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 You are in: Bureaus/Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary > Office of the Legal Adviser > International Claims and Investment Disputes (L/CID) 

Iraq Claims

The Office of International Claims and Investment Disputes is responsible for the submission claims  of U.S. individuals, corporations and government agencies  to the United Nations Compensation Commission ("UNCC") and for processing award payments. The office also takes the lead in developing positions on issues before the UNCC's Governing Council, whose membership is the same as that of the United Nations Security Council.

The UNCC, which sits in Geneva, was established by the Security Council in 1991 to process claims and pay compensation for losses resulting directly from Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait. In addition to the Governing Council, the UNCC is comprised of a Secretariat and panels of Commissioners. The United States Government played a leading role in developing this system. Compensation is paid to successful claimants out of a special Compensation Fund to which is allocated a significant portion (set at 30%, but temporarily reduced to 25%) of the revenues from sales of Iraqi oil.

Nearly one hundred governments have filed approximately 2.6 million claims on behalf of individuals, corporations and government agencies seeking compensation in excess of $300 billion. The United States Government has filed 3,254 claims valued at approximately $1.79 billion. As of December 5, 2001, 2,991 of these claims have been awarded a total of $665.3 million, which is being paid in installments as funds become available. The number of U.S. filed claims still pending is 194, worth approximately $236.8 million.

Under its work plan, the Commission is set to complete its work by mid-2003. The United States is committed to ensuring the continued effectiveness of the UNCC.

The time period for submitting claims to the UNCC has long since closed. Claimants seeking information about the status of their UNCC claims may write to:

Office of the Legal Adviser
Attn: Iraq Claims
Suite 203, South Building
2430 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037-2800

Claimants may also call the UNCC information line at (202) 776-8580.


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