U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Metadata Contract Specifications For Geospatial Data

This document provides the guidelines for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) employees that contract with any organizations for the preparation of any geospatial databases or map products. Should you have any questions on this information please contact Deb Green (303-274-3574, deb_green@fws.gov) or Barb White (303-275-2310, barb_white@fws.gov)

Geospatial data are data or information that is described by geographic positions and attributes in an analog and/or computer-readable (digital) form. This data may be used to generate maps and is a critical component of creating the map.  Geospatial data includes any of the following: geographic information system (GIS) data, Remote Sensing, Aerial Photography, computer aided drafting (CAD), imagery, global positioning system (GPS) data, etc. in the form of databases (tabular or geospatial) or map products.

The U.S. policy on spatial data is set forth in three Office of Management and Budget Circulars (OMB A-16, OMB A-119, and OMB A-130) and by presidential Executive Order 12906. These documents outline the objectives for:

The following provides some guidelines for contractors for the purpose of providing complete geospatial metadata.  For procurement of geospatial information products and services, the scope statement should contain a general statement similar to the following:

Quote: All deliverables shall comply with applicable international, national and Federal information technology and geographic information standards, particularly those determined by the Federal Geographic Data Committee as supporting the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Failure to comply with the official policy on spatial data as set forth in three Office of Management and Budget Circulars (OMB A-16, OMB A-119, and OMB A-130) and by presidential Executive Order 12906 will not be acceptable and payment for work incurred will not be forth coming until these requirements are met.

Metadata, or information describing the geospatial data, shall be included for all data layers. All metadata will be compliant with the Federal Geographic Data Committee Standard Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata, Version2, FGDC-STD-001-1998. This document can be downloaded from:


Any geospatial databases in the form of data, database(s) and/or information products (reports, etc) produced through this procurement must be documented through the preparation of standard metadata (data about data) descriptions. Proposals shall clearly describe how this will be accomplished.  The metadata must include all applicable fields as illustrated in the attached sample, not just the FGDC mandatory sections.  It should be supplied in XML, HTML and text formats. 


The Recipient/Contractor (A contractor provides goods or services under a contractual agreement and a Recipient receives funding through a Federal assistance document (a grant or cooperative agreement)) shall ensure that the metadata meets these requirements.  Metadata received from the Recipient/Contractor shall be delivered in the same package as the data.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Barb White, Division of Information Resources and Technology Management

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Keywords= biological, metadata, guidance, FGDC, NBII, elements, data, standards, templates, tools