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Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the
Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and the
Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety Technologists (CCHEST)
December 3, 2006

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

September 26, 2003, BCSP
September 13, 2004, Alliance Addendum signed with CCHEST

Date Renewed

July 12, 2006


Through the Alliance, OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST are using their collective expertise to help enhance safety professionals' education and professional expertise and promote the value of increasing safety competency in the workplace. OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST are encouraging safety and health professionals to continue to strive for enhanced knowledge of workplace safety and health programs, processes, and regulations by providing information and guidance regarding the value of safety and health professionalism and accredited certifications. In addition, the groups are educating individuals on how to achieve accredited certifications, such as the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) offered by BCSP and the Occupational Health and Safety Technologist (OHST), Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST), and Safety Trained Supervisor (STS) offered by CCHEST.

Implementation Team Members
Stew Burkhammer
Bob Curtis
Sandra Khan
Office of Construction Services
Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Roger Brauer
Thomas Bresnahan
Executive Director
Adrian Hertog President

Evaluation Period

September 26, 2005 - September 25, 2006

II. Implementation Team Meetings

February 8, 2006
July 12, 2006
Implementation Team Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Implementation Team Meeting, Washington, D.C.

In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance’s progress and results.

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Training and Education Goal

    • Work with OSHA to provide expertise to develop job performance metrics for safety and health professionals and to develop safety curricula.

      During the reporting period the OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST implementation team did not address this Alliance goal.
    Outreach and Communication Goals

    • Work with OSHA to develop materials and programs to promote the awareness of and the value and benefits of achieving safety and health certifications and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA’s, BCSP’s and CCHEST’s Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.

    Certified Safety Professional and the Value of Certification Fact Sheet

    Through the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance, BCSP developed the Certified Safety Professional and the Value of Certification Fact Sheet. The fact sheet discusses the value of professional certification, including the benefits to employers, salaries, professionalism, and accreditation. The fact sheet is posted on the BCSP Web site and OSHA links to from the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on the Agency’s Web site.

    Career Paths in Safety

    Through the Alliance, BCSP and CCHEST developed a brochure, "Career Paths in Safety," that includes information on education, experience needed and the types of professional certification. OSHA, BCSP, and CCHEST representatives are distributing the brochure during presentations at safety and health-related events including, the National Safety Congress and Expo, Construction Safety Conference, and Associated General Contractors Conference. The fact sheet is posted on BCSP’s Web site and OSHA links to it from the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on the Agency’s Web site.

    BCSP Database of Safety and Related Academic Programs in the United States

    BCSP continues to update its database on academic programs in the United States that includes a list of approximately 800 academic programs in safety and allied fields of study at accredited United States colleges and universities. The database is posted on BCSP’s Web site and has a search engine for locating programs by state, academic program level and subject area. OSHA links to the database from the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on the Agency’s Web site.

    Print and Electronic Media

    Articles about the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance have appeared in a number of print and online publications, including: Community Dispatch, Environmental Resource Center, BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter, U.S. Newswire, OSHA’s News Releases and QuickTakes, and the BCSP Newsletter. For more information on the articles, please see the Alliance Program Reach table in this report.

    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences, local meetings, or other events to disseminate OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST developed information on safety and health certification.

    Safety in Action Conference, Melbourne, Australia, May 16-18, 2006

    On May 17, 2006, Dr. Roger Brauer, Executive Director, BCSP gave a presentation on the value of certification and provided information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance to over 100 international attendees at the Safety in Action Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

    OSHA Construction Update

    Stew Burkhammer, Director, Office of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction, USDOL-OSHA gave several presentations during the reporting period that included information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance and distributed the Alliance-developed fact sheet, Certified Safety Professional and the Value of Certification and the brochure, Career Paths in Safety, at the following conferences and events:

    • Construction Safety Conference
    • Dival/Region II Safety Summit
    • National Asphalt Pavement Association Annual Meeting
    • IBEW Training and Education Conference
    • Associated General Contractors Conference
    • The Washington Group Safety Summit

    OSHA and BCSP AND CCHEST Alliance Web page

    The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site continues to be updated and includes the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance agreement, the Alliance renewal agreement, news releases, and milestones and successes. This Web page is kept up-to-date on a regular basis.

    BCSP and OSHA Alliance Web page

    BCSP created a BCSP and OSHA Alliance Web page on the organization’s Web site that includes the goals of the Alliance, links to the Alliance agreement, news releases, OSHA, BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page, and a slide presentation, "Certified Safety Professional," that can be used by OSHA representatives and others when giving speeches on the value of certification.

    • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding safety and health certification through outreach by BCSP and CCHEST or OSHA developed materials, workshops, seminars, and lectures.

    American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Chapter Meetings

    BCSP and CCHEST representative, Dr. Roger Brauer, Executive Director, BCSP gave presentations on safety and health certification and the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance during the several ASSE Chapter meetings.

    2006 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week, April 30-May 6, 2006

    Through the Alliance, BCSP and CCHEST helped to support and promote 2006 NAOSH Week, which was held April 30-May 6, 2006. NAOSH Week is sponsored by ASSE, another Alliance Program participant, and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE). Linda Tapp, Director, BCSP represented the board at the Week’s kick-off event, May 1, 2006 at the Department of Labor. The event included remarks by OSHA’s Assistant Secretary Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. and representatives from ASSE and CSSE.

    • Work with other Alliance participants on safety and health certification issues.

      During the reporting period the OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST implementation team did not address this Alliance goal.
    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

    • Develop and disseminate case studies illustrating the business value of safety and health certification and publicize the results.

      During the reporting period the OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST implementation team did not address this Alliance goal.

    • Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings on safety and health certification and professionalism.

      During the reporting period the OSHA, BCSP and CCHEST implementation team did not address this Alliance goal.
  2. Executive Summary

    During this reporting period, the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance agreement was renewed for two years. The organizations agreed to continue focusing on encouraging safety and health professionals to strive for enhanced knowledge of workplace safety and health programs, processes, and regulations by providing information and guidance regarding the value of safety and health professionalism and accredited certifications.

    In addition, the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance implementation team completed a number of successful projects that advanced safety and health accredited certifications and promoted the Alliance Program, including:

    • Developed the brochure, "Career Paths in Safety," that has information on the education and experience needed and the types of safety certifications available to individuals interested in a career in safety. BCSP provides copies of the brochure to OSHA for distribution during conferences and meetings.

    • Developed the fact sheet, "The CSP and the Value of Certification," that includes information on benefits to employers, salaries, professionalism and accreditation. BCSP also provides copies of the fact sheet to OSHA for distribution during conferences and meetings.

    • BCSP worked with other Alliance Program participants to promote workplace safety and health issues through supporting and promoting the 2006 NAOSH Week, which is sponsored by ASSE and CSSE. The 2006 Week was held April 30 – May 6, and Linda Tapp, Director, BCSP, attended its kick-off event at the Department of Labor on May 1, 2006.

    • Dr. Roger Brauer gave several presentations on the value of certification that included the information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance to ASSE Chapters through-out the United States.

    • Stew Burkhammer, Director, Office of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction, USDOL-OSHA gave several presentations that included information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance and distributed the Alliance-developed fact sheet, Certified Safety Professional and the Value of Certification and the brochure, Career Paths in Safety, at a number of conferences and events including the Construction Safety Conference, the Dival/Region II Safety Summit, and the National Asphalt Pavement Association Annual Meeting.

    • BCSP developed a BCSP and OSHA Alliance Web page on the organization’s Web site that includes links to the Alliance agreement, renewal agreement, and the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on OSHA’s Web site.

    • The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on the Agency’s Web site features links to related documents, information of the Alliance’s activities and events, and milestones and successes including the BCSP and CCHEST Database of Safety and Related Academic Programs in the United States, and BCSP publications; Career Paths in Safety, Value of Certification Fact Sheet and the Career Guide to the Safety Profession.

    • Dr. Roger Brauer gave a presentation on the value of certification and provided information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance at the Safety in Action Conference, May 16-18, 2006 in Melbourne, Australia.
  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
October 5, 2005: PASMA Professional Development Conference
San Diego, California
Speaker: Dr. Roger Brauer
Data not available
February 1, 2006: BCSP supports NAOSH Week
BCSP News Release
Data not available
April 3-4, 2006: Construction Safety Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Speaker: Stew Burkhammer
April 10, 2006: 3M Safety and Health North America
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Speaker: Roger Brauer
April 24, 2006: IBEW Training and Education Conference
Newport Beach, California
Speaker: Stew Burkhammer
April 30, 2006: National Floor Safety Inst. Leaders
Chicago, Illinois
Speaker: Roger Brauer
June 2006: Update BCSP and CCHEST Alliance with OSHA
BCSP Newsletter
May 17, 2006: Safety in Action Congress
Melbourne, Australia
Speaker: Dr. Roger Brauer
June 11, 2006: ASSE-Professional Development Course
Seattle, Washington
Speaker: Dr. Roger Brauer
June 13, 2006: ASSE Professional Development Course
Seattle, Washington
Speaker: Roger Brauer
June 20, 2006: Dival/Region II Safety Summit
Buffalo, New York
Speaker: Stew Burkhammer
July 12, 2006: OSHA Renews Alliance with Board of Certified Safety Professionals, Certification Council
OSHA News Release
60 News Services
July 13, 2006: OSHA Renews Alliance with Board of Certified Safety Professionals, Certification Council
Community Dispatch
Data not available
July 16, 2006: National Asphalt Pavement Association Annual Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada
Speaker: Stew Burkhammer
July 17, 2006: OSHA Renews Alliance with Board of Certified Safety Professionals
Environmental Resource Center
Data not available
July 20, 2006: OSHA Renews Certification Alliance
BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter
Data not available
July 20, 2006: Three National Alliances Renewed Alliance
OK Safety
Data not available
July 20, 2006: Associated General Contractors Conference
Denver, Colorado
Speaker: Stew Burkhammer
July 25, 2006: The Washington Group Safety Summit
Boise, Idaho
Speaker: Stew Burkhammer
July 27, 2006: BCSP and CCHEST Renew Alliance Agreement with OSHA
BCSP News Release
OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Web page on OSHA’s Web site 5,230
TOTAL 8,251

IV. Upcoming Milestones

In the upcoming year, the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance will continue to promote OSHA’s Alliance Program and compliance assistance resources to BCSP and CCHEST members and others in the safety and health profession. The Alliance implementation team members will continue to update the Alliances Web page on the Agency’s Web site and the BCSP and OSHA Alliance Web page on BCSP’s Web site. In addition, CCHEST will develop an Alliance Web page for the organization’s Web site.

Representatives from the Alliance Implementation Team will also continue to promote safety and health certification and professionalism through speaking and exhibiting opportunities at national, regional, local and company conferences, schools and other safety related events, including the National Safety Congress, American Industrial Hygiene Association Conference, and ASSE Professional Development Conference. In addition, BCSP will conduct meetings with governmental and private sector organizations to discuss the value of certifications. The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance will also join with other Alliance Program participants in supporting the 2007 NAOSH Week, May 6-12, 2007, which is sponsored by the ASSE and supported by numerous other Alliance Program participants.

In addition, the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance will work with the Washington Group International, another Alliance Program participant, to develop a case study on the successful implementation and impact of the organization’s STS Certification Program.

Finally, BCSP and CCHEST will recognize the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance in career publications printed and distributed by BCSP and CCHEST.

Report prepared by: Sandra Khan, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances with input from Roger Brauer, Executive Director and Heather Murphy, Manager of Communication and Marketing BCSP, December 3, 2006.

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