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Occupational Safety and Health Administration
and the
Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and the
Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety Technologists (CCHEST)
October 25, 2004

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

September 26, 2003


Through the Alliance, OSHA and BCSP are using their collective expertise to help enhance safety professionals' education and professional expertise and promote the value of increasing safety competency in the workplace. OSHA and BCSP are encouraging safety and health professionals to continue to strive for enhanced knowledge of workplace safety and health programs, processes, and regulations by providing information and guidance regarding the value of safety and health professionalism and accredited certifications. In addition, the groups are educating individuals on how to achieve the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) designation.

Through the addendum to the OSHA and BCSP Alliance that was signed on September 13, 2004, CCHEST joined with the Alliance and is using its expertise to help enhance safety professionals' education and professional knowledge and promote the value of increasing safety competency in the workplace. In the addendum, CCHEST agrees to meet all of the goals of the original OSHA and BCSP Alliance.

Implementation Team Members
Stew Burkhammer
Cathy Cronin
Bob Curtis
Lisa Ramber
Doug Simon
Office of Construction Services
Office of Training and Education
Salt Lake Technical Center
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances
Office of Training and Education
Roger Brauer
Dave Herbert
Executive Director

Evaluation Period

September 26, 2003 - September 25, 2004

II. Implementation Team Meetings

Kick-off meeting
Team meeting
October 3, 2003
February 13, 2004

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Training and Education Goal

    • Participate in reviewing and sharing the results of the BCSP studies regarding the functions, tasks, knowledge, and skills that are needed for safety and health practices to define a job performance metrics for safety and health professionals and develop related safety curricula that could be incorporated into training and education courses, including those offered by OSHA's Ed Centers.

    Certification Information Packets

    BSCP provided OSHA's Office of Training and Education and Directorate of Construction with information packets on professional certification. The information included application and certification guides. In addition, links to BCSP’s publications, “Career Paths in Safety” and “Career Guide to the Safety Profession” are on the OSHA and BCSP Alliance Webpage on OSHA’s Website.

    Outreach and Communication Goals

    • Develop materials and programs to promote the awareness of and the value and benefits of achieving safety and health certifications.

    OSHA Group Score Report

    BCSP developed a group score report for OSHA employees taking the Certified Safety Professional Examinations and shared the information with Assistant Secretary John Henshaw, USDOL-OSHA. The results showed that OSHA employees as a group perform better on the CSP examinations than do all candidates combined.

    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences, workshops, meetings, or other events and use print and electronic media, including OSHA's and BCSP's Web sites, or other resources to disseminate OSHA - or BCSP developed information on safety and health certification.

    OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Website

    OSHA developed an OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Website on the Agency's Webpage that includes the OSHA and BCSP Alliance agreement, CCHEST addendum, news releases, and milestones and successes. This Website is kept up-to-date on a regular basis.

    Publications and Newsletters

    Information and news releases on the OSHA and BCSP Alliance and the CCHEST addendum signings and the activities of the Alliance have appeared in a number of publications produced by OSHA and BCSP and CCHEST. In addition, information on the OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance has been published in a number of safety and health publications. Please see the chart in this report under "Alliance Program Reach" for additional information.

    • Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects for achieving safety and health certification that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.

    American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Professional Development Conference, June 8, 2004, Las Vegas, NV

    Representatives from BCSP attended a joint Government Affairs Professional Mentoring Reception hosted by OSHA and the ASSE, another Alliance Program participant, on June 8, 2004 during ASSE's Professional Development Conference, "Safety 2004: Advancing the ES&H Profession." During the reception, BCSP representatives answered questions and provided information on the importance of safety and health certifications.

    • Encourage safety and health professionals to assist in the mentoring of individuals interested in achieving accredited professional certification.

      The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.
    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

    • Define joint research objectives and projects that could link the elements of safety professionalism to the enhancement of the safety and health profession.

      The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.

    • Exchange information regarding case studies and lessons learned by employers and individuals resulting from improving safety professionalism and achieving of safety and health accredited certifications.

      The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.

    • Convene and participate in forums and round table discussions on improving safety and health practices and professionalism, such as the International Safety Conference in 2005, and the DOL Annual Safety Day event.

      The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.
  2. Executive Summary

    Recognizing that the Alliance should be promoting the Certified Occupational Health and Safety Technologists (COHST), Construction Health and Safety Technologist (CHST) and the Safety Trained Supervisor (STS) certifications, in addition to the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) certification, an addendum was signed with the Council on Certification of Health, Environmental and Safety Technologists (CCHEST) on September 13, 2004 adding this organization to the OSHA and BCSP Alliance.

    BCSP and CCHEST have clearly demonstrated that the organizations are willing to share its information and studies on safety and health certification with OSHA to help advance safety and health professionalism in course curriculum and in the workplace. After the initial Implementation Team meetings, where focus and direction of the Alliance were determined, OSHA’s and BCSP’s Alliance coordinators communicated more regularly and informally than the Implementation Team meetings to keep both organizations up-to-date regarding the Alliance’s activities.

    The OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance has been very successful is building on existing positive relationships between the organizations. Through the Alliance, BCSP and CCHEST has shared information with OSHA’s Directorate of Construction and the Office of Training and Education. In addition, BSCP and CCHEST has provided both groups with its “Career Paths in Safety” and “Career Guide to the Safety Profession” as well as specific job analyses information.

    BCSP also prepared and developed a group score report for OSHA employees taking the Certified Safety Professional Examinations and shared the information OSHA’s Assistant Secretary John Henshaw. The Agency used this information to further encourage OSHA staff to pursue professional certifications.

  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
OSHA and BCSP Alliance Website on OSHA's Webpage 24,000
September 26, 2003, "Board of Certified Safety Professionals Aligns with OSHA -- Alliance centered on enhancing safety professionals' education," OSHA News Release 25 News Services
September 29, 2003, "BCSP and OSHA Sign Alliance Agreement," BCSP News Release Data Not Available
October 1, 2003, "National Alliance List Expands By Three," QuickTakes 40,000
December 2003, "BCSP and OSHA Sign Alliance Agreement," Board of Certified Safety Professionals Newsletter Data Not Available
June 8, 2004, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Professional Development Conference, Las Vegas, NV
BCSP representatives participated
September 2004, "CCHEST to Join the OSHA-BCSP Alliance Agreement," CCHEST Newsletter Data Not Available
September 13, 2004, "Certification Council Added to Year-old Alliance with Board of Certified Safety Professionals," OSHA News Release 25 News Services
September 14, 2004, "Certification Council Added to Safety Professional Alliance," OSHAinstitute, Data Not Available
September 15, 2004, "CCHEST Joins Year-old Alliance with OSHA, Board of Certified Safety Professionals," QuickTakes 50,000
September 15, 2004, "CCHEST Joins Alliance to Enhance Safety Professionals' Education," Facility Safety Management Magazine, Data Not Available
September 20, 2004, "CCHEST and OSHA Sign Alliance Agreement," CCHEST News Release Data Not Available
TOTAL 114,000

IV. Upcoming Milestones

During the Alliance’s next year, a number of activities are planned to continue promoting safety and health certification and professionalism, including:
  • BCSP will take part in session aimed at OSHA staff on professional mentoring that will be held at the ASSE’s 2005 Professional Development Conference, June 12 – 15, 2005, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

  • Updating the BCSP and OSHA Voluntary Agreement that recognizes the safety and health professional certification so that it recognizes the Safety Trained Supervisor certification. The agreement states that OSHA Compliance Safety and Health Officers (CSHO) can take into account if an organization's employees are certified safety professionals when doing a general inspection and if, the employees have the CSP designation, a CSHO may choose to do a focused inspection.

  • OSHA and BCSP/CCHEST Alliance web page will link to the BCSP Academic Database Search when it's posted on the BCSP web site in November 2004. The database contains the name of colleges and universities that have safety and health programs and certifications. It will help students identify legitimate programs, understand what certification is, and provide resources on where to go for additional information.

  • BCSP will share job function analyses, including standards and skills needed to perform safety and health related jobs with interested groups as requested. In addition, BCSP will add the information to its web site.
BCSP/CCHEST also will continue to share information regarding the number of Agency employees that have received the CSP designation. The Implementation Team has discussed developing a fact sheets on the value of certification for OSHA's safety and health professionals and safety and health careers and certifications for OSHA's Ed Centers. To help continue promoting certification and the Alliance Program, the Implementation Team has agreed to develop a generic certification presentation with a reference to the Program. The development of a Business Case for Safety and Health Topics page is also under consideration for development in 2005.

Report prepared by: Lisa Ramber, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, October 25, 2004.

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