U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service


You are invited to read the definitions of terms used in this data standard.

Project Number
A unique alphanumeric code assigned by a Division of the Service to track funding for an individual project in the Federal Financial System (FFS).
CCCC, where each C represents a letter from A-Z or a number from 0-9. Special characters and punctuation marks are not allowed.

Note the following exceptions: The Division of Engineering is the only Division that can use the letter "E" as the first character in a project number.

Recommended Field Name PROJNUM
The official values to be used for this data element are described in the Reference.

Part 270, FW 6, Data Management and Standards, dated September 30, 2002.

FFS User Guide, Version 5.16d, dated May 1999 

Use Instructions
As of the approval date, this data element will be used in any new automated system, data set, database, or information application, including new Geographic Information System (GIS) data and applications. This data element will also be used in any major modifications to existing systems or versions of these data-related items that use the four-character codes assigned by a Division of the Service to track funding for individual projects in the FFS.

To ensure compliance with the Service Information and Technology Architecture (SITA), Service staff are strongly encouraged to utilize this data element in existing systems, data sets, databases, and information applications. Where existing systems and data-related items are not in compliance, they should be modified to achieve compatibility and implement this data standard.

In order for a project to have a unique code in the FFS, the four-character project number must be used in combination with the five-digit organization code and four-digit subactivity number (e.g., 98692-1262-E026). In addition to the project number, one or more sub-project numbers may be assigned by a Division to specifically identify funding expenditures within a particular project. The Service data standard for Sub-Project Number can be viewed at this site

Approval Date
May 30, 2000
Validation Date
December 29, 2004
Data Steward
Leisa Davis, Financial Analyst, Division of Financial Management

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These pages are maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Information Resources and Technology Management. Please feel free to contact Barb White with any questions and comments.

Keywords=project, sub-project, funding, expenditures, FFS, data, standards, elements
Last Modified