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OSHA and the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and the
Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety Technologists (CCHEST)
Close-Out Report
September 26, 2007

On September 26, 2003, OSHA and BCSP formed an Alliance to focus on providing information and guidance and access to training resources regarding the value of safety and health professionalism and accredited certifications. In addition, the organizations used their collective expertise to help enhance safety professionals’ education and professional expertise and promote the value of increasing safety competency in the workplace. An addendum was signed on September 13, 2004 that added the Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety Technologists (CCHEST) to the agreement and the Alliance was renewed on July 12, 2006.

OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST are working together to sign a new Alliance agreement with additional signatories including American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH). As a result, OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST agreed to conclude the Alliance signed September 26, 2003 as of September 26, 2007.

During the implementation of the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance, the following successes resulted from the organizations’ work together to meet the agreements’ goals:
  • Through the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance, BCSP developed the Certified Safety Professional and the Value of Certification Fact Sheet. The fact sheet discusses the value of professional certification, including the benefits to employers, salaries, professionalism, and accreditation.

  • The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance also developed a brochure, "Career Paths in Safety," that includes information on education, experience needed and the types of professional certification. OSHA, BCSP, and CCHEST representatives are distributing the brochure during presentations at safety and health-related events including, the National Safety Congress and Expo, Construction Safety Conference, and Associated General Contractors Conference.

  • On May 17, 2006, Dr. Roger Brauer, Executive Director, BCSP gave a presentation on the value of certification and provided information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance to over 100 international attendees at the Safety in Action Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

  • Stew Burkhammer, Director, Office of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction, USDOL-OSHA gave several presentations during the term of the Alliance that included information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance and distributed the Alliance-developed fact sheet, Certified Safety Professional and the Value of Certification and the brochure, Career Paths in Safety, at the following conferences and events:

    • Construction Safety Conference
    • Dival/Region II Safety Summit
    • National Asphalt Pavement Association Annual Meeting
    • IBEW Training and Education Conference
    • Associated General Contractors Conference
    • The Washington Group Safety Summit
  • BCSP created a BCSP and OSHA Alliance Web page on the organization’s Web site that includes the goals of the Alliance, links to the Alliance agreement, news releases, OSHA, BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page, and a slide presentation, "Certified Safety Professional," that can be used by OSHA representatives and others when giving speeches on the value of certification.

  • BCSP and CCHEST helped to support and promote the 2006 and 2007 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week. NAOSH Week is sponsored by the American Society of Safety Engineers, another Alliance Program participant, and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering. Linda Tapp, Director, BCSP represented the organizations at the 2006 NAOSH Week’s kick-off event, May 1, 2006 at the Department of Labor in Washington, DC.
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