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 You are in: Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security > Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) > Confidence and Security Building Measures 
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)
Confidence and Security Building Measures
The Americas
 - Hemispheric Security
 - CSBMs
 - Treaties
 - Central America
 - Regional Documents
 - White Papers on Defense Policy
 - Reference Maps
 - Additional Information
 - More on Western Hemisphere Affairs

The Americas

Hemispheric Security
Fact Sheets
Background Paper

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

Central America
Fact Sheet

Regional Documents
Organization of American States (OAS) CSBM Resolutions
OAS Hemispheric Security Resolutions
Defense Ministerial of the Americas (DMA)
Treaties and Conventions
Other Regional Documents

White Papers on Defense Policy
Brazil - National Defense Policy 1996
Canada - 1994 White Paper on Defence (Department of National Defence)
United States - Annual Defense Reports (Department of Defense)

Reference Maps
Map of Central America
Map of North America
Map of South America

Additional Information
Background Notes
CIA World FactBook
U.S. Census Bureau - International Data Base

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