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Media Note (Revised)
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 17, 2008

Secretary Rice to Travel to the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will travel to the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa July 20-28.

In Abu Dhabi (July 21-22), Secretary Rice will meet with host government officials to discuss bilateral issues and cooperation. She will also participate in a meeting of several Foreign Ministers of Arab countries to review regional matters of political, economic, and strategic importance.

In Singapore (July 22-24), Secretary Rice will attend the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference (PMC) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Ministerial, where she will discuss U.S.-ASEAN cooperation as well as regional issues such as disaster relief, Burma, free trade, and food and energy security.

Following her visit to Singapore, Secretary Rice will travel to Perth, Australia (July 24-25) for a “hometown visit” with Foreign Minister Smith. While there, the Secretary will meet with regional officials and community leaders. She will also join Foreign Minister Smith in highlighting the strength of our bilateral alliance and paying homage to those sacrificed in the cause of freedom.

In Auckland, New Zealand (July 25-27), Secretary Rice will meet with Prime Minister Clark, Foreign Minister Peters, and Opposition Leader Key. During these consultations, the Secretary will address a broad range of topics, including the bilateral political and economic relationship and global concerns.

Secretary Rice will cross the International Date Line and arrive in Apia, Samoa on July 26 to participate in a working lunch with her counterparts from Pacific Island Forum states to emphasize U.S. commitment to strengthening cooperation within the region. While in Apia, she will also meet with Head of State Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi and Prime Minister Tuila'epa to underscore U.S. support for Samoa’s commitment to democracy in the region. The Secretary will depart Samoa for the United States on July 26, stopping in Hawaii for consultations en route to Washington, DC.


Released on July 17, 2008

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