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Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

July-September Remarks on Near Eastern Affairs

--09/29/08  Remarks with UAE Foreign Minister Abdallah bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan Before Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Waldorf-Astoria; New York City
--09/27/08  Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari Before Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Waldorf-Astoria; New York City
--09/27/08  Remarks With OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu Before Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Waldorf-Astoria; New York City
--09/26/08  Quartet Press Availability; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; United Nations Headquarters; New York City
--09/26/08  Remarks At the United Nations Security Council 5983rd Meeting On the Situation in the Middle East; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; United Nations Headquarters; New York
--09/25/08  President Bush Meets With Lebanese President Sleiman; President Bush, President Sleiman;  The White House, Oval Office; Washington, DC
--09/25/08  President Bush Meets With President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority; President Bush, President Abbas; The White House, Oval Office; Washington, DC
--09/25/08  Remarks at the Middle East Policy Forum; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; George Washington University; Washington, DC
--09/24/08  Remarks With Qatar Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabir Al Thani Before Their Meeting ; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; New York City
--09/22/08  Remarks With Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Ali Aboul Gheit Before Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; New York City
--09/19/08  President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Nasser Al-Sabah of Kuwait; President Bush, Prime Minister Nasser Al-Sabah; The White House Oval Office; Washington, DC
--09/18/08  Remarks on the Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question, the Attack in Yemen and Other Matters; Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN; Remarks to the media following a Security Council Stakeout; New York City
--09/17/08  Attack on Embassy Sana'a; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--09/17/08  Statement on Terrorist Bombing on U.S. Embassy Sana'a; Rosemary DiCarlo, U.S. Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs; Remarks to the media following a Security Council Stakeout; New York City
--09/12/08  Briefing on Developments in the Iraqi Refugee Admissions and Assistance Programs; James B. Foley, Senior Coordinator for Iraqi Refugee Issues Ambassador ; Washington, DC 
--09/11/08  Remarks on Burma and Iran; Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN; Remarks to the media following a Security Council Stakeout; New York, New York
--09/11/08  Statement on Iran Sanctions and the 1737 Committee; Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN; Remarks in the Security Council; New York, New York
--09/10/08  Briefing on a Treasury Designation Under Executive Order 13382; Patricia McNerney, Acting Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation; Washington, DC
--09/07/08  Remarks with Moroccan Foreign Minister Fassi Fihri ; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Foreign Ministry; Rabat, Morocco
--09/06/08  Interview With Zain Verjee of CNN; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Tripoli, Libya
--09/06/08  Remarks En Route to Algiers, Algeria; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Algiers, Algeria
--09/06/08  Remarks after Meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Algiers, Algeria
--09/06/08  Remarks after Meeting with Tunisian President Ben Ali; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Tunis, Tunisia
--09/06/08  Roundtable with Travel Press; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Ambassador's Residence; Algiers, Algeria
--09/05/08  Interview With Erin Burnett of CNBC; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Tripoli, Libya
--09/05/08  Remarks En Route Tripoli, Libya with Traveling Press; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; En Route Tripoli, Libya
--09/03/08  Briefing On the History of Libya's WMD Effort and Dismantlement Program and Libya's Renunciation of Terrorism; Paula A. DeSutter, Assistant Secretary of State for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation ; Washington, DC
--09/02/08  Anbar Province Sets the Example for All of Iraq; Ma'amoun Sami Rasheed , Governor of Anbar Province; Via Digital Videoconference; Anbar Province, Iraq
--09/02/08  Special Briefing On U.S.-Libya Relations;  C. David Welch, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs ; Washington, DC
--08/26/08  Remarks With Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Inbal Hotel; Jerusalem
--08/25/08  Remarks En Route Tel Aviv, Israel; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; En Route Tel Aviv, Israel 
--08/21/08  Remarks With Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Baghdad, Iraq
--08/15/08  Briefing on the U.S-Libya Comprehensive Claims Settlement;  C. David Welch, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs; Washington, DC
--08/07/08  Remarks on Iraq, Pakistan, Iran and Zimbabwe; Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN; Remarks to the media following a Security Council Stakeout; New York City
--08/06/08  Interview With Mike Allen of The Politico and Yahoo! News; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--08/06/08  Statement on Behalf of Multinational Force in Iraq, (MNF-I); Amb. Alejandro Wolff, U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN; Remarks to the Security Council; New York City 
--07/31/08  President Bush Discusses Iraq; President Bush; Released by the White House, Office of the Press Secretary; Washington, DC 
--07/30/08  Remarks Before Meeting With Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for Somalia Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--07/29/08  Policy Podcast: Democracy Promotion in the Middle East
--07/29/08  Remarks With Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini After Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--07/22/08  Statement on the Situation in the Middle East; Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Remarks to the Security Council; New York City
--07/18/08  Interview With CNN's Wolf Blitzer; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--07/09/08  U.S. Policy Toward Iran; William J. Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs; Opening Statement before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC 
--07/02/08  Remarks on Zimbabwe, Iraq, North Korea, Burma, and Iran; Amb. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN; Remarks to the media following a Security Council Stakeout; New York City

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