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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 31, 2008

U.S.-Israel Strategic Dialogue

The following is a joint statement by the United States and Israel on the Strategic Dialogue issued today in Washington D.C.

Begin text:

Today, the United States and Israel held a Strategic Dialogue led by the Department’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Bill Burns, and Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transportation, Shaul Mofaz, to expand cooperation on regional threats. The United States and Israel share deep concern about Iran’s nuclear program, and the two delegations discussed steps to strengthen diplomatic efforts and financial measures to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapons capability. We also reaffirmed our strong mutual determination to counter Iran’s support for terrorism. The discussion reflected a shared strategic vision and common understanding of threats to the Middle East region.

These discussions are another demonstration of the strong cooperative security partnership between the United States and Israel, based on a long-standing friendship, shared values, and common interests. The United States attaches the highest importance to these meetings which provide an opportunity to consider a range of issues of interest both parties.

The last Strategic Dialogue took place on April 29, 2008.


Released on July 31, 2008

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