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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Travels With the Secretary > Secretary Rice: 2007 Travel 

Secretary Rice: Travel to the Middle East and Europe, January 12-19, 2007

 Secretary Rice arrives in Tel Aviv, Jan. 13, 2007. State Dept photo/Matty Stern

Secretary Rice: Travel to the Middle East, Europe
Secretary Rice (Jan. 18): "...Let me just take a couple of minutes to wrap up the trip... First, it was important to spend some time with the regional states concerning the President's plan for Iraq and I had an opportunity to talk to people in more detail about what the thinking was, why the decisions have been taken that have been taken, I think to lay some groundwork for future support of the regional states for Iraq's unity government, and also to talk to them about concerns that they have about the course of events in Iraq.... The other major effort was to talk to the Israelis and the Palestinians. I really didn't come out with a preconceived notion of what might be possible. I did think that it was a good opportunity to come and to listen to people as to how they saw the future."

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Photos from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Luxor, Kuwait City and Berlin.

Secretary Rice traveled to Jerusalem, Ramallah, Luxor,  Egypt; Amman, Jordan; Kuwait City, Kuwait; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; London, United Kingdom; and Berlin, Germany. She  consulted with regional leaders and explore ways to help the parties make progress toward resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, continue discussions on the way forward in Iraq, and advance other issues of regional importance.

Complete List of Secretary Rice's 2007 Travels

Remarks made during the trip
--01/18/07 Roundtable with Traveling Press
--01/18/07 Interview With Stefan Aust, Dr. Gerhard Sporl, Georg Mascolo, and Ralf Beste of Der Spiegel
--01/17/07 Interview With Andrea Mitchell of NBC News
--01/17/07 Press Availability With German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier
--01/16/07 Interview With Al Rai
--01/16/07 Remarks With Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed
--01/16/07 Remarks from Roundtable with Traveling Press
--01/16/07 Remarks With Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Saud al-Faysal
--01/15/07 Remarks With Egyptian Foreign Minister Gheit
--01/14/07 Interview With Israel's Channel 10
--01/14/07 Interview With Al Quds
--01/14/07 Press Availability With Palestinian Authority President Abbas
--01/13/07 Remarks With Israeli Foreign Minister Livni
--01/12/07 Briefing en Route Shannon, Ireland
--01/12/07 Interview With BBC Arabic Television
--01/12/07 Interview on Fox News
--01/12/07 Interview With the New York Times
--01/12/07 Interview With Time Magazine

Information related to the trip
--01/16/07  Gulf Cooperation Council-Plus-Two Ministerial Joint Statement


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