National Wildlife Refuge System

Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find addresses for units of the National Wildlife Refuge System?

Baby Birds

What do I do if I find a baby bird?


Where can I buy a buffalo?


How can I get a job with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service?

What are the educational requirements to get a job and how do I find out which schools offer the course work that I need?

Endangered Species

How can I find out which endangered species are found on national wildlife refuges?

Where can I find pictures and information about individual species of endangered plants and animals?

Where can I find out the names of National Wildlife Refuges that were established for endangered species?


Where can I get information about obtaining bird/eagle feathers/parts?

It is illegal for individuals to possess feathers and/or parts of migratory birds without a permit or license.

Information about the distribution of bald and golden eagle feathers and parts to qualified Native Americans can be found on the National Eagle Repository Web page.


Where can I get information about fees?

The Recreation Fee Program

Hunting and Fishing

Where can I find information about the National Surveys of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation?

Land Acquisition

How long has the Federal Government been acquiring lands for wildlife?

What types of land interest are acquired?

What authority and funding is there for land acquisition?

Where does the money come from?

Do hunters pay for the lands acquired for the National Wildlife Refuge System?

Land Classification

How are lands classified within the Refuge System?

What are Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs)?

What are Coordination Areas?


What have sportsmen and sportswomen done to support the National Wildlife Refuge System?


Are any wildlife refuges named for women?

Fact Sheets

National Wildlife Refuge Fact Sheet (282 KB PDF)

Fact Sheet: Areas of Unique Interest (128 KB PDF)

Fact Sheet: Discovering the Wonders of Nature (221 KB PDF)

Fact Sheet: Discover Nature’s Best Hunting and Fishing (157 KB PDF)

Fact Sheet: Wildlife Spectacles to See and Photograph (175 KB PDF)

Fact Sheet: Waterfowl Production Areas (211 KB PDF)

Fact Sheet: Wildlife and Habitat Management (101 KB PDF)

National Wildlife Refuge Brochures

Visitors Guide (1 MB PDF)

Fish and Wildlife Management Offices – State, Territorial, and Tribal

Last updated: October 23, 2008