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 You are in: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs: Electronic Information and Publications Office > Photo Gallery > Photos by Regions and Topics > Near East > Iraq  
Bureau of Public Affairs
Electronic Information and Publications
Photo Gallery
Photos by Regions and Topics
Near East


--10/18/07  Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)
--09/25/07  President Bush Meets With Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki
--09/03/07  President Bush Visits and Thanks Troops in Anbar Province
--07/23/07  National Unity Performing and Visual Arts Academy
--06/18/07  Secretary Rice With Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari of Iraq; Washington, DC
--06/11/07  Salah ad Din Provincial Council Approves 2007 Budget for Capital Reconstruction Projects
--04/08/07  Photo: PRT Economic Development Team at the Baiji Oil Refinery
--05/10/07  Photo: Vice President Dick Cheney Meets With Iraqi Lieutenant General Abboud and Military Officers
--05/10/07  Photo: Vice President Dick Cheney Has Breakfast With U.S. Troops at Contingency Operating Base in Iraq
--05/10/07  Photo: Vice President Dick Cheney Participates in a Rally With Troops at Camp Speicher, Iraq
--05/09/07  Photo: Press Availability With Vice President Dick Cheney, Ambassador Ryan Crocker and General David Petraeus
--05/10/07  Photo: Vice President Dick Cheney Meets With Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
--05/08/07  Secretary Rice With Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih of Iraq; Washington, DC
--03/25/07  Photos: Launch of the Independent Radio and Television Network (IRTN) in Iraq
--03/15/07  Photo: President Bush Meets With Vice President Adil Abd Al-Mahdi of Iraq; The White House; Washington, DC
--02/01/07  GO Team Visit to Central Baghdad Elementary School
--02/01/07  Regional Reconstruction Team (RRT) Holds Inauguration Ceremony

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