry and continue their productive working relationship. As a result, the organizations signed an Alliance renewal agreement on February 8, 2007.

    The OSHA and SCA Alliance is working on several projects with ASA and NSRP; other maritime industry-related Alliances signed by the Agency. In addition, the OSHA and SCA, ASA and NSRP Alliances worked with the OSHA and AIHA Alliance and OSHA and ASSE Alliances to develop a Safety Alert: Electrocution and Shock Hazards in Shipyard Employment. The document provides tips and reminders about what potentially hazardous situations to look for and also lists instructions on preventing and eliminating electrical safety and shock hazards. In addition, the Alert illustrates examples of dangerous situations. The Safety Alert was posted on the SCA Web site in January 2008 and the OSHA and SCA Alliance Web page and the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products Web page on OSHA's Web site link to the document.

    OSHA and SCA representatives are also sharing their expertise through participation on OSHA's electronic assistance tools' editorial boards and speaking opportunities. For example, SCA representatives are continuing to serve on the Maritime Industry and Ship Building and Ship Repair Safety and Health Topics pages' editorial boards and the Shipyard Employment eTool's editorial board.

    In addition, at the VSRA 12th Annual Safety and Health Seminar on September 13, 2007, Norfolk, Virginia, Leo Edwards, Area Director, Region III, Norfolk, Virginia Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, presented "Fire Safety & Fire Watch Regulations." At the SCA Safety Seminar on March 21, 2007 in New Orleans, Louisiana, Dorinda Folse, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, gave a presentation, "Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium."

    Through the Alliance Program, SCA worked with ASSE and supported 2007 NAOSH Week, "All Modes of Transportation," May 6-12, with more than 25 other Alliance Program participants. In addition, the association is working to promote 2008 NAOSH Week. The association is also promoting the activities of the OSHA and SCA Alliance and compliance assistance programs through articles in its quarterly publication, Shipyard Chronicle. In addition, SCA is posting OSHA-related information in its News and Public Information section on the association's Web site.

    SCA is continuing to hold joint Implementation Team meetings with ASA and NSRP and OSHA representatives from the Directorates of Cooperative and State Programs; Enforcement Programs; Science, Technology and Medicine and Standards and Guidance.

  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
OSHA and SCA Alliance Web page on the OSHA Web site 3,000
SCA Web site – Link to OSHA/SCA Alliance 1,500
Maritime Industries Safety and Health Topics page 31,790
Ship Building and Ship Repair Safety and Health Topics page 6,640
Shipyard Employment eTool 5,216
February 2, 2007 – "SCA Renews OSHA Partnership," SCA News Release Data Not Available
February 9, 2007 – "OSHA Issues Guidance Document on Pandemic Flu," SCA Web page – News and Public Information section Data Not Available
February 12, 2007 – "OSHA Renews Alliance with the Shipbuilders Council of America," OSHA News Release Data Not Available
February 15, 2007 – “Alliance Activity Update,” QuickTakes 60,000
February 15, 2007 – "Shipbuilders Council of America Invites MACOSH Input on Injury, Illness Survey," BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter Data Not Available
March 21, 2007, Shipbuilders Council of America Safety Seminar, New Orleans, Louisiana

"Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium"


Dorinda Folse, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region VI, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Office, USDOL-OSHA
May 4, 2007 – "OSHA, ASSE, CSSE and Industry Groups Team Up to Increase Job Safety for North American Occupational Safety and Health Week," OSHA News Release Data Not Available
September 13, 2007 – VSRA 12th Annual Safety and Health Seminar, Norfolk, Virginia


Angelo Costa, Industrial Hygienist, Region III, Norfolk, Virginia Area Office, USDOL-OSHA

"Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium"
September 13, 2007 – VSRA 12th Annual Safety and Health Seminar, Norfolk, Virginia


Leo Edwards, Area Director, Region III, Norfolk, Virginia Area Office, USDOL-OSHA

"Fire Safety & Fire Watch Regulations"
September 14, 2007, OSHA Business of Small Business Forum:
“Safety and Health Issues in the Maritime Industry,” Washington, DC


Terry Preston, Director of Safety, Environmental & Quality, Atlantic Marine, LLC, Mobile, AL

"Small to Medium Sized Shipyard Challenges and Opportunities"
October 1, 2007- "OSHA Issues Draft Ergonomics Guidelines on Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in Shipyards," SCA Web page – News and Public Information section Data Not Available
Winter 2007 – Shipyard Chronicle
  • SCA and the Virginia Ship Repair Association (VSRA) Partnered for Successful Health and Safety Seminar
  • OSHA Issues Draft Ergonomics Guidelines on Preventing Musculoskeletal Injuries in Shipyards
  • Hispanic Worker Outreach: OSHA can Help!
December 2007, “Maritime Industry’s Safety and Health Issues Topic of OSHA Forum,” Alliance Quarterly Review 325
January 2, 2008 – "OSHA Issues New Proposed Rule: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment," SCA Web page – News and Public Information section Data Not Available
TOTAL 108,904

IV. Upcoming Milestones

In the upcoming year, the OSHA and SCA Alliance will undertake a number of activities and develop a number of products for the maritime industry. For example, SCA will work with ASA, NSRP, AIHA and ASSE through the Alliance Program to develop safety alerts that may address safety and health issues related to falls and confined spaces. In addition, SCA representatives will continue to serve on the Maritime Industry and Ship Building and Ship Repair Safety and Health Topics pages' editorial boards and the Shipyard Employment eTool's editorial board.

Further, SCA will also support the 2008 NAOSH Week and will promote the Alliance Program and the Agency's compliance assistance materials. SCA plans publish articles in its quarterly publication, Shipyard Chronicle and include information in its News and Public Information section on its Web site. In addition, OSHA will promote the products the Alliance produces in its Alliance Quarterly Review and through adding links to the products on the Agency's OSHA and SCA Alliance Web page and the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products Web page on its Web site.

Finally, Clyde Payne, Area Director, Region IV, Jackson, Mississippi Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, will present "Ergonomics in Shipyard Employment" on March 26, 2008 during the Shipbuilders Council of America Safety Seminar in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Report prepared by: Lisa Ramber, Alliance Coordinator, OOSA, April 16, 2008.

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 08/25/2008